Three-Hundred and Sixty-Five Days In

(Denzel's POV):

When it was day, I immediately went to Seymour's castle while still having a tingly feeling.

"So, you have finally gotten back to the picture of health? Congratulations." - Seymour

I ended up laughing lightly at myself for being such a horrible idiot that took a while to recover. I had reported my recovery to him while thinking about what will come on to the future.

"Anyways, about the witch farm..."

"Ah, we changed our schedule on that." - Seymour


"We have more important matters to deal with before the witch farm." - Seymour

I asked Seymour about the details of what to do next and to why the witch farm is temporarily cancelled.

"You see, I have sent Ross to do some reconnaissance towards the main dungeon at the western forest. He finally gained some info about the guardian that's outside the dungeon." - Seymour

"So, what you're saying..."

I more or less have guessed it, so I simply smiled.

"We will eliminate the guardian, and head in to perform a full-scale expedition to the dungeon." - Seymour

"Figures, how long for preparation?"

"Ten days Denz, before that you should prepare in the crystal palace. Let everyone you have in there to reside in this castle temporarily. Invite those who want to join the expedition." - Seymour

That's a lot of time, I guess I should do an overhaul check on my gear.

While thinking about the things, the next thing I heard was something less than ideal.

"One last thing, there will be a party in the spawn area later. To celebrate everyone's first year here." - Seymour

"So all players are invited?"

"Yep, and there will be a warned teleport to be announced anytime soon." - Seymour

I may have forgotten some things but, I was sure that the central spawn could contain all players but I have lost count of how many players are in this server right now...

"I wonder how it would be like for the other servers though..."

"Don't worry about those, you need to find a good suit because there will be contests. You and Robin are pretty much great looking guys, you'd immediately catch the attention with your suits." - Seymour

Damnit, that's my issue! I can't think of a good one!

"Anyways, you are free to return to the palace right now. You should start preparing for the party tonight." - Seymour

"I get it, I get it..."

I took out the ice mirror and activated it to return to the palace instantly.

I wonder, how am I going to explain this to the others...

After heading downstairs, I immediately saw Malech who was gazing at the scenery outside from the balcony. A girl seems to be with him that has brown hair reaching down to the knees. Ah, is that Thrish? I swear if they ended up falling to each other I'll forcefully move Thrish to Malech's room and make them sleep together.

I went towards them and called out to Malech.


Malech turned around and noticed me immediately.

"Ah Denz, what's up?" - Malech

"There will be another party tonight, to commemorate the first year in this world. There will be an announcement but it's compulsory, so you can't play hooky."

"Really?" - Malech

"Yeah, I'm announcing this in a bit once I go down."

"Right! Thanks!" - Malech

I went downstairs, all the way down to the main room of the palace and took out a microphone that would amplify my voice to be at least audible for everyone in the palace.

"Everyone here, this is Denzel. There will be an upcoming party later tonight at the central spawn. It is a compulsory event wherein everyone's attendance is required. There will be no combat nor any kind of action involved. It is meant to commemorate the first year of our survival here."

With that done, I immediately went back to the sky floor.

"Ah Denz..." - Lilith

Lilith was already there waiting for me for some reason.

"Is that true? What you said earlier?" - Lilith

Lilith moved closer as the two of us are like, in front of a closed door.

"Well yeah, which is why I am in a bit of a loss when it comes to what to wear."

"I'll help!" - Lilith

She's going a little too far but I'm glad if she could help...

"What about you though?"

"Don't worry, I have a dress that'll tempt you." - Lilith

"Hoo? I'm quite interested now..."

I actually moved towards the closet where I held few usable clothes that I didn't bother cycling around.

Crap, I literally have nothing...

"You really don't have anything huh?" - Lilith

"Luckily there's a clothier nearby... I could maybe pass him some silk that I sto- I mean borrowed from Seymour."

"You were about to say that you stole it did you?" - Lilith

I turned my gaze away from Lilith who has became suspicious of my behavior.

"Anyways, let's head there quickly."

