Resting Talk

(Denzel's POV):

Lester smiled wryly while complaining about his first class. First classes are a major issue, the same goes for me who started as a Traveler class who is mainly a support class that's used in the front line. The first classes are decided by the game and you can hold up to three classes only. There is a way to gain more class limits but it's an item that comes from minibosses that are somewhat rare spawns... I only managed to increase my capacity by slaying a deadly monster of the snow biome twice in a row.

Right now, my classes are Traveler, Cryomaniac, Blacksmith, and Enchanter. I have one more space for another class. Maybe I should get Spectorift...

While pondering about which class to fill in that last spot. Lester returned me to reality.

"Denz, you said you had a plan about procuring mystic ore without being noticed?" - Lester

"Ah right."

When I reacted to Lester's question I finally noticed the approaching army. Crap, I almost forgot. Half of the army of the hostile faction is already here.

"Malech! William! Stations!"

"Way ahead of ya Denz!" - William

The three of us immediately moved to the front of the cave entrance and channeled mana towards me.

"Now, everyone... I'm going to use an ability that uses way more mana than my entire mana pool. So care to pass me some while I channel?"

"Denz?!" - Ashley

Ashley reflexively shouts at my sudden decision. But looking at how much I want to deal with this as soon as possible stopped her from cutting me off and helped me instead. Gayle who noticed Ashley's shout looked at me with worry but used her mana share towards me only.

The entire search party helped me channel this dangerous ability that counts as calamity class magic.

I used a huge chunk of iron ore from my magic storage to act as a medium and used the calamity class magic.

"Calamity! Frozen Comet!"

The other six who we rescued were shocked of the spectacle that they're seeing. Vanessa specially went: 'Whoaaa~' due to the calamity class ice magic that I used to clear off the entire army.

I sensed a huge amount of atmospheric mana thickening outside which I confirmed as more than a hundred people horrendously killed off in an instant. I felt some magic barrier resistance but it wasn't enough to stop a calamity class magic.

I immediately went outside and got blinded by my own magic. Because of that, I received a stab from a spear by a mystic knight.

"Crap, there are people that didn't take damage huh?"

I took minor damage from the spear and took revenge immediately by cutting off the head of the assailant.

"You-!" - ???

I seemed to have interrupted his surprise when I separated his head from his body. I sneakily changed Omnitelum into Severum form, and removed the spear that's jousted into me.

"It's-! An Asylum! Run!" - Mystic Knight

After they noticed that I was an Asylum member, the entire group of knights started running off towards the Mystic biome. I guess I should let Malech and William take the cake now.

"Malech, William, clear the rest of em. I'm exhausted from lack of mana."

Looking at my mana status, I was around a thousand mana points, which is a lot. But in my case, that thousand mana points is in the negative count... As such, I passed out on the spot.


A day had passed through without any progress at all...

I finally woke up from having overused a huge amount of mana. My mana status was completely full and the first person I saw was Lilith.

"Lilith? What about everyone?"

"They're fine, Malech and William kept watch and cleaned up hostile enemies. They're pretty amazing you know? Even if they're assassins, they're pretty strong to defend the lines." - Lilith

"That's because they know what it means to protect."

Lilith smiled to me while looking at the sandstone rooftop that I have not seen before.

"Where are we?"

"We're inside the cave still. The rest are in the other rooms of this place." - Lilith

I asked myself why this was made crudely, but I remembered that they often change hiding places.

I got up from the bed and left the room with Lilith behind me.

After I opened the door, the first person I saw was Terrence. He was holding his stomach in pain while spouting out some complaints. I noticed Gayle who was clenching her fist and called out to her.


"Hmm?" - Gayle

Gayle was first bewildered and turned her head around. Her panicked expression loosened up after seeing me.

"Ah Denz, you're okay now." - Gayle

"So you're ok now? Let me call the others." - Terrence

Terrence left the room with brisk footsteps and proper posture like nothing happened. So that's a daily occurrence huh?

I looked around the room and noticed that it had a long table and a bunch of chairs. It's somewhat considered as a meeting room but it may have been also used as a dining room.

A person with purple hair enters the room. His height seems to be the same as Malech and walks around calmly while smiling.

