Arcane Fountain Gauntlet 3

(Robin's POV):

We finally had some rest and had entered the third room on the left.

"Ready up guys, we're gonna get stuck heavily in our spots and become sitting ducks so we have to stay on guard. At this point it's gonna be a hard battle."

"Yeah, let's set some stuff up shall we?" - Jay

We had actually discussed the plan and decided to set up some abilities for quick-casting and keeping tricks just in case.

After some time we had completely prepared ourselves for the upcoming waves.

"Jay, time to start."

Jay nodded and opened the chest. The other members here simply gulped down in preparation, I simply took out three searing blades to support them for the entirety of this battle. This time, I will be using Heaven's Beacon and Mana Breaker to eliminate the skeletons. The other two searing blades will be supporting Jay in eliminating the snipers.

"Now, the final gauntlet for this side begins..."

Everyone starts sweating as the ground tremors. The area was the same but way larger and could fit a huge amount of skeletons within the walls. The difference is that only one wall opened and that's in front of me and Grace.

"Wait, what?" - Grace

"Change of plans! Transition!"

We immediately transition to a more linear defensive line and try to eliminate all the skeletons.

"I sense magic! Necromancers are hidden somewhere!!!"

Oh boy, do we have to push through five-hundred skeletons?!

At that point, we heard another door open behind as the skeletons start marching toward us. When I turned around to check, it's a wall of spikes gradually moving toward us. The spikes had been tainted with some red and green liquid which is basically the worse possible case of getting jousted and poisoned.

"Guys! We have to push through and eliminate the Necromancers quickly!"

"W-why?! Holy shit!" - Jay

Jay finally saw the wall behind him and started aiming towards the skeletons in front.

"A w-wall pushing forward to force us to move!" - Jay

When Jay said that, the rest turned around and saw the wall, Ridley and Rylle were chill but Grace was somewhat panicking.


I have to lead these guys...

"Push through against the skeletons! I'll assist with my searing blades!"

When we started walking forward, a skeleton hand emerged from the ground and held my leg down.


I almost tripped from the sudden tricks of the dungeon. I immediately cut it off and notified everyone.

"How many necromancers did this area have?!"

We've been slicing a bunch of skeletons while trying to push forward without getting jousted by the wall of spikes.

We're gradually progressing as I starting getting a feel of ten skeletons summoned every single second. One spot starts to glow and I noticed that I was sensing some mana there. The skeletons that are summoned are actually armored with bucklers and sabers which is pretty deadly. Not only that but there are also skeletons with bows and crossbows preparing to attack from afar. This is troublesome...

"Jay! Fire at the glowing part of the walls! Use a penetrating bullet!"

"What?! I don't have a good bullet for that!" - Jay

Good thing I prepared for that.

I threw a large sniper bullet that is flawlessly made by Denzel before he finished his palace. It is a powerful silver bullet that is shaped and made to destroy walls.

(POV Shift: Jay's POV):

I managed to catch the bullet Robin threw towards me. It's a silver bullet that looks extremely well made and a powerful piece. No doubt about it, it's their craftsman that made this, I have to use it perfectly...

I loaded the sniper bullet and aimed towards the glowing area. After getting a precise and focused aim, I immediately shot a bullet and destroyed the wall along with the necromancer in it. That's, extreme...

"Another glow is detected! Jay!" - Robin

Robin threw another bullet which I caught. I immediately tried to aim towards the glowing area once again and fired another bullet.

"Hit confirmed! Two necromancers down!"

"Good! Return to supporting!" - Robin

I immediately start getting some shots down towards the marching army. I mainly attack the rangers as they could pose a major problem. We are slowly pushing through to the point where we currently outpace the wall. Nice, let's get some distance before it gets faster.

Right after thinking that, some bony hand grabbed my foot and got me tripped. The bony hand started to emerge into a full skeleton and I had brought out my quick draw pistol and fired a bunch of bullets to eliminate it quickly.

I struck the skeleton with a kick to the torso and the bones pretty much crumpled and broke down. I then returned to the fight moving forward while raising the sniper rifle. I then started firing more towards the rangers as they are getting closer and closer.

"Jay! Third glow!" - Robin

Robin threw another bullet in which I caught and loaded into the rifle immediately. I looked for the glowing spot and immediately aimed towards it the second I saw the target.

