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|SunMi's POV|

"I still can't believe it was wrong." I mumble softly as I walk hand and hand with JongHo.

"At least you don't have to worry about having to give up Candi. I mean—I was kind of getting used to the idea of having a little one running around. It would've been a new adventure for us—together. I have Ateez and you have Candi, but we don't have something for the both of us." JongHo tugs the passenger door open and helps me inside.

"They never told me that before—that my pills could do that. You'd think that'd be something they'd mention." I sigh as lean my head back against the seat.

"It happens. At least we know now. It'll save us in the future." JongHo reaches over to squeeze my thigh before sticking the key in the ignition and starting the car.

"Do they know we're coming?" I mumble as I reach out for his hand.

"HongJoong knows, but the others don't. I told him to try and keep it from SeongHwa as long as he can. I figured he'd have to tell them something in order to get them all to stay in one place." JongHo explains softly as he takes my hand in his.

"I hope he's not mad. I don't want him to be mad at you. I can handle him being mad at me, but not you." I sigh as I turn toward him.

"Relax, he'll be fine. He might be upset for a little, but he'll get over it. He loves you to death, so he won't be mad at you. It's going to all be on me—but that's okay. I mean—I am the guy. I should be taking the blame anyway." JongHo reassures me as we pull up to their dorm building.

"If I walk in with you—SeongHwa—" My anxiety begins to kick in as I stare up at the building. I tighten my grip on JongHo's hand as I tremble. I try to fight back tears, but it's no use.

"Hey, breathe. If you go in crying, they'll think I did something to you. I'd rather not get beat up by all of them. I mean—I can take them all—especially if it's just SeongHwa—but it may cause some problems for promotions." JongHo tries to lighten the mood by joking around.

"Can—can you have SeongHwa come outside? I want to—I want to tell him first." I stumble over my words as I try to collect myself.

"Of course." JongHo smiles as he leans in to kiss me. He grabs his phone and gets out of the car to call up to HongJoong.

I do everything I can to collect myself. I take a few deep breaths and manage to get myself under control enough to climb out of the car. I begin trembling again as soon as my eyes fall on SeongHwa.

"Go on. I'll head up to the others. I won't tell them anything until you and SeongHwa get up there." JongHo encourages me as we both watch SeongHwa search for JongHo.

I nod weakly and slowly make my way toward SeongHwa. My heart races and my chest tightens as he lays eyes on me.

"Sun? Why are you here—I thought JongHo was out here?" SeongHwa looks at me suspiciously before wrapping his arms around me.

"I have to—I have to tell you something." I struggle to escape his grasp.

"What's wrong? You never reject a hug from me—the others—you reject them all the time, but not me." SeongHwa pulls back and looks at me concerned.

"I just—I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, SeongHwa. I should've told you sooner. I shouldn't have kept it from you at all—I was just worried." I swallow hard as I lower my head.

"Oh lord, look at me. If this is your way of telling me that you're dating JongHo, it sucks. You're supposed to come running at me happy as hell and hug me while screaming it from the roof top. Do I need to knock some sense into that boy? He really needs to start getting his ass in gear. He should be showering you with love and gifts and making you fell like the only person in the world. Instead, he makes you tell me alone while you're an anxious mess." SeongHwa groans as he grabs my hand and leads me into the building.

"You—you knew?" I whisper as he drags me into the elevator.

"Of course, I knew. How the hell wouldn't I? He's always sneaking around then comes home smelling like you. Everyone knew." SeongHwa chuckles softly as he pulls me in for another hug.

"You guys don't know everything—do you? HongJoong didn't tell you, right?" I ask as I allow SeongHwa to hold me tightly.

"What's that? Is there something else? I just assumed you guys were finally ready to let us know you were dating." SeongHwa pulls back to look me in the eyes.

"SeongHwa—last night, I took an at home pregnancy test." I mumble before waiting to take in his disappointment.

"And?" SeongHwa places his hands on my shoulders. He smiles at me encouragingly.

"It was positive—but it was a false positive. My anxiety pills can apparently make the test come out positive enough though it isn't." I quickly get the rest out before he can get mad.

"That's good. Are you okay?" SeongHwa asks as he the elevator doors creep open.

"Yeah. I guess I am." I sigh as a weight is lifted off my shoulders. I was so worried he'd get upset with me. I thought he'd never want to talk to me again.

"That's all that matters. That and the fact I'm going to kick his ass." SeongHwa states calmly as he tugs their dorm door open.