The Ongoing Nightmare

On Wednesday morning, I was walking to school feeling weak and sore. Every step I took, I felt pain through my entire body. My stomach especially.

Allan had cornered me last night and given me a hard beating. He was drunk and really angry. Because of what he did, I couldn't sleep. After he had finished hitting me, I went straight to my room for the entire night and I could not stop throwing up. He was hitting me frequently now and more harder. I really don't know how much more of it I could take.

I didn't feel like going to school, but I really didn't want to miss school. After dragging myself to school for half an hour and ignoring the pain for the entire journey, I finally reached school. I walk inside the building and head to homeroom, so I can sit and rest my sore body.

After roll call, Jasmine and I went to our first class of the day. As we sat at our seat in English class, she began to tell me about Tyler. Tyler was the boy who she went on a date with last week Wednesday. I was surprised that she was still talking about this one. He must be special. Normally after a week, she would get tired with the last guy she went out with or she would realize that he was not her type.

"He was so sweet, Kayla. When I got to school this morning, he was there and offered to walk me to homeroom." Jasmine gushed dreamily.

"Wow, that's great Jasmine. This is actually the first boy I hear you talk about this way." I observed, happy for her.

She smiled. "I did tell you that he was special." I nodded my head at her, before crouching over as I felt a sharp pain run through my stomach.

Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows at me and look at me worriedly. "Kayla, are you alright?" She asked, concern reflecting in her words.

I look at her and force a fake smile. "I'm fine. It's just stomach pains." I said.

"Oh, it's your time of the month. I feel it for you. I know how you feel." She sympathized.

I nodded my head at her comment, but I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, that had nothing to do with the pain. I always feel this way when I lied to her. I really do hate lying to her.

However, I didn't have much time to think about it, because I started to feel sick again. I asked the teacher to leave the classroom and I walk quietly to the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom and the stall just in time to throw up. After two minutes of throwing up, I left the stall feeling slightly better. I washed up quickly and left the bathroom. Before heading back to class, I leaned on the wall outside and closed my eyes to recollect myself.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice say beside me. I opened my eyes quickly to see Carson standing beside me, studying me.

I removed from my leaning position on the wall and regarded him. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your class?" I asked.

Am I ever?" Was his response. I just shook my head and began to walk to my class. He moved also to catch up to me. "Wait up, you didn't answer my question." He reminded.

"I'm fine." I said simply, hoping he would drop it.

"Are you sure? You looked a little pale back there." He stated.

"I'm on my period. Do I have to explain further?" I asked in a mock tone.

Carson was quiet for a while and he seemed a little uncomfortable. "" He said.

"Good. So do you mind going to your class and allow me to go back to mine?" I asked. I walked away from him before he could say anything else.

I knew that I had lied once again, but I just wanted him to stop interrogating me and that did the trick. I smiled as I recalled the expression that was on his face. Serves him right! I soon reached my English class and got back to the lesson.


It was now after lunch and thank God, I was feeling much better. I wasn't throwing up anymore and the pain in my stomach had receded.

I stepped into my AP biology with Jasmine and sat at our table. Soon after that, our teacher Mrs. Freeman walked in.

"Students, from week we were talking about the food based macromolecules. Today, we are going to do an experiment based on what we have learnt." Mrs. Freeman said. "So, we are going to be testing for triglycerides, glucose, starch and proteins. You will be working with partners, so get your gears on and let's begin."

A smile came unto my face as I heard that we will be doing an experiment. I loved doing experiments.

Anytime I learn something new in biology class, I always can't wait to do the experiment. To actually get to work with the materials and see the results of my work. I really loved science. I loved everything about the human body especially, which is why I want to become a medical doctor. I got the gears and everything I needed from the cabinet in the lab and Jasmine and I started on our experiments.

Jasmine and I were on our last experiments, when someone came and stand over us. Looking up, I saw that it was Carson.

"What is it now, Carson?" I asked.

"I'm just observing your experiment. How did you get that result? That's not what we got." He said, puzzled.

I looked behind me at his and Jordan's table to see what they did. I shook my head. "That's because you did not add the right solution." I answered.

"Of course I did." He stated.

"No. How would you know what to do, if you did not come to class when we were learning about this?" I asked.

"Hey," Jordan said from behind me. "I always come to class."

"I'm sure you do. I guess you would consider hanging out at the back of the school, picking up girls, biology." I said sarcastically.

Jordan laughed. "Carson, this girl has got jokes. I like her." He said to Carson.

I roll my eyes at him. "Good luck fixing your experiment." I said and turn back around. I look at Jasmine and we both giggled.

After we finished our experiments and written down our results. The teacher indulged us in a discussion. Soon, class ended. Jasmine and I packed up our things and left the class.

Once in the corridor, Jasmine spoke up. "Did I detect something between you and Carson?" She asked wriggling her eyebrows.

"No. How could you ask such a thing? Carson is a heartless jerk and I definitely don't want to be added on his long list of girls he uses and tosses aside." I said, making up my face in disgust. "And you know I would never do that."

Jasmine laughed. "I know, I know. I'm just messing with you." She said then sighed. "It would be interesting though."

"That's because you find romance in every situation." I reminded her.

"What can I say? I'm a romantic at heart." She replied as she turn in a different direction from me, heading to her class. I smiled and shook my head at her and also head to my class.