WebNovelwho i am74.29%


|JuHee's POV|

I have no idea what any of them are saying. All I know is HongJoong looks even more beautiful in person—especially in this lighting. I'll have to thank SunMi's parents for getting these lights.

"JuHee—are you even listening? I'm trying to explain the rules. I know none of them will understand, so I'm hoping you catch on and can help." SunMi snaps her fingers in front of my face to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh—I can help HongJoong." I grab his arm tightly and scoot closer to him.

HongJoong glances at me, but doesn't seem to mind. In fact, he actually moves closer to me. I know he's just being nice because of my relationship with SunMi, but it still makes my heart flutter. I'm willing to accept the fact he's just being nice for SunMi and doesn't actually like me. It's better than nothing.

"You're not going to help HongJoong, you're going to cling to him like a koala. You'll probably hear less of the rules than he does. Why am I even talking—you're clearly not listening." SunMi groans as she turns her focus from me to JongHo. He should've been her main focus anyway, he's the one in charge of being the narrator.

"I know what I'm doing, trust me." JongHo reassures SunMi as she sighs in defeat.

"Fine, just start." SunMi lowers her head and closes her eyes, ready to start.

"Okay, everyone close your eyes." JongHo instructs.

I pout, but do as told. I don't see why I have to close my eyes. Can't I just stare at HongJoong? It's not like I'm going to look anywhere else—or pay attention to anything else.

"Okay, open your eyes." JongHo mumbles as he hurries back toward the center of the circle.

We all look at him expectantly.

"Oh—okay—so it's nighttime now. Close your eyes." JongHo runs the rules through his head again as he tries to figure out what he's doing.

"We literally just had them shut." SunMi snaps as she slaps his thigh.

"I'm sorry—just close you eyes." JongHo frowns.

We all do as told as JongHo paces back and forth between us.

"Okay—now the mafia—SeongHwa and—" JongHo stops, immediately realizing he messed up. SunMi pinches his thigh and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"JongHo, I've told you a million times—you don't say who each person is. You have to tap them on the shoulder when everyone's eyes are shut. Then during the night, you have them wake up. You're doing it all wrong." SunMi groans as she tugs on JongHo's arm.

"HongJoong is doing perfect." I chirp as I look up at him brightly.

"I should always have her with me. I can never do wrong in her eyes." HongJoong chuckles as he pats my head lovingly.

"Okay, so let's try this again. JongHo, you say their names this time and I will go upstairs, get my sewing kit, and see your mouth shut so you can't say any names ever again." SunMi places a gentle kiss on his hand before patting his butt reassuringly.

"The sad thing is I believe you." JongHo groans as he motions for us all to close our eyes.

I tune out the game, honestly not the slightest bit interested in it. The only thing I really notice is how warm HongJoong is. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Okay, so it's night now. Mafia open your eyes and tell me who you want to kill." JongHo manages to get it right.

HongJoong moves beneath me. It's obvious he's the mafia, but am I going to tell? Nope. He could try and kill me—I still wouldn't tell a soul. His secret is safe with me. I smile sheepishly to myself. JongHo chuckles, more than likely amused by me.

I jump as someone kisses my cheek. Instinctively, my eyes fly open to see Tzuyu smiling at me. I catch her arm and pull her back. I place a gentle peck on her cheek. She scrunches her nose before hurrying back toward JiSu and Yeri.

"Okay, everyone wake up. It's morning and we had a murder last night. I'm sorry to inform you that SeongHwa was attacked by a rabid chicken and fell into a river and drowned." JongHo puts together an outrageous story as everyone glares at him, clearly unamused by his attempt.

"Damn, you don't leave anything to the imagination." SeongHwa groans as he glares at everyone.

"WooYoung did it. He's the mafia." San hops up onto his feet and points directly at WooYoung.

"And just why exactly is that? I haven't said a word." WooYoung looks up at him in confusion.

"You're the only one who would kill SeongHwa." San nods his head, clearly impressed with his own detective skills.

"I think you need to be quiet." HongJoong tugs San's arm and forces him to sit back down.

Someone knocks on the door and I immediately jump up. I run toward it with a smile.