Save Him (First Half)

(Denzel's POV): Ten Years Ago...

I woke up in a dark room with horrible pain resonating within my body. What... is this... feeling...

I looked around and noticed nothing with the area. Ah right... I was abandoned. I'm all alone in this world. Nobody to tell tales to, nobody here to save me, and nobody to go to.

In this darkness, I have lived my life horribly...

A few years ago... I was betrayed. I became alone in this single room with no one to talk to, no one to look up to, and no one to assure me.

A knife...

I saw a knife placed on a wall that seems to be very sharp and could easily kill a person. I came closer and reached my hand out towards it.

I don't want anything more... I... Ahahahahaha!!!

I firmly grasped the handle of the knife as I look at the sharp blade. I started with some light cuts on my wrists and slowly progress towards my shoulders. I started to make the cuts more deeper and started screaming in pain. All this while laughing hysterically.


I moved my aims and stabbed my palm without hesitation.


More pain courses through my body. I removed the knife and writhed on the ground for some time while screaming in pain. Nobody is currently in the house which allowed me to do whatever I want to myself.

I took the knife and stabbed it directly to my stomach.


I took out the knife and stabbed myself multiple times in succession.


The door to my room was opened forcefully and made me stop on instinct. When I turned my gaze, I saw Lilith who was tearing up as she came close to me with some first aid kit.

"Denz!!!" - Lilith

She took away my knife and placed it in on a table. She forced me to lay down in the bed to started treating my cuts and stabs carefully while tearing up.


My thoughts start to leak out through my mouth.


"It's because you're important to me Denz! Why are you doing this?!" - Lilith

I'm, not useful at all...

"I'm... Very useless..."

"It doesn't matter! I am here because I don't want you to die!" - Lilith

I'm just, someone who can cause destruction...

"I'm... Just a demerit..."

"To me you aren't! And you will never be!" - Lilith

At this point, I have lost consciousness.

Help... Me...


Present time:(Malech's POV):

Before I noticed, Denzel was stabbed by Rika who was holding a miasma infused knife.

"I... I knew it!"

"Malech! I know what you want to do but don't kill them! Let's find a way to call Seymour immediately! - Claire

Claire had followed us towards the inn while Thrish and Bella tailed behind her.

"You two!"

When I noticed them, I heard Denzel started to scream out in pain.

"Aaaagh!" - Denzel

Bella who noticed flinched with her eyes wide open. She immediately knew what to do and told us about it.

"I'm gonna call Seymour in!" - Bella

Bella immediately starts running back towards the palace to call Seymour.

"Claire, what do? Do we lure him to the palace?"

"Malech, that's a bad idea... Let's stall him here." - William

Leo and Miguel who were knocked towards the tree have stood up. Thrish and Gayle were unable to recover from the shock and were limp on their knees. Rika stood behind the enraged Denzel who turned towards us.

"Malech, Gayle, and Claire, apprehend the two main culprits!" - William

William started issuing orders towards us and immediately agreed upon it.

"Lester, Thrish... We have to stall Denzel for as long as we can." - William

"William! That's a suici-!"

"I know that, but if I lose then everyone should escape." - William

"Are you kidding? Cause no partners should be left behind. I'll assist you once I knock these two out!"

I dashed towards Leo and Miguel and released Death Trap. Gayle and Claire followed right behind me.

"I will make you two bastards regret this!"

"Malech?! Don't kill them!" - Claire

"Ah I know that!"

"Malech?" - Gayle

Gayle seems to start fearing my anger towards the two of them.

"But that doesn't mean I can make them feel pain! If you want, you can help William instead. I can deal with the two of them myself."

I dashed towards Miguel and launched a forward kick. He blocked it with his shield but I twirled to fling the chain towards Leo who is shooting bullets around. The scythe was deflected by the bullets shot around.

"Now Malech! You possibly can't handle the two of us alone!" - Miguel

"It'd be better if you shut the fuck up! Bastard!"

Two ethereal chains formed and locked on both of them.

"Wh!?" - Miguel

"Chronorift Pinnacle Skill! Chronohook!"

I reaped the time speed from both of them. I took half of their perception to decrease my time speed by a total of half of my time. That was when I also noticed magic barrage heading my way.

I dodged by jumping up high and twisted my body to strike once more with the scythe. I followed up with the hook to try and grab one of Leo's pistols.

The magic barrage struck Miguel and damaged both him and Leo who was behind him.

