Post-Experimental Trouble

(Seymour's POV):

Apparently, Robin had given me the angel feather that he was containing within his skyland. I was pretty surprised when he brought up the topic that it was a material but was for some reason a not so useful item.

The only hints I have is that it could be a material for something big like angel wings or it could be a quest or a trading item for certain NPCs. Without worrying much, I brought the glass container that holds the angel feather with me towards the castle.

"Oh, Seymour! What do you have there?" - Julius

"Perfect timing Julius! Come with me, I'll explain on the way."

We entered the castle keep and talked about various things.

"Robin gave me this item which is an angel's feather. It was said to be a material so I'm currently investigating this."

"Material he said? Where did he get it?" - Julius

"He said something about getting it from his group of scouts or something."

"Group of scouts huh? Seems like he's doing well there." - Julius

"Well yeah, he can pretty much get every bit of information within his area now. What about you Julius? Got a place to settle in?"

"Ah, well... I'm still deciding on where I should go." - Julius

"Aight, I have this investigation mission for you then."

"Investigate?" - Julius

Julius tilts his head out of confusion so I clarified what he has to do.

"Have you ever heard of the Independent Marionettes?"

"Oh? You mean that kind of collector faction in the southwest biome? What for?" - Julius

"They were aiming for this feather it seems. In theory, they must have some knowledge about what to do with this feather."

"Interesting, do you think the mystic biome has some good sights?" - Julius

"Yeah, I think so. It's a biome that has a very thick atmosphere filled with mana so you definitely won't run out there."

"I see, so I have to look around for information about their intent with the angel feather correct?" - Julius

���Neat, you catch on very quickly after all."

Julius waved at me before running off to a separate hall. I moved towards one of the stairs on the way underground to begin an experiment.

Alright, how should I do this... I know for the fact that angel feathers are extremely rare items to the point that it's doubtful to be useless.

There are various kinds of rare items that are dropped at a stupid rate like one percent. It's the bane of our existence whenever we try to collect a certain item in the game and it just doesn't drop even after killing the monster that drops it about a hundred times.

In some cases, Robin got the binoculars from the Eye of Cthulhu. That item is around a three percent drop but somehow, he managed to get it first try. It's not really a problem for the others monopolizing the drops of the bosses because everyone gets a treasure bag regardless of their numbers.

Now that I have this angel feather, I might as well bring in as much info as I could.

"Deep Analysis."

I focused a huge amount of mana towards the angel feather and it started emitting some bright light. New information panels appear to provide description and what to do about the angel feather. I then officially stopped pouring in mana and started to read some of the information.

"Trading item... For angel gear, magic, and vanity... I'd say we already have enough troubles."

So apparently, it allows us to trade with various mid-game gear. There doesn't seem to have any trades that involve angelic items yet but I'll have to keep it for now.

"Lore... Ah! Here it is."

I finally found the panel that contains purple text. In this game, it contains the lore of the items which could lead to wonderful information to this world.

"The feathers of angels are objects fallen from the graceful bodies of pure beings. It is a god's gift to humanity that will assist them to become a pure-hearted person and rid down all evil. It cleanses them of their body effects and will allow the person to evolve into a pure-blooded angel... Angel type you say?"

From what I remember, angels are countered by impure beings such as humans and demons. However, they also counter these beings and deal a severe amount of damage from what the lore said. I can't exactly get myself turned into an angel because I am no longer human, it's because my type is a Voidrift. The only candidates here would be Denzel and Robin.

Robin already has the Legendary Hero class so he doesn't particularly need this angel feather.

Then that leaves Denzel, the only issue is that he needs a permanent debuff which isn't really possible to be done by us.

Permanent debuffs are things that will stay inside the body for good. The only way to get rid of it would be using this feather as it was said in the lore. In Robin's case, his class as a Legendary Hero has a passive that will cleanse all debuffs even if they're permanent.

"Well then, what else do we got for information here?"

I checked around if there are more panels but I no longer found any extra detail to its use.

"Well, that's unfortunate... I could've actually gotten more out of that. I should go contact Robin about it."

I opened a panel by swiping my hand downwards and sending Robin a message.

"Yo, heading there again for discussion."

I then start preparing myself and stored the angel feather in a very safe place, in a contained fashion.

After heading out towards the southeastern part of the castle, I saw three angels flying about and seems to be preparing a large-scale light magic. Shit... Did they sense it even when underground?

From reading the lore earlier, I found something that angels will seriously avenge their dead comrades for some reason. I didn't think that they would really sense who is holding an angel feather.

For sure, if we're going to evolve Denzel then we would have to do it aboveground. We'll get flocked around by hundreds of these but it will be fine.

"Area lock, Void Drain!"

Without wasting time, I immediately drained off the mana from the three angels in which I discarded quickly.

"Radiant! Criminy!"

The mana of angels are radiant that it's harmful to absorb a small portion of it. It can be useful as a desperate measure but I'm just gonna clear these off.

The three angels spread out and brought their weapons out. One took out a bow made of light itself and readied multiple arrows of light. Two angels took out a pair of brightly shining swords that could blind a normal person without effort.

The fact that those swords can shine without the usage of mana means that they're clearly one man armies if I didn't drain them down.

The two angels then flocked over me as I brought out my halberd. I swung it smoothly to block the attacks and kept my distance advantage with the halberd but my advantage dwindled down in seconds due to the third one firing ten arrows straight to the sky. When I looked up after parrying, I saw fifty arrows going downwards.

"Oh hell no, Dreadful Flight!"

Four layers of dragon wings emerged from my back without damaging my clothing. Wings in this game are ethereal parts but it still connects to your body so it will damage you very hard if it gets hit. My 'Dreadful Flight' skill creates powerful dragon wings. It has great flying speed and I can use it to shield attacks in all directions.

After shielding all the arrows, I spread out my wings which emitted strong wind pressure. Knocking the angels back for a bit.

I then hid my halberd into the inventory and simply prepared a huge amount of magic.

"Abyssal Void."

This skill enhances all my physical abilities specially my speed. I went towards the angel holding a bow since it's the most troublesome one of the three.

The angel tried to do a quickdraw but was interrupted by a sniper bullet. Using that opportunity, I struck the angel in the chin with an enhanced fist before taking out a dagger and struck it in the throat as a follow-up.

"One down..."

The two angels were giving chase so I flapped my wings strongly to knock them back before aiming for the next one.

I tried to repeat the same procedure but the dagger was apparently blocked with the sword, preventing me to finish the annoying angel off.

The other one appeared right in front of me and tried to do a switching mechanism in fighting bosses. Tch, they're also intelligent beings...

The irritation was intense that I clicked my tongue on instinct. I flew back a few meters before charging at both angels again to knock them back with the speed.

"You two are annoying!"

I increased the speed to an abnormal level that both angels aren't able to react on time. I grabbed both angels on their necks and flew close to the ground, making them feel the ground and damaging their wings heavily. I did this because a book about angels in this game tells me that their wings are very sensitive. Thus, this should damage them very hard.

After letting go of their necks, I flew up high and landed on one angel that couldn't move due to severely damaged wings. This effectively killed the angel while writhing in agony from a large impact.

"Two down..."

The last angel is seemingly not moving so I assumed it was dead. I came near to check just in case and stabbed it in the throat. After that, all three angels dispersed into particles altogether and left some loot around.

"It did say that angels used to annihilate castles in groups but am I too strong?"

When I saw the looted items, I gained three angel feathers and a new weird item.

"A broken halo?"

In all honesty, I'll experiment this later down the line... I'm exhausted.