A Wonderful Beach Holiday...

(Author-kun and Designer-chan's POV):

"Umi da yo, Umi da!!!"

Designer-chan is running around the beach after taking off her sandals. She starts by stepping into the sea and kicking the water around. I in the meantime prepared the beach chairs and the umbrella.

"Author-kun~! The water is ni- You're wearing that to the beach? It'll die you know?"

She seems to have noticed the pair of headphones I'm wearing to the beach. I didn't really plan on swimming but if she invites me like this... Might as well...

The two of us are currently here for vacation, this is technically a virtual world but the sensations are pretty real...

"Wait a bit! I'll prep the chairs and the umbrella first!"

While listening to the splashes of the sea, I had completely finished setting up the chairs that are going to be used...

Though it's only one large folding beach chair, I actually set it up to make it so that both of us will be protected by the umbrella. After I finished setting up the place of rest, I let down my headset and placed it on the beach chair. We then enjoyed ourselves for the time being in the sea.

"Hey Author-kun?"


"It's nice being able to go vacation like this..."

"Right, we didn't really give ourselves a chance to rest up and enjoy so it's a good opportunity..."

The two of us are now lying down in the setup I made using the beach chairs and the umbrella. She was lying down in the more shade while I kept myself in a position where I didn't really care about the sunlight.

"Author-kun, aren't those?"

Designer-chan pointed to the other side of the beach where she saw some people. When I took a peek towards to where she pointed, the first person I noticed was a guy with white hair and icy blue eyes... Along with him are a bunch of guys who seemed to be showing guts poses...

Designer-chan, let's transition to telepathy at this point. It seems they have arrived, good job noticing...


I gave Designer-chan a head pat and made an absurd request of a lap pillow, that in which she agreed pretty quickly. I removed my headset and laid my head on her lap for the time being... My sight continued to peer towards the group of males on the other side of the beach...

"Today! Is vacation day everyone!" - Denzel


The entire male camp started making a stir around themselves. There goes our peace-

Author-kun, the female camp are about to show up...

Ah really? Then let's see if your designs do much justice at this point...

As I finished my sentence, one by one the female camp starts showing themselves while various colored swimsuits.


Something wrong?

Some others look badly, and I'm so used to designing William as a trap!

So you actually forgot what he used to look like? Don't worry, I also somewhat forgot his real design too...

By the way, Lilith looks like a carrot at this point... While Jilean looks like a watermelon.

True, I also somewhat think so too.

As the two of us converse about Designer-chan's designs on the characters. I start to notice the commotion of couples in the group. Jerald, Lawrence, and Vince seem to be clicking their tongues in jealousy...

"Denz, if you stare that much..." - Lilith

"Ah! Well, I'm sorry!" - Denzel

Denzel seems to have nearly turned into a beast once again but was completely stopped. I noticed the William and Mea ship in which I directly made seems to be flourishing well.

"William~" - Mea

William seems to wordlessly hug Mea while in Malech's case...

Author-kun, what gave you an idea for a love triangle?

Well, I'm just somewhat in the mood for placing that there. But I do think that Thrish x Malech or what we call Chronomyst, is actually a canon ship.


Designer-chan seems to be in a good mood for placing in the Chronomyst ship the two of us made up. I do think that it's also a good ship but looking at it right now?

"Oooh! Malech having a flower at both si-" - William

"Shut it! I swear to your unfunny comedy shut it!" - Malech

Being clung on both sides by two girls seems to be an issue...

Stay strong! Malech!

Yeah, I think Malech seems to have issues with his love life even after he confessed. Seriously though, why did you make it like that Author-kun?

Again, it's my mood-

Their group started to have fun in the sea and has done some weird things. Bella's group seemed to just chat in the shade while Malech and William are fighting using water.

"W-! Crap!" - William

William got surprised by Denzel as he got carried up before being thrown further into the sea. Malech who saw William's predicament started running away by going in further to the sea.

"Run! He'll not stop until he gives everyone a painful dive!" - Jerald

Poor male camp, they're about to be thrown around...

Was this intentional?

Yep, there are many types of people in the pool right? I just had to add this type of person who will carry and toss another...

Yeah but in a beach?

It'll be fine~ They're pretty strong after all~

I doubt that they won't take mental damage though...

