Prologue: The Familiar Isekai Trope

The world has advanced its technology to the point where it is finally possible to achieve diving into a different world. There is a group that's currently inside a room with a long table. The number of people reached fifteen along with five empty seats. They are currently in a discussion about the full dive virtual technology, except... It wasn't that serious.

"So what you're saying... Is that we are going to try this game out after this altogether."

A guy with white hair and cerulean eyes glowing in the dark meeting room questions the aftermath of the meeting.

"Yep, I'm wondering why you would think of it like that, Denzel."

A person sitting at the end of one table questioned Denzel's slackening thoughts. He has short black hair and has an appearance of a strong person no matter how you look at it.

"Well, it kinda feels like an Isekai trope except that we can come back anytime. It's an experience to die for." - Denzel

"Maybe you'll just get yourself entertained by various girls and build a harem."

A person who had red hair and evil-looking crimson eyes called Denzel our for a heavy joke aimed at him.

"Michael?! Didn't I tell you that it's not like that?!" - Denzel

The red haired man which Denzel referred to as Michael, laughed as he messes around with Denzel who is simply doing whatever he wants.

"Alright, hush now you two... Seymour, what do you think of the technology?"

A blonde guy hushed the two down who were just playing around with their flair and debates about the fantasy world. He asked the strongly built man about his opinion.

"I'd say that we shall begin this ASAP Robin. I have prepared the room where we can immediately join that world. Don't even worry, I had the equipment sanitized just in case." - Seymour

"I knew it. I'm no longer surprised but, can we at least have a meal before entering?" - Denzel

"You know what? Fine." - Seymour

Seymour rung the bell that's found inside the cabinet in the table.

A person opened the door bringing a large pushcart with multiple served meals. Each and everyone of them enjoyed their meal with some wine or cold drinks included.

"Now everyone, follow the procedures to make sure you are going to some other server instead." - Seymour

Seymour, along with some of his aides assisted each member to set up the equipment so that they can all go in altogether. After taking a few minutes to check everything, he went to his secretary for some questioning.

"Everything is set here... Are you gonna join?" - Seymour

"No, I think I'll pass this time. I'll check everyone's status for the time being." - Secretary

"Alright, be sure to keep everything in check." - Seymour

Seymour entered a slot and equipped the necessary gear for preparation.

"Alright everyone, follow after me!" - Seymour

The attention of other people was taken by the intercom Seymour installed within each room. They were somewhat claustrophobic but they didn't pay attention to that.

"Server linking." - Seymour

Everyone else followed after Seymour's words.

"Survivor's Path." - Seymour

Light starts to cover their eyes while they wait for Seymour to finish up the process.

"Program Start!" - Seymour

After everyone followed, light shined within the boxes and changed their location.

They have entered Survivor's Path.

The group was placed altogether in a single town. They noticed the NPCs and players wearing various clothing.

"First things first..." - Seymour

Seymour immediately opened his character profile by swiping his right hand downwards. He checked each tab and moved to the settings.

"No logout?" - Seymour

Seymour noticed the oddity of the situation and immediately asked Michael, Robin, and Denzel about it.

"For real? No logout button?" - Robin

"Crap..." - Michael

"Oi oi... This is the exact isekai trope from that one series!" - Denzel

The four of them immediately knew what was up, and called in the rest of the group for a meeting.

Each one of the members were somewhat shocked and had feelings of fear but they were immediately reassured by both Robin and Denzel.

Seymour was looking around the world and noticed a large rectangular shaped object which opened a video from the real world.

"Greetings to all players who are now in the main server... I am here to announce my gratitude for becoming my subjects to be tested. First things first, you are currently confined in a virtual space. This is a brand new world with only this town in the central area prepared for you. You are allowed to build, explore, and enjoy this world to your heart's content. However, you have to progress into the story of a certain known game. Don't worry about death... If you die, you start over in a different server with better starting gear. I leave you a gift, to help you progress. That's all..."

The rectangular monitor disappeared and returned the shape into a normal sky. We started hearing chatter all around which Seymour urged them to follow him to a better place.

"Alright you guys... With this... Let's get to work now." - Seymour