Discussion with Seymour

(Robin's POV):

After arriving to the castle we got ourselves a huge amount of rest due to the long and slow travel. We didn't get in to any trouble with people performing a roadblock or whatnot. However, everyone went straight to their rooms and I noticed one of them is not feeling well.

I went to that room and called out Jay who is a little down.

"Yo, you don't seem pretty well right now."

"Ah... Robin, thanks for worrying..." - Jay

Jay is sitting down on his bed while burying his face on his knees. He's in a position that might look like he would cry any second.

"What's wrong? Can't handle the separation?"

"Y-yeah... I just missed Kaede so much but we still have to be separated for some time." - Jay

"Can't be helped can it? I'll give you an exception then. Since everyone will be in the castle when we're heading for expedition but we'll bring powerful members for the initial boss fight. So I'll ask Denzel to bring Gayle and your friends because we may need a lot more people against it."

"Ah, okay..." - Jay

I sat on Jay's bed and gave his shoulder a tap.

"So don't worry about them and do your best. Your Kaede will be proud and happy if you came back safely without any issues."

"You're right... I guess I should just look forward to the next time we reunite?" - Jay

"Mhm... That's why after the boss fight, I'll guarantee you that you can stay with your Kaede for the rest of the game."

"R-really?" - Jay

"Yep, I may have to talk to Denzel about turning you guys into residents but I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"I hope so..." - Jay

"Need a hug? I'll be more open to your problems if you want?"

"Ahaha... Thanks Robin, I guess I can trust you about this..." - Jay

"So, what do you want right now?"

"If it's okay can I get a hug?" - Jay

A hug? Is it normal for a guy to hug another? If Michael or Denzel sees this they would instantly ask: Why are you gay?

I did give Jay a hug and gave a few pats to his back to loosen up his feelings. I don't want anyone in my team to be affected badly when it comes to emotional things so I should act as their support even if they're very close to each other. It doesn't hurt if there's more helping hands to their feelings.

"Well, I'll head off to bed now. I hope that makes you feel a lot better?"

"Yeah, thanks a lot Robin..." - Jay

"You're always welcome. Good night!"

"Good night Robin!" - Jay

I went back to my room and slept the night away. When I woke up, I saw Chesca along with Sharon and Valeria talking about ways to improve themselves.

"Yo, good morning you three."

"Ah, you finally came back Robin?" - Chesca

"Yeah, what happened?"

"Seymour is looking for you." - Chesca

"I see..."

"He mentioned something about what you're currently doing so you might be in trouble..." - Sharon


"Well, you did leave your spot unattended and went on a trip with a few kids." - Valeria

Wait what???

After some time of talking, the three people left and Jay went out from his room.

"Yo, morning."

Since it's good timing I should check for their presences.

I made a quick scan to check where everyone is but they seem to be training alone for some things.

"Good morning Robin..." - Jay

Jay's eyes was still drooping a little bit and he has some sleepiness remaining in his mind. I urged him to come closer and asked him if he wants to come around with me to meet Seymour in the throne room.

"E-eh?! Meet the leader himself?! W-wait! I feel unprepared!"

I placed both my hands on his shoulders to calm him down. I made him breathe a little slowly just to make sure he doesn't panic so much.

"Ah, where's the others?" - Jay

"Well, they're training in some area so we'll head to them a little later. I'll have you help me out with safekeeping a huge number of items."

"Eh?" - Jay

"Well, let's head to Seymour first, I was being called after all."

Both of us had arrived to the throne room where Seymour and the rest of the members currently in the castle. I saw Julius, Ross, Allen, and Mitch hanging around the area and talking about some things over the chessboard.

"So I hope you understand why I called you out here Robin. But first, who is the youngster beside you?" - Seymour

"Ah, this person is Jay. One of the four scouts I had taken under my wing since we spread out around the main island."

"G-good day..." - Jay

He's really tensing up quite a bit...