"Don't say that, I also have some questions on them." - Claire

Leo who was stunned a bit by the sudden impact from arcane magic, moved around to quickly dodge the my scythe. He received a cut on his back and one of his pistols was hooked up to me.

"Wh?!" - Leo

"I also want to know why they turned mom like that..." - Gayle

Gayle showed up from behind him and swung her scythe upwards. His entire left arm was cut off which made him start agonizing. He used his right hand to try and grab the other hand gun. I couldn't advance forward due to Miguel but I had flung the scythe past him to cut off Leo's right arm that's reaching out to the gun.

"Gaah!" - Leo

"Leo!" - Miguel

Miguel threw a potion towards Leo and splashed him. It stopped the bleeding effects but it just helped us in our troubles.

"Potion consu-!" - Leo

Gayle appeared in front of Leo while holding her scythe up.

"You should sleep for a bit. I'll ask you the necessary questions later." - Gayle

As Gayle swung down the scythe to knock Leo out, a single black tentacle moved in to block her.

"Wh?!" - Gayle

"Ahahahahahahaha! What are you planning to do now?!" - Miguel

I immediately dashed backwards and saw multiple black tentacles smash the location of where I was. Impossible! How did I barely perceive that when I had his halved and mine doubled?!

"The miasma will nullify any stat ailments! You thought I couldn't remove that huh?!" - Miguel

Damnit, I forgot that he's a black knight...

When I noticed the tentacles were about to smash me again. I dodged back once more and am now currently in front of Claire.

"How did Seymour beat something like this so easily?!" - Claire

"Don't complain, he's our only chance to shut Denzel down! Do you have some useful abilities left?"

"I can launch a barrage around four more times!" - Claire

"Can you overcharge?"

"Yes, but only two times." - Claire

That's more than enough!

"Alright, I'm gonna distract him, try to fire the first barrage as soon as you can."

"Got it!" - Claire

I charged towards Miguel who has prepared his shield to block me.


Gayle moved around Leo and aimed for Miguel while holding her scythe up.

"Small fry! Get out of my sight!" - Miguel

Gayle struck Miguel on the large armor in vain. She immediately retreated back and gave me enough time.

After swinging the scythe to my left in a circular motion, I moved around him to my right and locked him in place while trying to hold him in.

Claire just casted an overcharged version of her arcane barrage so I had time to increase the fatality to change the facing direction of Miguel.

"You little shits sneaking around!" - Miguel

Multiple tentacles aimed for me which gave Gayle time to close in her position to Miguel.

I used the my dodging route to make Miguel turn his back on the barrage.

"Ghh!!!" - Miguel


I got smashed by one tentacle which made me lose my grip while being forced down.

I started getting dizzy as I stood up. When I looked up, more tentacles move in to smash me down to the ground. It's like time illusion!

I forced myself off the ground and rolled to my right as I barely dodge five tentacle smashes in succession.

When I finally stood up, I looked at Miguel who is trying to fight back against Gayle without breaking a sweat. His armor on his back was shredded down which makes it possible to strike him with a knife. I took out a dagger from my coat which was coated with an enchantment to make a person sleep.

Miguel blocked Gayle's scythe with his shield and tried to attack her with his sword. She dashed back but was smashed by a tentacle.

"Gayle!" - Claire

"Now, I'm sorry but I have to kill you, because you betrayed me." - Miguel

I dashed towards the back of Miguel who brandished his sword in preparation to kill Gayle.

I launched a kick which made him turn around while swinging his sword to strike me instead.

"Tim- guu-!!"

I got launched all the way to a rock and received some shock and miasma damage. I dropped my dagger in between the shock and lost it.

"You know what, I'll start with you. Ever since you showed up you've become a severe thorn to our paradise!" - Miguel

"The traitor here..."

I coughed out some blood while trying to trashtalk him.

"Is shitheads like you!"

"You-! You still have guts to say that to someone superior! Gh!" - Miguel

As Miguel canceled his finishing swing twice, he turned around to see Claire already behind him. He was stabbed by the knife I lost and made him lost consciousness.

"B-bast-ards..." - Miguel

Miguel fell down to the ground with his eyes closed.

"Where's Leo?"

"He's knocked out, by Gayle." - Claire

"Keep an eye on them, I have to go to William."

I stood up and drank a potion of purity and healing, and started dashing towards William who was trying to stop Denzel.