Got Into Trouble

*Trigger warning *

Author's POV :

As the time of performance was approaching Akihiko was becoming more restless, anxious and nervous. He was very, very nervous and wanted to flee from there but it was too late, the play had started and it was his que.

Mike :"Hiko you are on next. Go near the stage"

He took a deep breath and relaxed himself. He went near the stage. He was standing there when the lights turned off. He went on the stage and sat on the wooden bench and placed the flute near his lips.

'Come on! You can do this. You are Tanaka Akihiko. Fighting!' He cheered himself for encouragement.

The lights turned on and he could hear people whispering and gasping but now he didn't care as he had already stepped on the stage he couldn't back down but he didn't knew that they were thinking of him as beautiful. The play went smoothly until the death scenes came. He couldn't hold it and broke into tears as he knew the pain Celles was going through. Everyone thought it was special effects but some were crying along with him, even if they thought it was acting. As for Akihiko he was truly feeling the pain for the emotions Celles felt.

The play ended only cheers could be heard and the curtains fell. Akihiko got offstage before any of the other actors could come to ask him on who he was or anything, he ran to an isolated store room. Where he had placed his clothes. He couldn't possibly let anyone know who played Celles. Only Mike and Lisa knew. He cautiously entered the room but he didn't knew someone was following him. He changed into his previous clothes the white shirt and black jeans. His phone vibrated he picked up the call, it was from Yifeng. He started talking to Yifeng, while walking towards the door to exit the store room.

Akihiko :"Yifeng Where are you!? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Yifeng :"Hiko! I am on my way I had to pick your costume."

Akihiko :"Come fa-- Uhm--"

"Hiko! Hiko!Akihiko?...."

Yifeng' POV :

I was getting anxious as to why wasn't Hiko replying. I didn't cut the call and increased the speed. I could here muffled sounds and struggling sounds like someone was struggling to get away from someone.

Author's POV :

Akihiko was talking to Yifeng when he came out of the room.

Akihiko :"Come fa-- Uhm--"

Someone placed a hand on Akihiko's mouth. He clenched his phone tightly. Not to let the other person know that he was talking to someone. He started dragging Akihiko and Akihiko started to struggle.


"Stop struggling it is of no use."

Akihiko had heard this voice somewhere but he couldn't remember as for Yifeng he was still listening through the phone . He was becoming more worried and started driving at a fast speed.

After few minutes of struggling and Tug of war. They arrived at spacious, dim litted area. There were not many but a few cars parked there. Zhan assumed it to be some parking lot. He heard many moans from the surrounding and the place was reeking of alcohol and dirty smell. Akihiko was getting sick of all the smell and wanted to throw up. He needed to get away from here, only this thought was roaming in his mind. He bit the boy's hand who was holding him, he yelped in pain and let go of Akihiko but before Akihiko could react and run a punch landed on his face.

"You Bitch!.. How daring of you to bite me"

Akihiko fell on the ground and hissed in pain, blood could be seen near his lower lips and his right cheek had swollen , tears filled his eyes but he refused to let his phone go he hid it behind him, his only hope. Akihiko raised his head to see the boy wearing a mask and a hood so he couldn't possibly recognise him.

Yifeng tightened his hold on the steering wheel.

'Hang in there Hiko, I'm coming just hang in there' -Yifeng.

He crouched near Akihiko and carassed his cheek.

Boy: "Look what you made me do I ruined your pretty face Princess Cellestia! "

Akihiko : "I th--think you are mis-mistaken. I--I'm not a girl I'm-- a boy just like you. Please l--let me go"

"Not so soon, why will I bring you here in the first place, if had to let you go"

"If I offended you in some way, we can talk somewhere else, why in the parking lot?"

Akihiko tried to sound strong but fear was evident in his voice.

"Oh no no I have more than to talk to you and this is no ordinary parking lot. Its Arts faculty's parking. You know what happens here. Can you smell something in the air. Do you want to know!?Come let me show you"

Akihiko :"No! I don't wanna know let me go"

Akihiko said and tried to stand up to make a run from there. But that boy caught him threw him on the ground, hovered on him trapping Akihiko between his arms. Both hands sporting his weight which were place on the sides of Akihiko's head. He saw Akihiko hiding something. He tried to reach for it but Akihiko moved his hand away. Now Akihiko was truly terrified and was trembling in fear. Now he knew why Yifeng didn't allow him here.

"What do you have, give it to me!?"

Akihiko :"No, it's nothing. Let me go"

"Give it to me"

Both started struggling. Him trying to snach the phone and Akihiko trying to protect the phone. At last he caught Akihiko's wrist and pulled it upwards. His hold became tighter after seeing that a call was ongoing and a name 'Overprotective stupid' was flashing on the screen. He was holding Akihiko's wrist leaving a mark on his pale skin.

And the time displaying on the phone's screen was 15:37min and was still going on, that means the person on the other line had heard everything. He snatched the phone from Akihiko's hand.

Akihiko :"Yifeng! I'm in my faculty's parking. In D block sectio---Uhm--Uhm..."

His mouth was covered by a hand and he gestured Akihiko to hush by putting his finger on his lips. Akihiko became more terrified.

Yifeng :"Hiko! HIKO ! Aki--"

"I'm sorry but Akihiko isn't available at the moment"

He said looking at Akihiko .