Designer-chan is right... In the pool, if you toss a person into it... They can receive damage both physically and mentally.

The female camp are also playing around with the exception of Gayle. She was fighting against Terrence without their weapons as it was confiscated by Denzel. Terrence received multiple punches from Gayle and had trouble standing up.

Poor Terrence, without weapons he'll get one-sidedly beaten up by Gayle.

I thought you wrote in the last chapter that Denzel thought him grappling?

Yeah but that was with weapon in hand, he didn't really expect to go barehanded so he got socked in the chest and in the face...

Apparently, there seemed to be no one that's simply resting up. After Denzel successfully threw everyone to the sea, he somewhat disappeared for some time.

Author-kun, how long do you think can Denzel stay underwater?

He's underwater? I was scouting out for him... So maybe around a few seconds I guess.

Nah, he's already underwater for more than a minute...

Oh right! I completely forgot about that...

I started to feel Designer-chan's small hands brushing around my hair. Feels nice~ Thanks~

Author-kun, what do you think about those characters right now? Cause personally, I think I didn't do their designs enough justice...

Well, I think the designs themselves are pretty good enough. Besides, I think I'm having issues with what to write so this vacation would probably help us out...

The thing is that, I'm having minor issues with what to do so me and Designer-chan took this opportunity to head to the virtual beach. We are phantasmal beings that can move around in any worlds which allow us to work on the stories...

Oh, they're having lunch now! Author-kun, should we eat for now?

Nah, there might be some things that will happen during lunch... Besides, it's an hour early so we have some time...


The entire group seemed to have seated in weird positions like there are subgroups. Denzel seems to be seated with Lilith and the other girls which are like Bella, May, and Ashley. They had some minor chit-chat while Denzel and Lilith get a bit flustered by some questions from their other friends. Ashley seemed to have dropped a powerful bomb which actually made Denzel choke on his food and started drinking his home-made cola...

Their group was laughing pretty lightly and is seemingly not having much issue.

The second group is composed of Malech, Thrish, Rebecca, Angel, Gayle, Lester, Isaac, Marcus, Flora, William, Mea, Jilean, Vanessa, Claire, Terrence, Lawrence, Vince, and Jerald. It's a pretty populated circle which had their lunch normally.

"Huh? Who are those two?" - Jerald

Author-kun, he's pointing at us! What do we do?

Just leave them be...

Jerald, and Vince clicked their tongues in jealous on me being able to get a lap pillow. William turned his gaze at Mea which made her pretty flustered. Malech was scratching his head when he noticed Thrish blushing around.

They're making a minor commotion to the point where they're making noise as their groups start feeling jealous while the others laugh it off.

But after some time they just simply started to talk to each other without any major issues recurring.

There were some of them blushing around pretty easily in their talks. Some of their talks kind of ended pretty early, which they immediately finished their lunch and laid themselves back temporarily.

I'm bored... And sleepy...

Really? Do you want to nap first before lunch?

I think I want to nap...

Alright, my turn to give you a lap pillow then...

I removed my head and placed myself in a sitting position to give Designer-chan a lap pillow this time. She then started to sleep pretty peacefully in my lap. I caressed her head while I let her take a gleeful nap. While waiting for a bit, I had noticed that each one of the group members that are also vacationing seemed to have returned their livelihood. Flora seems to be messed around by Malech's group. They messed around Flora by pushing him around and wrestling. He was screeching out some displeasure and shouting a word that might haunt my dreams.

"Gangrape! Gangrape!" - Flora

I ended up laughing around which was somewhat the same reaction as Denzel and Marcus who was around...

"Help! I'm being gangraped!" - Flora

Poor sap-

When I thought that Designer-chan moved her head which made me feel her smooth hair much better. She seemed to have groaned a bit which means she's not probably that asleep.

After some time they have returned to swimming around and is starting to compete with each other using speed. I woke Designer-chan up and took out the box we prepared for lunch.

"Let's eat cause we shouldn't neglect our health."

"Alright! Itadakimasu!"

We had initially prepared sandwiches for lunch and a set of barbeque for dusk.

"These are pretty delicious Author-kun!"

"Well, your sweets are pretty great as well. So it's basically like we just made a class S dining set."

The two of us simply enjoyed our lunch to the fullest.