Will to Survive

(William's POV):

After running around for a bit, I encountered my side of the enemies. I kept my other weapons in ready just in case I might get hit with something unexpected. So I had my composite sword on ready while having my crossbow loaded on the off hand. My other weapons are in quick storage so I can switch easily.

Denzel taught me and the rest of the camp about some things we could use against enemies and what they can do to us. For example...

The enemies in front of me are a bit more of an offensive squadron. Five enemies are using swords, and two are using crossbows that have their arrows imbued with some potion effect.

If the enemy has a potion effect in their weapon, avoid it at all costs. If I took a hit, improvise the strategy immediately. Since the guys with potion enhanced weapons are ranged, they're a lot easier to avoid. So I might have to target those first.

I charged in and set up their way to lose.

"Astronomic Realm!"

Targeting the two marksmen, I switched the world of me and my targets into space. Where they will slowly die of suffocation and have an arena that's favorable for quick marksmen and assassins.

"To be fair, I'll use ranged weapons too."

I switched the weapons in my hands so I can fully use the crossbow. I then immediately drew the string back to load something that Denzel would never expect.

"I wanted to use this to my trainer in our next mock battle but."

A firework rocket. Heh! Not just any firework rocket, but this one has firework stars compressed and concentrated to a small piece of paper.

Multiple arrows were shot from the enemy side to stop me but I jumped up to a higher piece of moon rock in the dimension. I aimed my crossbow at them mid air and fired my rocket to their location. The two jumped to separate locations and took some cover from me.

The rocket finally landed and it exploded in a large area without damaging the small landmass platform. Its colors were navy blue and purple, which are dark colors for light that can cause a momentary stun in your eyes and ears.

I loaded another rocket and fired it to one side that the enemy ran to without hesitating.

It landed directly to the cover which caused lots of sparks to spread within the radius.

However, that blew my cover for a short time, allowing the other enemy to fire at me with that small opening.

Looking at the fired arrow, it's glowing quite a bit. So I should avoid this not by dodging...

But by sending them to a different location.

I created a portal on the position where the arrow is exactly headed and opened the exit to where the person I blinded with the rocket for friendly fire. In which it did land on my target.

I climbed up the wall I'm hiding behind and jumped off with a front flip. In the meantime, I loaded another rocket before the first flip finishes, but I converted it into a second flip before preparing to land right in front of the damaged enemy.

It seems like the arrow gives away the location of the target, which allowed me to head straight for one of them with a complete risk. A quarter through the second flip I fired my rocket to the other enemy before he could shoot an arrow to stop him. I loaded another one and aimed towards the blinded enemy.

Midway through the second front flip, I shot my rocket to the blinded enemy and blasted him off the game.

One more enemy left.

Judging by the area, he's concealing himself from my position. Best way to do so in an arena like this but pretty sure he forgot what I can do. I loaded a rocket and shot it to my side, I then summoned multiple portals all over the place which makes the rocket go around the arena. After a few seconds of flying, the rocket blew up and scattered a lot of particles. And with that, I start to see a silhouette in the nearby debris.

I dispersed all portals and brought out a grappling hook. I threw it up high to latch onto the high ground and reeled myself in.

While reeling myself in, I maneuvered to the side to make a intensive attempt to eliminate the last marksman in one go. That allowed me to loosen up the grappling hook and raise my legs so I can kick off the landform on top.

I kicked off from the boulder and loaded the last rocket I have brought with me. I shot straight ahead where the enemy is and landed gracefully, with me emerging from a particle blast.

Now, the five enemies outside are a bit more troublesome. I reset my weaponry and brought out three chakrams.

These chakrams are specifically made to shred through anything, it can destroy armor, and can shred flesh. The only problem with these is whether enemies use hide as their armor. In this case it doesn't happen.

The astronomic dome starts to clear off from the center in the sky.

The barrier disperses in the next few seconds but I threw the three chakrams in three directions.