I pulled Lilith in to my arms and lifted her up in a princess carry.

"Better hold tight!"

"Wh?! Huwaaaah!" - Lilith

I ran through the room and jumped off the balcony.

"Crystal Wings!"

A pair of crystallized wings materialized and allowed me to fly. I learned this skill to travel to the castle and back very easily.

"Waaaaah!" - Lilith

Lilith became a little too scared with the sudden action and is holding to my neck tightly. Crap! I can't breathe!

"Lilith... I-I can't b-"

"Ahh! Sorry!" - Lilith

Lilith immediately apologized and loosened up her grip. We immediately arrived to the village nearby which was somewhat filled with people.

"Player... player... player... How are there so many players?!"

"Ahaha, calm down Denz..." - Lilith

Lilith was trying to calm me down as I panic around to finding the clothier that's around. While we were searching around, we ended up seeing William and his girlfriend which he introduced after me and Lilith returned to the palace.

"Ooh Denz! You're here?" - William

"William? What are you doing here?"

"Ah, before that though... Everyone! It's fine, I know this guy!" - William

William seems to have announced something within the area. When me and Lilith arrived here from midair, they were pretty wary about us and are preparing their equipment. I felt relieved when William announced the safety. I wonder? Does he know these guys?

When I asked William he seemed to have given me a reasonable answer.

"Ah, everyone here are Mea's classmates... I'm currently visiting here with her."

"Ho? Is it some dating obligation?"

"Well... Kinda... There are still some jealous guys though." - William

Lilith and Mea are talking to each other while I'm asking around William's case. Lilith seems to be asking for directions so I can just simply interrogate William here.

I wrapped my arm on William's shoulders and placed my hand as if I'm pushing up some imaginary glasses. I then asked him the necessary things which made him understand what I meant...

"So, have you done it with your girlfriend?"

But it immediately backfired towards me.

"Nope? Rather, since you did it with Lilith... How was it?" - William


I immediately stepped back while blushing out.

"You see Denz, I was with Malech checking out, the two of you were in such a good mood that we followed behind you!" - William


Lilith who seemed to hear it also started blushing and stepped away from William.

"You see, we were there until you woke up! Malech's skill of pretending is off the roof!" - William

Khh! I didn't expect this!

"Denz! Let's escape, I have the general direction!" - Lilith


I didn't know why I said that on instinct but I definitely did.

I once again took Lilith into a princess carry and flew away from them. We immediately went towards the directions Mea taught Lilith and had arrived to the clothier.

I had the suit created very quickly and returned to the palace. It was only preparation time after that.

Before the sun set, Lilith exit the changing room within the sky floor and showed her dress.

"You shine like the sun..."

"Ehehe~" - Lilith

Lilith shows a clear orange dress with nice frills on the skirt. I had already worn the suit that was made which will show that me and Lilith are somewhat a couple.

"Kinda like a carrot though..."

"Bad!" - Lilith

"Well not that, but the cutest carrot that stayed with me."

"Kfuh-! Your flattery-!" - Lilith

Should we make an official name for the two of us? I'm thinking about it and it sound somewhat nice.

"Your existence glows like the crystals in the moon." - Lilith

"The sun and the moon... Sounds pretty nice but... I feel like 'Crystal Carrot' sounds more fun..."

"That sounds nice actually, like a rare item..." - Lilith

"Actually yeah, but our clothes are what will tell them. We are together, and teach the world the beauty of two shining lights. The bright smile of the sun, and the calm moon."

"You, are cheeky with words as always." - Lilith

"Come on, it's about time that we get teleported..."

The two of us moved to the balcony and looked at the beautiful sun as it continues to set. While Lilith was admiring the sight, I instinctively looked at her figure with the frilly dress that doesn't have what you call sex appeal. But to me though, she's appealing to me purely and I seriously love it.

Lilith seemed to have noticed my gaze which made her feel a bit bashful. My hand reached her cheek and pulled her close once again.


The two of us locked our lips once again and continued even after we got forcefully teleported.