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|NaHee's POV|

"Where's that rainbow shirt you're obsessed with? I have an idea." I hold my hand up to silence JuHee as I make my way closer to JiSu.

"This one?" JiSu pulls the shirt off the hanger and hands it to me.

"How do you feel about borrowing a pair of my shorts? I know you're not a fan of denim, but I think it'd be really cute if we paired the two and you wore knee high socks with some cute white tennis shoes." I offer up a potential outfit.

"I'll wear them." JiSu nods as I hand her the shirt back.

"I want to do your hair, too." I state firmly as I make my way toward the door in a hurry.

I slip into my room and grab my favorite light denim shorts. I rush back to their room and hand them to her. She stares down at them contently.

"What do you want to do to my hair? Will it look okay with the other outfit?" JiSu asks as she turns the shorts over in her hands.

"Braids. Loose braids. It's nothing fancy. It'll keep your hair out of your face. I promise it'll look good with both outfits." I insist as I search the room for her brush.

"Ooh—you should do mine, too!" JuHee chirps as she slips JiSu's second outfit into her bag and zips it for her.

"Let me do JiSu's first then I'll do yours." I motion JiSu toward me as I sit crisscross on her bed.

"I want a fishtail braid." JuHee smiles bright as she gets to her feet. She sets JiSu's backpack on the chair and grabs her own brush.

"You're hair is too short for a fishtail. How about a two French braids?" I glance toward her and she nods as I slowly begin brushing JiSu's hair out.

"Hey, NaHee?" JiSu mumbles as she stares down at her phone.

"What's up?" I ask as I skillfully braid her hair.

"This date thing—how do I go about it? Are there things I should avoid? Things I should do? I know there's a lot of dating rumors about me—but I have no clue how to date." JiSu sighs as sets her phone down on the bed.

"Be you. All you have to do is be our cheerful little Susu. He's going to love you. Everyone will once they get to know you. You're literally the cutest, most sweetest person I know." I reassure her as I finish the first braid.

"What about me?" JuHee pouts as Dubu jumps onto the bed beside her.

"You? JuHee—you are literally just an angel. You're picture is literally all they have to put in a dictionary for someone to understand the meaning of the word." I chuckle as she grabs ahold of Dubu and squeals in excitement.

"And you—NaHee—are the best person in the whole world. I think you're a goddess." JuHee smiles as she lays on her back and hangs her head over the edge of the bed.

"What's going on in here?" SunMi peeks her head in the room.

"Nothing without us." Aera pushes passed her and the door swings open.

"Welcome to the braiding party." I chuckle as the two new visitors find a spot to sit.

"Oh hell yeah. Who's next?" Aera glances around the room.

"Me!" JuHee raises her hand as she reaches for her stuffed animal.

I glance toward the desk to see little Dubu curling up under it.

"I'm third. I require a million tiny braids so my hair is super wavy tomorrow. I have a lot of big plans." Aera explains regally as she lifts her chin as if trying to show her elegance.

"You better go find someone who has a lot of time on their hands then." I chuckle as she groans in defeat.

"Fine. What about four? Can I get four braids?" Aera sticks her bottom lip out in a pout.

"I can manage four." I nod as SunMi settles in bed behind JuHee.

"Do you want me to braid your hair, JuHee? I've actually had a few ideas for your hair." SunMi reaches for JuHee's brush.

"Yes! You can do it!" JuHee leans her head back as far as she can to get a glimpse at SunMi.

"I wanna do yours, too, Aera. I have a really cool idea." SunMi glances toward Aera as she runs JuHee's brush through her hair.

"Okay." Aera nods contently as she pulls her phone out.

"I have a question." I tie off the end of JiSu's last braid before looking at Aera.

"What's your question?" She steals a glance at me before returning her focus to her phone.

"You said you have big plans tomorrow—what exactly are they?" I question as I get to my feet.

"Nothing. I'm going to probably just chill in bed all day. Because it's our last free day. Have you guys forgotten—our debut is the day after tomorrow?" Aera looks at us all accusingly.

"Nope. I'm well aware. I'm just not to worried about it. We're going to do great. JuHee baby, can you flip you head forward?" SunMi mumbles as she slides off the bed and sits on the ground in front of JuHee. She slowly begins braiding from the nape of JuHee's neck toward the top of her head.

"I wanted to go get my hair dyed. If any of you are interested, you're welcome to come with. ChanHyuck gave me the go ahead earlier." I explain as I stand behind Aera.

"What color?" Aera asks curiously as she tilts her head back to see me.

"I'm going a dark reddish color I think." I explain casually as I run my fingers through Aera's hair.

"I think SunMi should go red, too, but like bright red." JiSu speaks up as she turns toward SunMi and JuHee.

"I don't know. I haven't really messed with my hair much." SunMi shrugs as she stops braiding and secures the remaining hair into a little space bun.

"JiSu, you should go with a purplish blue color. I think that'd be really pretty." JuHee smiles as she turns to steal a glimpse at herself in the mirror.

"I don't know, maybe." JiSu shrugs as she lays down in bed and stares at the ceiling.