A good way to deal with these chakrams is to deflect them. Since these can pretty much shred armor and ricochet to a different direction, Deflecting them is the best bet.

The five swordsmen were already startled by my first attack. One person managed to deflect a chakram while the other two had shredded the helmet, and the left arm a person's body.

With the other two about to swing their swords, I blocked the one in the right with my composite sword and deflected the other one by simply pushing the flat part to a different direction. I then moved my left leg to trip the other guy.

After he tripped, I extended the range of the composite sword and flayed it downwards to strike the vulnerable target. That in which made a hole in his armor and his back, causing him to die instantly.

The person that was attacking me was knocked back by the sudden extension of the blade, which was simply strongly connected by metallic and bendable string. Denzel refused to tell me where he got such material.

I retracted the blade and thought a bit to myself that, this thing works like a whip but as a sword. This was called composite sword in some game but in reality, it's a whip sword. I may have to give these weapons a proper name. Specially the chakrams, when they have a bit of a cross shape in their inner circles.

The four remaining men charged at me filled with killing intent, I may have the perfect weapon combination for this so.

I took out some metal staff with a flat surface of two gems mixed together, amethyst, and emerald. I added a bit of magic and started some acrobatics. Attempting a pole stand while applying magic to the staff.

The gems made a strong pulse on the ground which made the four charging men in different directions fail their footing and get knocked up in the air. At that point, I landed on the ground and extended the whip sword once again.

"Astroterra skill: Stardust Storm!"

A powerful storm erupted from my spot and kept the enemies mid air. The storm whirled for about five seconds before disappearing. I then jumped and flung the whip sword around and twirled five times, hitting all the enemies around me. They were knocked back and I finished one off by lashing my whip sword on him. I returned my staff to magic storage as I then recollected my three returning chakrams and threw them to the remaining enemies around me. Their armor was unable to hold back an armor-shredding chakram.

"Phew! Finally! Some Re-!"

One person suddenly closes to my position, denying my chance to rest.

I blocked his attack by contracting the whip sword. It was a quick attack with no presence, so my instinct was the only answer. I hid the three chakrams into the box since this is not the ideal enemy to use this on. I instead brought out five daggers and dashed backwards. The enemy also did the same but he was holding a simple metal rod.

"Wait, impossible!"

When I had the second chance to look at the enemy, it has a glitching body. So I'm fighting a clone.

"Where's your real body?!"

The glitching clone didn't respond and started running towards me with multiple quick dashes. I threw the daggers one by one but he deflected each of them without stopping in its track.

However, each dagger landed in some spots stabbing into the ground. I might be able to make some use with these.

I took out one of my stronger weapons that took a form of some laser gun. Yes, it's simply a Meteor Blaster that was made by meteorite. However, the speed of lasers must not be underestimated.

The clone arrived and swung its sword from my right, upwards. I lowered the whip sword but the trajectory of the metal rod was moved to the opposite direction instantly. Without a chance to react I was hit on my collarbone near my left shoulder. The strike had so much power and speed, with that result, I was launched towards a boulder to my right and crashed into it.

I dropped my Meteor Blaster mid-flight which caused me to think if I may be screwed.

"Not yet."

The clone starts dashing once again in a zigzag manner this time. I just stood up but he was already nearing my position as he readied to strike me. I took out the Ground Shrinker Staff and let it stand upside down to shake the ground.

It did waver the clone for a second but it wasn't enough. This time, the attack was from directly below. I tried to predict the redirection by blocking from above. But it didn't stop from attacking from below. Thus, I was hit in the inner thigh painfully.

I was launched up to the air unable to fight back. The clone dashed back and prepared to dash forward.

While falling down, I looked at the clone as it jumps up preparing to smash me downwards.

"I guess this is it for this world."

One thought crossed my mind.


And it is to stand alongside everyone.

My last resort to escape death is to travel at a fast speed, and Astromancers can go faster than light so...

"Pinnacle Skill: Wormhole."

I had no other choice but to escape towards Denzel's crystal palace.