After firing, it gets less and less difficult. There are now three less necromancers that could pose trouble for us with the hordes of empowered skeletons and swarming everyone down.

"Clean hit!"

"Alright! Let's get this done everyone!" - Robin

After that, it was just a linear progression that lasted for at least ten minutes. However, it was extremely exhausting.

(POV Shift: Robin's POV):

After an exhilarating battle, we finally returned to the central area and started resting up. In all honesty one mistake could've brought us down to death's door but we somehow pulled through without fatal mistakes.

We sat down on the wall and let ourselves rest for some time without even caring that someone might walk in. Everyone just sat down while spitting out complaints and trying to recover for the next one. I myself am not in much trouble but since everyone is exhausted, I went to the first hallway on the right.

"R-Robin? Don't go alone there, it might be more difficult to do it alone!" - Jay

"What kind of insane idea is your mind developing!" - Grace

Ah, they're worried. I understand because we just had a survival battle and I'm already prepared for the next battle after a five minute rest time.

"Well, you guys can rest up for the time being. I think I can handle this room myself."

"You think? You're a monster dude, you know that?" - Rylle

"I'm more impressed on how quick you can recover." - Ridley

These guys, they can rest up for now since I can blitz this down.

I simply told them that I'll be fine since I'll be more precise when I'm alone.

"Alright, we can watch how you fight from here?" - Jay

"Yeah, I'll be displaying quite a bit of prowess this time."

"I see, hope you'll return alive." - Jay

"No need to hope, I will come back alive after all."

I immediately walked into the spacious hallway in front of my which leads to probably some boss tier monsters.

When I entered the large area, I immediately opened the chest and had the doors close in front of me. When I turned around, Jay's group was looking through the transparent wall which is somehow making me think that this game could design things where your friend dies but that's not gonna happen on me.

When the walls have lowered, what faces me are three large undead skeletons which have different abilities.

"T-those are skeleton kings! Robin!" - Jay

Getting worried are ya? It'll be fine you know?

I took out my tarot card and covered half my face.

"Tarot Card VIII! Justice! Activate!"

I can hear Jay screaming in excitement as I brought out immense power to equalize myself against the three skeleton kings which are all over level 100. It's not easy to solo a skeleton king at level 100 so my stats pretty much increased drastically.

"Searing Light."

I shot a powerful beam of light directly towards the skeleton king and avoided the other one's giant battleaxe. I dashed back and avoided another attack from the third one. A large arrow that could be extremely deadly passed through my sight and pierced the wall. That ain't good.

I went towards the lich king and brought out a total of ten searing blades. I used Heaven's beacon as a guide and followed up using the swords of light.


Heaven's Beacon shined extremely brightly and seared the lich by a little bit. I then twisted my body to block the warrior with my sword and targeted it with the swords of light.

A powerful bolt of ice and three arrows were shot out from the other two. I brought out Mana Breaker in my other hand and decimated the bolt of ice. I then moved to the side and avoided a pincer attack from the floating arrows and the warrior.

"This is why you should aim for the lich."

I concentrated my sight towards the lich and readied Heaven's Beacon.

"Remnant of Light."

I slashed twice in front of me in two sides, leaving multiple beams of light as if I slowed time. The beams brightened and burned the lich pretty easily.

"One down, whoa-!"

I immediately dashed to the side again to avoid multiple arrows. When I turned around, the warrior has pretty much melted down and has stopped moving.

"Two down..."

I returned my gaze to the bowman and finally got a second view of the skeleton sizes. These skeletons actually had a three meter height and is actually armored heavily, except for the lich that is.

"I wonder how I'll end you... Ah!"

I took out a surprise weapon I always enjoy having. A single powerful revolver for the dueling combat. This is initially my main tactic when it comes to fighting against monsters without being seen by people or my final card against players.

"T-that revolver?!" - Jay

Jay seems to have some idea about the revolver which I actually acquired from the miniboss from the sky. It is a revolver that can shoot out bullets infused with wind and light magic. This can use any bullet and it will infused through the gun itself. I simply did a ranged duel against the bow skeleton but it suddenly pulled out the crossbow that has readied a powerful stone bolt.

I smoothly dodged it and fired a bullet to the skull to end it quickly.

"That was easy..."

I sighed out and simply took the key from the chest and returned to the hallway. Jay's face was filled with excitement, Grace was in awe and the other two are just looking at me in interest.

"How was it?"