Struggle for Superiority Beginning

(Denzel's POV):

Clearing off groups of enemies, it took me some time to finally face Chrominus.

"Aren't you exhausted there? I'll let you have a rest for a bit." - Chrominus

He's cocky, but I'll take up on that offer.

I wiped off some sweat on my body and drank a potion of revitalization. Checking all my stats, I'm good.


I set my weapons into a pair of short swords and prepped myself.

"Concentrate! And reform!"

Twelve swords that looked like different colored beam swords start rotating around behind me. Of course, maybe provocation may be needed here.

"You sure about giving me a break? You'll die you know?"

His eyebrow twitched, it apparently worked.

"Is that how you respond to someone stronger?" - Chrominus

"Of course, cause I'll come out on top!"

I dashed at a high speed and swung both swords on his head, and his torso immediately. Without giving him room, I sent three phantasmal blades to his back and attack him from behind. A single metal baton blocked both of my swords, it considerably lengthened since the last fight between the two of us. The three phantasmal blades behind him slashed in three ways, one downwards to his shoulder, one to his legs, and the other was upwards from his legs.

"Chih!" - Chrominus

Clicking his tongue, he blinked to the sky which is also another part. I sent the other nine phantasmal blades attacking him in different directions. I twirled backwards while guiding the other three blades to strike Chrominus without a chance to escape easily. Each sword has a sweeping motion that would be difficult to manipulate for a starter blade dancer. You think I didn't learn from past fights?

"Thorny Crown!"

Each blade collided within each other with considerable force, but it ended up hitting nothing. I called back all twelve blades to circle behind me like a halo. Looking straight, Chrominus is in front of me holding his baton while hanging it on his shoulder. He blinked twice, instantly closing the position then swung the baton downwards.

I tried to block but he teleported his baton to an entirely new direction. Which made me block it with the other sword but he simply repeated the action. No choice but to go offense huh.

He swung his baton to my side and struck me in the body just below the ribs. I lowered the impact by increasing his danger level by sweeping both swords into him. He teleported away, but I managed to lessen the damage he could've dealt. Damn, he's even much more of a cunt than last time.

"It seems you can still stand over there." - Chrominus

I got it now, since he's gonna strike me with a high power physical attack then I'll settle with summoning a small patch of ultra-hardened ice to parry it without taking damage. It may cost me my mana but it's definitely worth it.


Both of the short swords turned into gauntlets. If I need a sword, I'll grab one from the ones floating behind me.

Chrominus closed the gap instantly once again. I lowered my right arm to prepare a strike towards his chin after grabbing the baton which he swung to my left. But my punch ended up in vain.

"Glitchy Process!" - Chrominus

His entire head glitched around as my hand simply passed through it.

I threw another punch, but his head left the body while somehow functions like nothing bad has happened. When I checked, it blinked to his right shoulder. I pulled back my arm and tried punching him in the face again. Which also ended in vain as his head moved to his left shoulder this time. His glitching smirk pisses me off.

I punched the air for the third time as he glitched back his head to its original position, but I launched a kick to his abdomen in addition. While still holding the baton and sustaining the kick I sent to him, he summoned another glitching baton on his left hand which is an unexpected move. But unexpected moves should be replied with unexpected responses.

I pulled the baton that was firmly held on my palm to my right to pull him in. Surprised by the sudden pull, I successfully socked him in the face with of course...

"Earth Enhance!"

With a shock that began directly at his face, he lost his grip on the baton and got knocked back significantly. But he recovered immediately by teleporting on the same spot before landing, causing him to regain balance in less than a millisecond.

Since he's definitely pissed with the sucker-punch, Chrominus dashed in instantly towards me blinking in a straight manner. I sent three phantasmal blades towards him while disallowing any dodging chances, but he simply blinked past the light blades as he continues to dash forward. He looked unarmed so I tried striking him with his baton like how to strike an incoming ball for a homerun. But Chrominus effortlessly grabs the baton with his right hand without taking damage.

Oh right, these kinds of enemies are immune to their own weapons.

Thinking that, he pulled it immediately while being extremely angered. I grab hold of one phantasmal blades that's floating and slashed at him downwards.

"Glitchy Process!" - Chrominus

He glitched his entire torso a little bit back along with his right leg. The pieces returned soon after as I struck nothing but air. He kicked back as I was about to slash at him backwards from how I slashed earlier.

"Aren't you pissed over there? Regret letting me catch a break yet?"

And now he's really angry.

"You bastard! Managed to touch me who was untouchable from our group?! You'll pay with death!" - Chrominus

Yeah right, try talking about death with your nose caving in a little bit and tilted. No way I will say that though.

"I hereby summon! An aritificial-!" - Chrominus

Chrominus starts reciting some long chant to summon some powerful enemy.

I can't have him add more problems to my cause.

"Transweapon Tech! Flesh Blaster!"

Using the schematics Michael gave me some time ago, the gauntlet in my left turned into an embedded rifle that uses silver sniper bullets. I aimed at his head to blast it to pieces to prevent him from continuing the summon. But before I managed to pull the trigger, a glitching clone showed up from my left striking my embedded rifle downwards, making me completely miss the mark. I dashed backwards as the clone tried to make a follow-up attack towards me. I took some distance and tried aiming my flesh blaster again.

The clone teleported to my left side and swung its baton to my back. I lowered myself immediately to dodge the strike again. Against these guys, they will teleport their batons everywhere, so dodging them even by hair's breadth.

"Faster!" Chrominus

He's speedin up eh? Looks like he finished his chant for a clone.

Currently in front of me are two clones that are dashing to my location along with Chrominus side by side.

This is bad...

"Compress and surround!"

I moved the axis of the phantasmal blades to prevent any of them from entering melee range in the ground. Chrominus managed to teleport behind me and swung down his metallic baton.

"Blood Scythe Right!"

In quick wits, I replaced my right gauntlet with a scythe that reaches a meter in handle. It's not a powerful weapon but it's great for panic situations. One clone seems to start attacking me from the sky.

"Chain Ball Left!"

Changing the flesh blaster into a flail was a bad idea, in fact, a major mistake.

But not yet!

I swung the chained ball towards the approaching clone in the sky. I then stepped to the left while pushing off Chrominus who was behind me using the scythe.

Another clone was dashing towards me and transitioned to sliding. I managed to block the glitching baton from the clone in the air while locking it. I pulled it towards my right and stabbed it through using the scythe.

It may have a shorter handle and blade but it's as sharp as Michael's Chuuni Scythe.

The core residing in the clone was utterly destroyed.

"Flesh Blaster!"

I changed the chain ball to my flesh blaster again as it is stuck there. The other clone managed to swipe on my feet, causing me to lose balance easily. Chrominus took it as a chance and jumped up to the air with a dagger in his left hand.

I aimed at him with my flesh blaster and turned my scythe into a gauntlet once again.

"Ender Cannon!"

A sub-transformation for my gauntlet, allowing it to launch an enderpearl for my quick escape. It then reverted back to a normal gauntlet to prevent hindrances in battle.

Just as the enderpearl was about to land some meters away from the clone that's about to explode.

"It's high noon!"

I fired a sharp bullet towards Chrominus.

I took recoil damage from the enderpearl, causing me to writhe around for at least a second before I managed to take out a potion that refreshes energy.

I have to be careful with my usage. After this, I only have two of these left.

It seems Chrominus' left shoulder was gouged out. The clone detonated as he landed on the ground. Now this is where it gets extremely difficult.

Chrominus and the clone are empowered due to Chronoexplosions.

All of their stats will increase by a solid fifty percent. Which means now is the time for "That".