I tapped his shoulder once more and he finally loosened up.

"Ah, thanks..." - Jay

Seymour came in front of us and started talking in a more casual manner.

"So, where did you head off too when I returned?" - Seymour

"Well, we went towards the Arcana biome and collected a huge number of Arcane ore for Denzel and Karl's use. Ah, it's not just that but we encountered the faction that resides underground. There was an enemy that both me and Jay faced off alone because one of our members had to recover from psychological attack."

"Psychological attack?" - Seymour

"Yes, the zodiac dungeon we went through requires one person to fight his own reflection that tries to use psychological manners like dark pasts or extreme regrets to ruin a person from the inside before killing them. One of my team members was almost killed but we managed to recover her."

"So, what happened to her?" - Seymour

"She's pretty much fine now. I made her reunite with her lover on Denzel's palace but we had to go on another trip so they will be separated for a little more."

"Really? Do you plan to make them reside in Denzel's palace?" - Seymour

"Of course."

When I looked at Jay, he was smiling pretty happily because of the chances I'm giving him to reunite with his sister completely.

"Oh, you look quite familiar. Are you a twin of one of Denzel's residents?" - Seymour

"Y-yes, I am Gayle's twin... My name is Jay, a recon scout." - Jay

"Recon scout? I guess that's one reason why Robin used you guys as great information collectors. I'm relieved that he got some connections but, did you two get the zodiac?" - Seymour

"We did, but not in the dungeon. As I said, the two of us ended up in a large underground city while mining for enough arcane ore. We ended up exploring the entire city but as we tried to leave we got attacked. The enemy we fought has the Virgo zodiac and it was a dangerous item."

"Define dangerous." - Seymour

"It's dangerous in the defensive manner. Every time you hit the enemy with this zodiac, they will generate a barrier that will prevent any form of damage for a while. So the two of us were having a hard time fighting for this but I'm glad that we managed due to his great sniping skills. It's not as great as Mitch and Chesca's but they're good members if we recruit them."

"Really now? Then listen Jay, I will appoint you all as official members of the Asylum. You guys will be taking priority commands from Robin who will take the responsibility to lead you." - Seymour

The look on Jay's face was filled with excitement and a radiant smile filled with determination.

"I'll gladly take on the role." - Jay

Nice words... Now you guys are officially my subordinates.

"Oh yeah, here's the Virgo zodiac. There was another one that I fought against for a little bit, he was a Praetorian higher-up and had the audacity to call himself Satan. He held the Scorpio zodiac sign and is seemingly pretty weak so I could just take him alone."

"I see... Fucking hell, why don't you let Michael fight against that guy. He has guts to go chuuni and Satan, we have to make him taste what a real demon king does." - Seymour

"True, well I guess I'll discuss it soon but I have to prepare to grab the last ore type we need."

"Aight, just be sure to get everyone fully prepared and safe on the travels. Make sure you guys will return here to the castle on schedule as there will be huge amount of preparation to progress on this game." - Seymour

"Got it."

Both of us gave our greetings and left the throne room. Seymour went towards the other members and started talking about their preparations for the main dungeon.

Me and Jay walked through the hallway and talked about the discussion they're having.

"So, what's this dungeon you're going to prepare for?" - Jay

"Well, it doesn't contain the most powerful items but there will be some items necessary to forge an ultimate weapon in this game. If I got my hands on that then it will be a great deal of help for us to survive in this world. It will be a very long investment though."

"I see... What are we gonna prepare for though?" - Jay

"Let's head to my room for a little bit, we have to grab most of the necessary materials there."

"Alright!" - Jay

I messed up from my tiredness and slept on the guest rooms last night. So I guided Jay up to my room which is on the more peaceful floors of the castle keep. Jay was somehow brimming with excitement but I was completely glad that he was no longer down after the temporary departure.

"Well, there's a lot that we have to prepare for since this will be one tough adventure we're talking about."