"Oh, you're awake now? Greetings, my name's Lawrence, a friend of Gayle." - Lawrence

Lawrence introduces himself humbly to the point where I didn't sense any malice oozing off from him. Terrence didn't have an opportunity to introduce himself but I don't practically mind it.

"I'm Denzel, an Asylum member."

"It's the real deal! Though I have heard from Malech and Gayle but the Asylum Members aren't evil." - Lawrence


I remembered people spreading rumors about our faction Asylum being evil and causing wars here and there. There isn't any reason to prove it false, but we do keep an eye on residents that have no factions to their name.

"Well, anyways... Is it true? That you'll allow us to lodge in your palace?" - Lawrence

"Well yeah, most of you will be lodging on the fourth floor."

"Denz!" - Ashley

Ashley arrives to the room with clenched fists. She closes the gap between us and starts hitting me for some reason. I guess I overdid it?

I pat Ashley's head and reassured her.

"Now now Ashley, I'm fine."

Ashley calmed down for the time being and changed her movements from hitting me to lightly gripping my coat.

"I'm glad that you are..." - Ashley

She's genuinely worried ain't she?

The other people finally arrived to the room and greeted me humbly. Terrence introduced himself in which I didn't really get bothered by his late introduction. I simply smiled and waved it off before moving to one end of the table.

"Alright everyone, let's discuss our excavation strategy."

Lester, Gayle, and Thrish were highly interested for the mystic ore that they could use.

"So for the people going, we need to be sneaky. Which means, only me, Lester, Terrence and Isaac will go for excavation."

"What about me?" - Malech

Malech, who seems eager to go, questioned my decision with a displeased face.

"We can't bring too many people, besides you and William can protect this place yourselves right?"

"Right..." - Malech

Malech looked down in disappointment. William who was listening started laughing while pointing at him which caused the two of them to enter a minor argument and left the room.

"Umm, should we stop them?" - Gayle

"Nah, they'll definitely just wrestle around for a few minutes and be good again."

The two of them are often like that. In some cases, everyone just goes in and mess around with Flora which I often heard him screaming: "Gang rape! gang rape!" Even though it didn't look like it one bit.

Though honestly, it does look like gang rape when his avatar is female.

I returned to reality when I noticed Gayle chuckling and Thrish who had her mouth wide open from shock. Right, these girls can read my mind so Thrish probably noticed that Flora is a dude.

I continued the explanation of the plan to the others.

"Alright, for the plan. We're gonna be heading to the mystic biome directly. We're gonna be doing a trick that is barely possible to escape alive."

"Wait Denz! You don't mean-" - Ashley

"Yep, I mastered the technique of x-raying the ground."

Ashley pouts as I cut her off by telling a risky method of finding a good place to mine. It's a trick where you have to stay squashed in between sandy particles by digging a little bit downwards. You will receive damage in percentage to your health which is dangerous but when using peaked-out concentration and crystal eyes... It's basically free vision.

"Alright, if that's what you say then we're good with it." - Lester

Ashley's pout becomes even more which is already at the point of displeasure. I pat her on the head once again so she can calm down. I wonder, what's making Ashley so worried today?

"Are the others fine with it?"

"We'll wait for you here Denz, don't worry." - Lilith

Everyone else nodded after Lilith expressed her calm self.

"Looks like everyone is in agreement. So we're gonna set off this afternoon."

"Ooh? Then, I'll go scout for today until lunch. Feel free to call me when the time comes." - Isaac

Isaac immediately disappeared from the chair and left the meeting room door open. I then dismissed the meeting normally where and separated with the others normally. After leaving the room last, I went to Ashley who was bringing out the meat dishes I made.

"What do you plan with that?"

"Ah Denz, I was just planning to add some more flavor to this. What you made is great but with the honey I bought from a shop, it might even be better." - Ashley

Her tone seems to be half worried with my decision making. I had calmed her down already but I guess I can't take off the worry.

"Although I did say x-ray trick. It's only a cover, what I actually plan to do is use the Traveler's skill: 'Search' which will be fine."

In reality, the search skill by traveler classes can detect anything within the radius of half a kilometer. If I used peaked-out concentration, I may definitely triple the range. I only said that I would be using the common trick so that people won't be suspicious of the Traveler's somehow overpowered kit.

But right now, my time is to search for some caves filled with ore...