Yifeng :"You BASTARD! Don't you dare touch him. I'm gonna kill you, if even a single scratch is found on him"

"Oh! Shut up! We'll see about that. But first let me enjoy my time with my baby"

He said going more close to Akihiko .

Akihiko : "Uhmmm!"

Yifeng : "Don't touc--"

Yifeng's POV :

The call was cut in the middle. I looked at the phone horrified. I felt so helpless. I had reached the University and I was near the Arts faculty's parking lot. The guards stopped me.

Gaurd : "Sir you can't go any further the entrance to D-Block is closed for construction purposes."

Yifeng : "My brother is in there. Let me pass he is In Trouble. Please! Let me pass."

Gaurd : "Car cannot pass we can go on foot. I'll call the other guards they can help us look for him before it's too late. Let's go"

Yifeng nodded and got off the car. And went with the Gaurd.

Author's POV :

Removing his hand from Akihiko's face, He threw the phone away. The phone broke on the nearby wall.

Akihiko : "NO!!"

"We don't need some 'OVERPROTECTIVE STUPID' between us." He said emphasising the words.

He hovered over Akihiko again, he pinned Akihiko's hands on the floor. Akihiko had started sobbing silently. He had never been in such a situation like this before. Tears were flowing out of his eyes and falling on the parking lot's ground. This vulnerable state of Akihiko turned him on even more. He started carressing Akihiko's face and with every touch the sobs became more louder.

"Oh no no don't cry. You are making it hard for me."

Akihiko closed his eyes tightly. A few moments later he felt hands near his shirts collor. He was pulled upwards but he refused to open his eyes. He heard a sigh and his collar was released. He felt hands on his shirt, his shirt was harshly pulled by the person hovering over him and it was torn off because of the force. He not only opened his eyes but his eyes widened too in shock of his too much exposure.

Akihiko :" Yi--Yi--Yi--"his words were stuck in his throat.

He lowered his head and came near Akihiko's neck and licked it. Akihiko was too shocked to react. Many people were touchy with him but he had never experienced something like this before. He felt, felt pure disgust. He wanted to run and hide somewhere, somewhere no one could find him. But the next move made him even more disgusted. He bit Akihiko's neck. He left a mark on Akihiko's neck and travelled towards his lips but before he could do anything more. He was kicked off of Akihiko . Akihiko still wasnt reacting. He laid there unmoving, staring at the ceiling like it was the most important thing to see at the moment.

Yifeng was the one who kicked the guy. He ran towards him picked him by his collar but before he could beat him any further, he punched Yifeng and ran away. Yifeng wasn't prepared for the attack and stumbled. The guards came at the moment.

Yifeng : "After him!" He said pointing towards the direction where the guy had ran.

Yifeng stood up and was going to make a run after the guy but then he noticed the unmoving Akihiko. His shirt torned but still on his body. He ran towards Akihiko. He crouched near Akihiko with shaky hands he shook Akihiko slightly. A few moments passed by. Akihiko moved his eyes from the ceiling to Yifeng. Seeing Yifeng he broke down. He got his senses back. He placed his arms over his eyes he was trembling due to the uncontrollable sobs and tears could be seen from the side.

"Hik--Hiko! I'm sorry. I was late. It's all my fau--"

Before he could finish he felt arms around his neck and a trembling body embracing him. His shirt was getting wet because of Akihiko's tears but he didn't mind. He hugged Akihiko tightly as if loosening the grip will result in the disappearance of the crying boy in his embrace. He was crying too. He felt guilty for not being able to peotect his brother. Akihiko shook his head on Yifeng's chest.Yifeng heard Akihiko faint voice.

Akihiko : "N--No! It's *sniff* not..... not your *sniff* fault. You came. You came *sniff*. I thought--I thought--"

Akihiko couldn't continue anymore. He started crying out loud more like wailing. Yifeng rubbed his back. And patted his head. Running his hand through Akihiko's hair to comfort him. He felt Akihiko calming down. He heard footsteps coming to his direction more like running. He saw Mike. He knew who Mike was. Akihiko had introduced him before. He took off his jacket and made Akihiko wear it. He didn't wanted anyone else to see his brother in this condition. He covered Akihiko properly and hid the mark on his neck.

Mike : "Hiko! Are you OK!?"

Akihiko hid in Yifeng's embrace and tightly held him. Mike took a few steps back seeing Akihiko's reaction.

Yifeng : "He's a bit scared right now. We should go inside for now."

Mike : "OK"

Yifeng : "Hiko! Let's go inside"

Akihiko : "Don't go anywhere. Don't leave me alone."

Yifeng : "I won't"

Yifeng's heart broke seeing his mischievous and always cheerful brother in such a condition.He helped Akihiko to stand up.

Yifeng : "Hiko! Can you walk?"

Akihiko nodded his head but the moment Yifeng let his hand go he couldn't keep his balance. Yifeng held him. Akihiko looked at Yifeng with teary eyes.

Yifeng : "It's alright. Let me carry you."

Yifeng gestured Mike to hold Akihiko . Akihiko didn't protested, only flinched a bit on Mike's touch.Yifeng kneeled to give Akihiko Piggyback ride. Akihiko didn't hesitate and got on Yifeng's back. He was still crying but was much more calm.