Eyeball Hunting

(Robin's POV):

After killing off one eye, we decided to plan out in some cases where we will fight two eyes at once. Since we managed to sweep one pretty quickly will never mean that two of it will not make a difference. Trying to maintain a battle against two Eyes of Cthulhu at once will be a lengthy endurance task.

"So, what are we gonna do if we fight two at once?" - Ridley

"Dunno? Split it between the four of you and me?"

"You... You can take on one alone?!" - Jay

"Well, first month here Seymour forced me to solo it without the tarot card so I could manage this pretty easily myself. There's also the fact that we're actually flying so we don't have to worry about it suddenly emerging from somewhere since we can dodge its attacks pretty easily."

"You're sometimes pretty scary you know? This is straight up suicide for us but not for you." - Rylle

I laughed a little bit while continuing to discuss the kind of strategies we will take once both eyes started marching in to our location.

"Well, in most cases we ignore one eye for a long time. Just make sure we have to dodge the attacks well despite focusing on one enemy. So it's not exactly undivided attention we're doing."

"Really?" - Grace

"Maintain distance from one eyeball. If you guys lost which eye to attack, check on me cause I have my eyes on it the whole time understand?"

Everyone nodded and smiled which means that they got what I had in mind. All of us went out and tried to do the first plan.

"Aight, I hope that we only got one of them out. This will make things a hundred times easier. Don't forget that these eyeballs can fire a converged laser alright?"

"Lasers?!" - Jay

Jay being shocked wasn't something I expected but he seems to be worried about getting hit by a powerful laser while aiming his shot.

"Relax, I'll know if one eye is about to fire a deadly laser so don't worry about it."

"I-I see... I guess it's fine then..." - Jay

We finally arrived to the area once again and tried to slowly traverse forward.

"See those two? Good. Then how about a giant bee? See any?"

"None..." - Jay

"Perfect, let's try bait one."

We moved a little closer to the stationary eyeballs in an extremely slow pace. After some time I had noticed one eyeball turn a noticably.

"Aight, we got our signal, let's move out."

All of us retreated back to try and bring the fight to a spot where we won't get interrupted. However, when I checked the incoming presences...

"Guess we can't have everything in the world work for us can we."

"Eh?!" - Jay

"We're fighting two at once!"

I detected two Eyes of Cthulhu incoming to our position relentlessly. We had arrived to the more open area where both eyes started to arrive a little later.

"Aight, focus on one eye. I'll start! Searing Light!"

I fired a laser and beamed one eye down. It received the attack by firing a laser to contest. The other eye moved closer and tried to attack the others.

"Start dodging!"

Jay fired a bullet to the eye we're currently focusing, making it flinch and take damage from my searing light. Grace went in along with Ridley and Rylle to deal major damage towards it. I then dashed forward to try and finish it off pretty quickly.

The eye started to move around while summoning multiple demon eyes at a rapid rate so we had to keep dodging well.

While I was nearing the focused eye a laser was shot from behind which made me dodge pretty quickly. The other eye will be stationary there for some time so we just have to rush this down.

"Rush down! Eyes on the laser before making a move!"

Everyone converged together from multiple sides to try and damage the focused target for a while. They avoided the death laser which is no longer a problem.

"Clear! Weapon Skill! Disruption!"

Mana Breaker allows me to use an ability to disrupt the enemy from casting an ability and leave them aghast for a moment. This will also also make monsters flinch and make them stop moving for a few seconds.

The eyeball's attempt to charge a laser ended due to the disruption and is now completely open from all forms of attacks.

With that opportunity we immediately mowed it down until it started spinning around. I fired a laser to deal even more damage as it enters second form. The other eye starts moving around to try and deal damage to us by summoning and dashing around.

"Make sure to follow up!"

I kept the lead of baiting around one eyeball to ensure that they can deal damage on it from the back. I had to make multiple sudden turns just to dodge the Eye of Cthulhu that's going berserk.

This will get even worse now...

I started gaining some distance from the berserk eye which I notified everyone to stay away for the time being. We waited for it to slow down before launching an all out attack towards it.

"Come here eyeball... Let me lead you to your death..."

Jay fired a bullet to the berserk eyeball that finally slowed down. I avoided another laser attack from the other Eye of Cthulhu before dashing towards the weakened target.

I stabbed Heaven's Beacon into it while the other three try to attack it from behind. Jay keeps firing with special bullets that will make any boss flinch for a split second and stop it from moving for a short while.

"Burning Light!"

I used this ability from Heaven's Beacon once again and burned the eye from the inside. Slowly but surely it died from the constant attacks while getting flinched by Jay's bullets.

"One left! Quick work!"

We've been using multiple bags of air in the process so I have lost count on how much I've taken. We immediately turned our focus to the second Eye of Cthulhu and tried to make quick work of it.

We simply repeated the process of eliminating one eye but it was much easier since we didn't have to dodge anything, so we got through with killing it as it was transforming into the second form at a high speed.

"Good job, that was a lot to take in. We should go back to the small space of air before we run out alright?"

Everyone followed exhaustingly back to the small space that we had used up. We took a rest and accidentally slept through for the time being.

About ten hours later, I woke up. Everyone was still asleep so I thought about doing inventory only to know that I need everyone awake for that. I simply waited and started cooking some food.

"I wonder how this will affect the area... I remember smoke turning to ash once it condensates but eh."

Ridley was the first one to wake up in a daze, I greeted him and he asked me where we are right now.

"In the middle of space, we just finished eyeball hunting here so take a rest for the time being."

"Got it. What happened though?" - Ridley

"Well, it was pretty tiring. How many bags of air do you have left?"

"Ah, let me check..." - Ridley

Ridley started doing inventory check and counted his remaining boxes. Jay woke up in the meantime and I told him to do the same thing.

"Seven boxes..." - Jay

"Five boxes..." - Ridley

"Oh damn, I have six. So we're about halfway there in average."

"Yeah, there's still the queen bee right? This will be problematic considering that the Queen Bee is quite a fast boss." - Jay

"Yeah, I think Michael's expedition team had fought against it and he did say that it's a terrible enemy to deal with. They fought it in the closed space of a jungle so I think we got an advantage when it comes to the arena."

"This means I can't hide either." - Jay

"Yep, be careful once it starts firing poisonous thorns. It will make you use up a huge amount of air if you do."

"I see... So avoid attacks at all costs?" - Ridley

"Yep, the thing about the Queen Bee in this game is that every attack will inflict poison. It also has a small chance to inflict venom along with poison so be careful of your health."

Grace and Rylle woke up a while after so we decided to perform inventory.

"Seven boxes." - Rylle

"Again, stop being that conservative."

"I get it! Jeez!" - Rylle

"What about you Grace?"

"Four..." - Grace

Four on Grace? Well I understand since she's an Aero Assassin and all but this might get a little rough on her side.

"Aight, this is twenty-nine boxes we have remaining... Seeing that we used up some in the box then that leaves a total of twenty eight..."

I started thinking about diving the rest of the boxes while we had some food to intake. They talked about various things such as how fun their school life had been in Star Academy which I've graduated along with everyone.

"Say, can I ask everyone about this. How old are you guys right now?"

"Nineteen." - Jay

"Twenty." - Ridley

"Ah, we're all twenty except for Jay and Gayle." - Grace

"I see... I'll ask you guys about your school life in Star Academy."

"Eh? Why?" - Grace

"I'm a graduate there."

I guess resting up while talking about some things should be fine...