WebNovelwho i am47.14%


|NaHee's POV|

I pull my phone out and scroll through my contacts. I shouldn't bother him, but I might lose my mind if I don't talk to someone. I give in and hit his contact before holding the phone to my ear. I slip outside and start walking down the empty street.

"Yes?" ChanYeol asks cheerfully.

"Were you sleeping? You sound like you drank ten cups of coffee." I chuckle softly as I stuff my hand in my coat pocket.

"I was not. I did—actually it was more like fifteen." ChanYeol responds matter of factly.

"Where are you? Are you at your studio?" I question as I try to come to some conclusion as to why he would drink fifteen cups of coffee.

"Yes. I am at the studio. Alone. No one else is here. Just me." ChanYeol states the same thing over several times as if trying to verify something that wasn't true.

"In most cases, I'd question why you had to give such a dramatic answer, but right now I don't care. Do you think you could meet me?" I mumble softly as I stare at the cracks in the sidewalk.

"Meet? Where? Maybe a convenience store that has coffee? I could go for a good cup of coffee right now." ChanYeol rambles as I look up to a small park next to the river.

"No, ChanYeol. You don't need anymore coffee. Drink some damn water and come meet me at the little park by my place." I instruct as I roll my eyes. I check both ways before crossing the street.

"I guess. Do I at least get a kiss when I get there—especially if there's no coffee?" ChanYeol agrees in his own abstract way.

"Yes, just please hurry up. I need to talk to you and I have to be back before the girls start getting anxious." I sigh as I make my way toward the edge of the river.

"I'm coming. Do you want me to bring a blanket or something? It's kind of chilly out." ChanYeol asks.

"Yes, please." I mumble as I wrap my fingers around the metal railing.

"I'll be there soon." ChanYeol reassures me before hanging up.

I lean over the railing to stare at the rocky riverbed. I wonder how cold the water is. If Aera was here she'd probably hop the fence and check. She's always so out there. If she's curious about something she finds an answer.

I hope SunMi is alright. Maybe I should message her—just to check. I'd hate for something to happen. Then again, maybe it's best I don't bother her. She did seem pretty uneasy earlier. JuHee was right, she was pretty pale.

I sigh and head toward the nearest bench. I sit down and pull out my phone and headphones. I put my headphones in and scroll through my music list. There's so many different choices, but it's so hard to pick one. I need something to help me focus—to help me stop worrying about SunMi. A distraction—that's what I need. I click on a song and close my eyes as I lean my head back.

I get lost in the soothing words and soft melody. The cool spring air aids me as I try to relax. I breathe in the sweet scent of apple blossoms. The songs seem to blend together as my body gives in and allows me to drift to sleep.

"You know, this isn't a safe place to sleep, right?" ChanYeol's melodic voice startles me as he places his hands on my shoulders. I tug my headphones out and spin around to look up at him.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep—I was just—" I attempt to come up with an excuse for my stupidity. I really shouldn't have fell asleep out here. Who knows who could've stumbled across me?

"Relax, I was pulling in when you dozed off. I sat here for a good twenty minutes waiting for you to wake up, but you didn't." ChanYeol chuckles as he leans down to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I need someone to talk to and you're the only one that I know of who will have no idea what I'm talking about." I pat the bench beside me and he sits down obediently.

"And what will I have no idea you're talking about? More importantly, why are we doing this at almost four in the morning?" ChanYeol asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. He slips his blanket off of him and sets it in my lap.

"SunMi. It's about SunMi. You can't tell a soul, ChanYeol. You have to promise me." I insist as I place my hand in his.

"Of course. Why the hell would I tell anyone?" ChanYeol rests his cheek against my head.

"I'm worried, Yeol. She was throwing up earlier. I didn't tell her I knew—I was worried she'd get mad I was snooping. I mean I wasn't really snooping. The bathroom is right next to my room. I just happened to overhear. Honestly, I'm shocked JuHee and JiSu didn't hear. They're next to the bathroom, too. Then again, I wasn't really sleeping. I was up working on some songs." I ramble on and on as ChanYeol listens intently.

"Okay—so first, take a breath. You need to breathe. I get you're frustrated and all, but you still to keep breathing. Second, I'm sure she's fine. She's a smart girl. If something were really wrong with her she would tell you. Third, I assume she's not at home. If she's not at home, you know where she is. Is she safe? Isn't that all that matters? If she's safe and warm then you shouldn't worry yourself to death. She'll be alright." ChanYeol yawns as he slowly begins to crash from his caffeine high.

"She's safe. She's probably safer where she is than at home with us." I sigh as I look up at ChanYeol.

"Do you want to go back to the studio with me? We can sleep there if you want." ChanYeol offers as he presses his forehead to mine.

"No, I should probably get back to the house. The girls are probably going insane. Aera was pretty upset about Sun not being there. I wouldn't be shocked if she tried calling her a dozen times." I frown as I pull away from ChanYeol and get to my feet.

"At least let me drive you back. I know it's not far, but it's make me feel better. I don't like you walking around out here on your own so late at night." ChanYeol takes my hand and leads me toward his car.

"Fine, but drop me off a little before the house. I don't want the girls seeing your car. I'd prefer to avoid more questions I don't want to answer." I mumble as I slip into the passenger seat.

"When you get home, go to bed. Don't let them ask you any stupid questions. You have to put your foot down and tell them it's none of their business. If I find out you didn't go right to bed—Imma make you move in with me." ChanYeol threatens as he starts the car up and slowly pulls out onto the road.

"We both know that won't happen, but nice try." I chuckle and reach over to pat his thigh.