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|Aera's POV|

"Can you please stop?" I complain as JiSu and JuHee run around the living room screaming at each other.

"Relax, Aera, they'll pass out in ten minutes or so. They can't go on forever." SunMi mumbles as she glances up from her phone.

"I can't think with their screaming. I'm going back to the studio." I get to my feet and head toward my shared room to grab my bag.

I stuff an extra pair of clothes inside and grab my notebook. The studio isn't exactly the studio—it's pretty similar though. I grab my phone and quickly send a text to someone before heading back out into the living room.

"You should let NaHee know where you're going." SunMi locks her phone and leans her head over the arm of the couch to meet my gaze.

"I will." I mumble as I wait for him to respond.

"Let me know what?" NaHee questions as she slips out of her room and shuts the door.

"I'm going to the studio to work on some things. Maybe a new song—maybe a dance—I don't know." I shrug as I reach for the door handle.

"Don't forget about our schedule for tomorrow. Make sure you set an alarm because you fall asleep a lot in the studio—we can't have you being late to our first radio show." NaHee chirps as I grab my sweatshirt and slip out of the house and onto the porch.

"Yeah, I know." I call back to her before shutting the door.

I tug my hood up and dig through my bag for my mask. The last thing I need is someone to notice me. I'm not exactly out on a friendly studio mission. Without warning, my phone starts to ring. I quickly hop off the porch and hurry to the sidewalk before answering.

"You're insane." The voice on the other end of the line chuckles.

"I'm losing my mind—so yeah—I guess I am. You better be awake when I get there—I really need to talk to someone." I sigh as I lower my head to avoid looks.

"Why? What's going on?" He asks softly, suddenly concerned by her unusual behavior.

"I'm just—I'm just really stressed. I can't relax. There's so much going on at all times and I can't write. I—of all people—messed up during practice today because I couldn't focus. How am I supposed to be the choreographer when I mess up the dance I made?" I mumble as I slip between a group of people.

"You're coming over so we can write together. Is that what I'm getting?" He yawns.

"Yes, Mark. I'm coming over so we can work on that song we were putting together. Hopefully—I pray—that it'll get me out of my slump. That way I can write some more with NaHee tomorrow while JuHee is at school." I glance up to see the apartment building.

"Fine, but I'm exhausted. I probably won't last more than an hour." Mark sighs.

"I'm here. Buzz me in." I instruct as I impatiently wait at the door.

A soft buzz signals the door unlocking and I hang up to tug the door open. I step inside and stuff my phone in my pocket before heading for the elevator. I slip into the elevator and wait for the doors to close before I tug my hood down. I pull my mask off and stick it in my bag before checking my distorted reflection in the elevator doors.

Once I reach Mark's floor, I slip into the empty hall and quietly make my way to his apartment. I tap on his door and wait for him to pull it open.

"What's the password?" Mark mumbles as he pulls the door open just a crack.

"Open up or I'm going to see YoungJae." I groan as I place my hands on the door and push.

"That's not the password, but it's a startling threat." Mark frowns as he steps aside and let's me in.

"I miss Coco, it would've given me a chance to see the cutie." I sigh as I spin around to face him.

"Take it in, because this is what you're getting." Mark motions down at his outfit. A baggy gray T-shirt hangs loosely over his chest while a pair of fitted black sweats cling to his legs.

"Have you seen me?" I chuckle as I unzip my sweatshirt and set it on his counter to reveal my own fashion disaster.

"It's cute." Mark smiles as he reaches his hands out for mine.

"Well duh—it's me—but I've looked cuter." I chuckle as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Mhm—did you use JiSu's shampoo again?" Mark asks as he buries his face in my hair.

"I've been too distracted to go get more of my own—so yes—I did use JiSu's again. It's better than NaHee's—I'm not a fan of smelling like an ocean breeze or whatever." I mumble as I press my cheek to his chest and take in his warmth.

"Do they know you're here? How'd you get away? With debut being so close you'd think they'd keep a closer eye on you guys." Mark asks as he pulls back to see my face.

"They haven't tightened any of our restrictions—besides—I'm me. If I want to do something, they let me or I get sassy. I always get my way—remember?" I smile as I spin around to take in his apartment.