A Nice Little Story

(Denzel's POV):

"Where's Lester?"

"He'll be here in a minute." - Gayle

Huh? Is he setting up some sort of self destruction in this place?

"Is everyone here?" - Lester

"You're the last one. Anyways, come closer everyone!"

Everyone comes closer towards me to the point that it feels a bit cramped...

"Frozen Cocoon!"

I had activated a group traveling skill and encased everyone in the room in ice.

"What's..." - Malech

"This..." - Vanessa

The two were astonished to being covered in ice. The type of ice I used is a dense one since it was required to be unable to see your current area.

After fully covering us, I immediately let the glass shatter into particles. We're currently on the edge of the desert biome.

"What kind of magic..." - Vanessa

"It's an original kind of magic that is made with the use of my frigid wanderer class."

While taking out the magic carpet, I explained the concept of teleportation magic combined with ice magic.

"I'm using ice magic to cover our visions. I do that because we will receive heavy recoil if there is a sudden change within the environment. The first time I did that, I vomited out quite a bit from sudden movement."

"So you used dense ice to make sure it doesn't discomfort you?" - Vanessa

"It's not only me, but the others who would be traveling with me too."

Vanessa seems to understand what to do to activate frozen cocoon. However, it's pretty much known that she only has one class so she couldn't use such a useful ability.

"Well, without the traveler class, you won't be able to warp... However, I know a way to warp between places using nothing but ice magic. I'll teach you soon, so be patient."

Vanessa's eyes start shining brightly in excitement. I get that everyone wants to learn various things but you're pretty high spirited too...

I laid Lilith down in the carpet while giving her a lap pillow.

"Alright everyone, hop on."

The party I came with didn't hesitate to ride on the magic carpet. The others hesitated to ride it at first, but after being urged by Gayle and Thrish, they eventually hopped on.

There is still considerable room remaining despite having nearly fifteen people in it. Malech and William are sitting at the edge while trying they're having eyes of competition. Those two... They really enjoy competing huh...

"Ashley, can we switch? My legs feel a bit limp right now..."

"Huh? Okay!" - Ashley

Ashley moved in my place to give Lilith a lap pillow while she's asleep. I set the carpet to arrive to the spawn area before dusk. Everyone seems to be talking to each other or lying down to rest so I moved towards Malech and William to talk for a bit.

"Yo, you two... Competing on bird catching again?"

"Nah, we have a different condition today but since you're here... We might as well cancel and just talk around." - Malech

"I see... What's on your mind William?"

I noticed William thinking about something deeply. I called out to him to confirm whether he's spaced out or something...

"Ah nothing... I'm just thinking how I managed to protect my lover this entire year I guess..." - William

"Hoooo?! Interesting! Do care to spill the information since I'll allow her to reside in the palace too... Of course! You two will share a bed."

"You-!!" - William

William starts blushing but was immediately gone after he asks us something.

"Want to hear it?" - William

"Well, I'm interested at the very least. What about you Denz?" - Malech

"Of course I am, you're a resident here after all."

"Alright..." - William


(William's POV):

I arrived to this world with a lover. She was highly worried when she found out that we're gonna be stuck here but I had soothed her down.

"Mea, it'll be fine..."

I placed my hands on Mea's small shoulders her short maroon hair and purple eyes expressed an endless amount of fear and worry.

"I... William is... because of m-" - Mea

This is bad, I have to make sure she's fine...

"I'll protect you, no matter what happens! I'll stay by your side and protect you until the end of this experiment!"

Mea starts tearing up on her eyes in as I hugged her to prevent her from crying.

"Mea, no matter what happens... I'll be here... I'll stay by your side!"

"Wi- William! Uwaa!" - Mea

She cried for around an hour until she finally calmed down. I contacted Flora to tell me where the others are while me and Mea are kneeling down behind a conduit.

Flora used voice messages as usual when it comes to interacting with people. When I played it, details of where their group is currently residing has been displayed. Me and Mea immediately went there while running.

"Mea, what class do you have?"

"Spectorift monomancer... You?" - Mea

Spectorift huh? Then she's definitely gonna be working behind me.

"Me? I got Astrorift Assassin... I don't know how these would work but I can more or less think I can protect you with these abilities. So Mea, if you want to..."

Man, asking a girl to protect you doesn't sound so great...

"Mmm!" - Mea

Mea nodded while smiling at me.

"I'll support you the best I can!" - Mea

And that's how the two of us started our lives in this world.

Ten days later... I started to regret it.


The person in front of me, are my friends being jousted upon by some guys...

Protect! Must protect!

"Astrorift Forbidden Art..."

"William!" - Mea

I'm... Losing... Control!

"Evil Cosmos!"

"William!" - Flora

Flora who was being oppressed by the guys tried to call out to me...

I started oozing out dark blue aura as my eyes started to lose its light. The immense feelings of hatred enter my mind. Eating off my mentality and knowing which are my enemies.

I teleported behind the group and launched a shockwave-empowered kick towards the group of men behind.

"Gaah!" - ???

At this point, I was no longer in control of my own body. I moved around to bring out two battleaxes and swung them to crush the heads of the ones captivating Mea.


After crushing two skulls and instantly killing them. Mea was freed from their grasp.

I immediately went to Flora to recover him but was stopped when I noticed a vine latching on my leg.

I tripped and fell down as I saw the group teleport away with Flora


After removing the vines forcefully, I threw one battleaxe towards the enemy reaching out toward Mea.

The man's body was crushed by the flimsy battleaxe throw. I moved towards the last man as I raise the battleaxe.

"W-wait! Don't kill me-!" - ???

I swung down the battleaxe to chop him down without hesitation.

I had dispelled my Evil Cosmos unconsciously and lost my lucidity.

"William!" - Mea

The last thing I heard was Mea's shout filled with worry.

That day marks the day where I have willingly committed murder in this world. I know for the fact that dying here will only make things harder as you have to start in a different world. But when I finally noticed... I was at one health point, no mana, nor energy. At that point I had noticed my first blood.

A day passed and I woke up in an inn somewhere.

"Where... Am I..."

"We're... in central spawn... We're safe here..." - Mea

Mea's voice enters my ears as I sigh a bit out of relief. But when I thought of that, I immediately raised up my body...

"The others!?"

Mea jumped in surprise but she managed to respond.

"Only... Isaac and Gabriel survived. Flora got taken away." - Mea

So they died huh? Damnit!

We were a party of eight before. But with two girls and a guy dying off... It seems even Isaac and Gabriel wanted to reflect on their failures. No, I can't think right now... I must save Flora from them too...

"Mea, I'm going to save Flora... Please stay safe here."

"But... You'll be-" - Mea

"I'll be fine... I will be prepared this time after all."

With enough preparations... I think I can handle a group of them alone. I was highly determined to save Flora from them who probably has some issues with their desires. They know well that there is sensual content and behavior which could be done easily.

I actually am worried about Flora who must suffer four days. He's a tough guy but with a female avatar and his gay personality, I doubt he can't stand being raped. I opened the communications channel and messaged him immediately. After waiting for some time, I received a message from him saying that he's currently fine and is being confined in the east.

Wonderful, I seriously have some time left. I activated private voice comms to try and converse with him but he refused as there are guards around. With messaging comms, the two of us talked out the details of the kidnappers.

It's a great thing that it's easier to find people that's kidnapped. However, finding help is an issue since everyone here doesn't have a feeling of altruism.

For four days, I had prepared a set of weapons that I can use to try and save Flora.