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|ChanHyuck's POV|

"This last special fan is the youngest one here today. She's got quiet the story, too." I motion for Lily and her mom to join me.

"Lily!" JuHee chirps as she rushes to pick the little girl up.

I hand the microphone to her mother while JuHee cradles the small girl in her arms. She steps up next to Lily's mom and listens intently.

"My name is SeungHee Williams. This is my daughter Lily. Lily was diagnosed with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia when she was three. She went through chemotherapy for awhile, until they suggested a bone marrow transplant. Lily was really sick. Her father and I didn't know what we could do for her. We saw our one and only little girl in pain. She was so weak and fragile that just looking at her would make me cry. One night we were talking about the transplant. We were scared something would happen to her. We thought we would lose her without having a chance to say goodbye. We had thought she was sleeping, but she wasn't. Her little voice spoke up and shocked the both of us." SeungHee turns toward Lily and takes her face in her hand. She leans in and kisses her on the forehead.

"Lily told us that she would be okay. She was the voice of reason that night. She told us that she wanted to try. If she wouldn't have spoken up, we probably wouldn't have gone through with the transplant. If we hadn't have gone through with it, they said she wouldn't have made it. When I asked her why she wanted to do the transplant, she told me that she saw a little girl just like her online. She said the little girl was really sick, but she was always smiling and playing. Lily said she wanted to be like that girl. She wanted to be strong. Lily called her a superhero. She called her Superwoman Hee. That little girl in the video is standing here holding my little Lily. She's the one and only person Lily has ever looked up to and I'm so glad I was able to make this day happen for her. My Lily has a great role model. If she grows up to be even the slightest bit like her, I'll be more than thrilled. Thank you so much, JuHee. Thank you for helping my angel stay strong." SeungHee hands the microphone off to me and wraps her arms around JuHee and her daughter.

"Girls, if you want to say your goodbyes—" I motion toward the girls.

They all hesitantly make their way toward me. JuHee gives Lily back to her mother and quickly joins the others in the center of the stage. I give NaHee the microphone and step back.

"Thank you all so much for coming today. We haven't even debuted yet and you're already showering us with so much love and compassion. We owe you guys so much. I hope we can continue to be a support system for each other. We'll always do our best to communicate with all of you. We'll always be here for you. We love you with all of our hearts. Thank you so much." NaHee stops and turns toward the other girls.

They all exchange weak smiles and bow their heads once again. I usher them and the guest speakers off the stage and to a safe spot away from the crowd. I hurry back to the crowd and slowly start guiding them out.