
(Denzel's POV):

"Huh, so Malech and William are using the dojo huh?"

I saw Malech and William who are exhausted and sweating from training.

"Oh hey Denz, just unarmed sparring for a bit. Since you borrowed Malech's weapon, we tried out fighting using unarmed techniques only." - William

"Yeah, though not as great as yours, we don't intend to be taken out if we're disarmed." - Malech

"Really now? Well I guess it's perfect timing, I'm gonna use the dojo for a bit..."

"Right, you're testing my weapon?" - Malech

"Yep, I'll have you try it once I confirmed the ability."

Malech and William sat down on a nearby bench and I coiled the chain around me twice and formed a stance. I increased my concentration and poured in some mana into the scythe.

"Time Illusion!"

As I twirled multiple times to make a forward strike. The scythe blurred and formed multiple scythes around the area.

"Whoaaa~ Awesome effects!"- Malech

Malech, who seemed to be fascinated by the six extra scythes that appeared like an illusion was watching with sparkling eyes.

I dispelled the illusion and pulled back the chains to me. I can't do this skillfully since I have practically no practice with the sickle and chain weapons. I uncoiled myself and noticed that Malech has closed his position instantly beyond the speed of light. I get that you're excited but don't strain yourself.

I handed the weapon to him who was excited beyond belief and sat on the bench with William.

"Well, that's some good upgrade for him." - William

"You jealous?"

"Kinda, but his class is a time related class so I'll let it slide for now." - William

"I could make a main weapon for you if it came from an ore that is related to the astrorift."

William smiled lightly and looked at Malech making expert movements with the chain scythe. Wai! I don't even know that move!

I looked at Malech who made a side flip while flinging the chain towards his front. He then made multiple successive double fold strikes with the hook and a kick.

"Time illusion!" - Malech

Malech finally uses the skill and completes a succession of three waves of scythes in a cyclone formation. This guy! How does he do this!

While being shocked to Malech's skills with the chain scythe, I turned my gaze to William while sweating a bit.

"Dude, I have a bad feeling about his excitement. So I'll leave this guy to you."

"Wai-! What do you mean by that?!?!" - William

I abandoned William who was complaining without looking back. Be strong William! I have more preparations to make!

After going up the stairs to the ground floor, I moved towards the kitchen where Ashley is and checked up on her.


"Ah, hey Denz, help me out in a bit here." - Ashley

Ashley who was cooking is making some food and refreshments that could last five days. I went to the cabinet beside her and took out some more meat.

"Sorry if I had to ask you." - Ashley

"No problem, I'll contact Bella later and ask for them to help out making more portions since there are possibly more people in need of help. Besides, you need to prepare some potions since it's the key part of your sustain."

"Not mine, but the party's sustain." - Ashley

Ah right. Though I think I want her to focus on both resonance and dissonance effects since they're pretty much enough.

I took out some salt and some garnish to make a meat dish for the share of twenty people.

"Ashley, since the area is a desert I think cold refreshments are better."

"I'm way ahead of you, how many portions do you need?" - Ashley

"Go with thirty, my magic storage should have more than enough space with the entire food supply."

"Alright!" - Ashley

After finishing the meat dish I made, I had Ashley try it out. She showed an exquisite expression from taking in the taste of good meat. After seeing her reaction, I tried it myself. Delish~! It's been a while since I last stood at the kitchen! I should leave some for Rika, and the new residents!

While humming, I took out another set and made another twenty portions the same way. I took nine into the magic storage and the rest into the tool I used to store food for the residents. I then summoned Bella and May to help out Ashley for making the refreshing drinks. How is it that I can cook but can't brew. How unfair.

There was a time where I brewed up some refreshments and let everyone try it. Even though I liked the taste, they immediately complained about the amount of sugar I put in and the coldness of the drink. Though I was only trying to make some cola.

I separated from them and went towards the public storage room in the eighth floor and took out a few pieces of platinum ingots and diamonds. I then moved to the sky floor and set up making a diamond staff that is initially used for easy bursting. I didn't have any difficulties in making it using only magic but I have no idea what I could use this for. That is until I plan to have Thrish use this staff. I looked at the sky and saw the sun beginning to set in the horizon. I heard the door open and saw Rika entering the room after I turned my gaze towards it.

"Yo, done explaining to the others?"

"Yeah, let's sleep." - Rika

"It's a little early for me, you can go ahead."

"Alright." - Rika

Rika lays herself down to the bed and closes her eyes. I locked my eyes towards her sleeping face as many thoughts cross into my mind.

I wonder how it will go if I met her in real life instead. Meeting in the game isn't really a bad thing since the bodies will follow your actual appearance. I think that it's still great that I met someone like her.

I suddenly remembered about the life I had to get through.

Around a decade ago...

I was alone, I didn't have anyone else on my side except for darkness and the shadows. The room was dirty and damaged where the objects are spread around everywhere.

I looked out from the window and saw a small array of stars... I was only ten but, my parents are already gone. Right outside the window is another house with a window facing me, the person out there watching me is fuzzy... A fuzzy memory which I can't practically remember.

My place used to be a beautiful semi-modern house that there isn't particularly anything to worry about... The money was fine but it's slowly dwindling down. I stayed in my home as I slowly decayed my heart and mind into insanity.

My relatives never accepted me, my parents betrayed me, my family... Everyone left me here all alone... I didn't have anyone else to be with for my entire life, so I slowly rot down in this world silently. Every night I get a lucid nightmare, everyday I slowly turn darker... In the end, I would only die.

From time to time I would grab a sharp knife and try to extract out a huge amount of pain to myself. Blacking out from severe pain and complete disdain over myself. I often have problems with my survival and just bleed here all alone in bed.

Even though I wished for death it somehow didn't happen. I lost so much blood but how am I still alive? There is no way I could've lived such endless pain and loss...

Those words kept resonating until I lose consciousness.

Everyday, I move around the house slowly... Cooking my own food, and even taking out some drinks... I started living independently, even though my money was limited.

From time to time a group of friends showed up to my place, ringing the doorbell. The people that always show up were Bella, May, Ashley, and Lilith... They were worried about me no longer showing up for school after the death of my parents. The house kept getting cleaned and reorganized but I never let them in the master bedroom.

"Why won't you let us clean that room?" - Bella

"Ah, don't worry... It's just dust so I'll be able to clean it myself. Besides, I want them to rest in their room without any disturbance."

"I-I see..." - Bella

I never let them touch the room where my parents are peacefully sleeping... They always had lunch before coming here to avoid any unnecessary expenses to my life. They're quite kind but... I don't think I can survive any longer than an extra year...

Lilith always looks at me with sympathy and doesn't show any disturbance or doubt. She knew what happened in this household after all...

After the three left, Lilith stayed with me in the house. She always knows what to say...

"C-can we go c-clean it now?" - Lilith

Her voice was shaking... She felt terror and fear from what I hold secret, but she still stayed by my side for some reason and cared for me despite the things. Lilith was the girl I kept seeing through the window watching me from her room. A neighbor and my childhood friend.

"Is it alright though?"

Lilith knows what exactly is inside the master bedroom...

At this point I woke up in the Crystal Palace once again.