Taking It Too Far

WARNING: Abusive content!


On Thursday evening, Carson and I were in my room doing homework. I had done my homework for my other subjects already and now Carson was helping me with our math homework. Maths was still not my subject, but surprisingly with Carson helping me, I had gotten better.

We had now finished with our homework and was now relaxing on the bed. I sat with my back leaning against the headboard. Carson was laying down cross-way on the bed, with his head resting on my lap.

"I'm going to miss you being here." Carson said quietly. "But I know it's for the best and all that matters to me is that you are safe."

I looked down at him as I spoke and ran my hands through his luscious and soft hair. "Yeah and plus your dad keeps questioning me." I said, then added. "He still hadn't said anything to you?"

"Not a word." He said sighing. He was quiet for a while, before he added. "I don't care what he does. He hasn't shown any interest in me before anyways. He wants me to change my mind, but that's not going to happen."

Carson then lifted his head off my lap and looked up at me, with a smile. "Anyway, enough about him. I haven't gotten my kiss since I came in here." He said in a teasing voice.

I lifted my eyebrows. "Oh really?" I asked, my voice light and playful.

"Yeah. I always look forward for my kiss."

I smiled. "Well in that case..." Before I could finish my sentence, Carson's lips were on mine. His mouth was hot on mine as he kissed me roughly.

Kissing Carson like this will never get old for me, because every time he kissed me he stirred different feelings in me. I couldn't get enough of him, so without breaking the kiss, I pulled him closer, so I was now laying on the bed and he was hovering over me.

He explored my mouth and I run my fingers through his hair. He removed his left hand from my waist and slipped it under the hem of my shirt. He skimmed his fingers lightly over my stomach, which sends shivers through my entire body. His hands didn't go any further than that though. I felt my chest swell at the thought that he wouldn't go any further without my permission. I smiled into the kiss.

There was a soft knock on the door and both of us pulled away abruptly. Trying to control my heavy breathing, I cleared my throat. "Yes." I answered, my breath still raspy.

"Kayla dear, I'm just letting you know that dinner is ready." Marilyn's voice came through the door.

"Okay, thanks. I'll be down in a bit." I responded. I heard her footsteps fading away as she walk away.

I looked back to Carson, who was already looking at me, a smirk on his lips. "Ahh man. I was really enjoying this make out."

I smiled at him. I was enjoying it too. In fact, looking at his lips right now that were swollen from my kisses, I wanted to pull him back to me and kiss the light out of him. Instead, I hit him on his chest playfully and shoved him back. He laid back on the bed and chuckled lightly.

I shake my head at him. "Such a flirt."

"I know." He replied, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my smile. "Let's go, before your mom starts to wonder what's taking us so long." I said as I got up from the bed. Carson followed my actions and we both left the room.


The following day after school, I was packing my things so I could leave the Knights' house tomorrow. To be honest, I have gotten so used to the Knights' home that I was reluctant to leave. However, I was super excited to stay with Jasmine. I really couldn't wait. Mr. Knight has made his decision and I respect that. It's his house after all.

I had now finished packing and sat on the bed. It wasn't much, seeing as most of my things were still at my stepfather's house. The only things I own here was the clothes that Mrs. Knight bought for me the first day and other small things that I had with me.

Carson had gone to the gym with his friends as soon as he left school. He was going to have his last training for the championship tomorrow. I had asked him if I could come tomorrow and once again he was hesitant, until eventually he caved in the end.

I wasn't ready to sleep and I was bored out of my mind, so I decided to go downstairs to watch the television. I was feeling in the mood to watch some cartoons, so I put the station on Nickelodeon. I saw that Spongebob Squarepants was showing and I smiled to myself. I love this cartoon. I don't care if I was too old for cartoons, but I would never get tired of Spongebob Squarepants.

After forty five minutes of watching the television, I heard a knock on the front door. Linda was in the kitchen cooking dinner and Ms. Nordia was upstairs cleaning. Marilyn, who had came home fifteen minutes ago, was upstairs taking a shower. I got up from the couch and went towards the door.

As soon as I opened the door, my eyes widen in shock. My hand gripped the door handle tightly and I was frozen in shock. Standing on the other side of the door was my stepfather. What surprised me also, was the sickly sweet smile that was on his lips as he looked at me, then over my shoulders.

Finally finding my voice, I asked harshly. "What are you doing here?"

His cold eyes narrowed on me. "I'm here to bring you home. You can't keep hiding from me."

"Yes, I can and I will." I replied, hatred dropping from my every word.

Allan's face turns hard with anger. His dark eyes bore into mine as he tried to control his anger. He was about to say something else, when I heard a voice behind me.

"Who is at the door, Kayla?" I turned to see Mrs. Knight standing at the bottom of the stairs. Her black hair was still wet from her shower and hang down her shoulders.

"Um...it's...er, my stepfather." I answered, wishing that Allan would go and leave us alone.

I heard footsteps behind me as she walked over to the door. "Oh really?" She finally reached the door and stood beside me. She smiled at Allan and extend her hand. "Hi, I'm Marilyn Knight."

Allan, who's angry look had disappeared the moment Marilyn came to the door, placed a smile on his face. His smile was forced. He was just playing the part. "I'm Allan Mitchell."

"Mr. Mitchell, it's so good to finally meet you. Your stepdaughter is a wonderful young lady. I love having her here." Marilyn said as she smiled at me.

I looked over at Allan to see his reaction. He was still wearing that fake smile like an outfit. I rolled my eyes. He was good at acting. How had Hollywood missed him?! He may had Marilyn fooled, but I knew better. "Ah yes, I know." He said, looking at me. I glared at him. "Anyway, I'm here to take Kayla with me for a while." My eyes widen at his words.

"Oh yes, sure. You do your thing." Marilyn replied, laughing lightly.

Before this could get out of hand, I intervened. "I'm really tired, can't we go another time?" I asked as I fake a yawn.

"It would only take a while. It's a surprise and I know you will love it." He grabbed my arm, but not too hard and pulled me outside. There was something in his words that told me I will do anything but love it.

I didn't get a chance to protest further, because he gave Marilyn a smile and waved at her. She waved at him back and then closed the door. Allan led me down the drive where he parked his car. His grip tighten on my arm as he walked beside me. I tried to remove my arm from his grip, but he held on tight.

When he reached his car, he opened the passenger seat and shoved me inside. Not hard so anyone would notice, but hard enough to send a message. It's no use to try and run. There's no escaping now.

He came around the driver's side so fast, before I had the chance to collect myself and reopen the door. He got in, close the door and pressed the automatic lock. The locking of the latch sounded in the car. It echoed in my head and I know it was hopeless. Realizing my situation, fear started to kick in.

Without saying a word, Allan started the engine and pulled away from the house. I looked over to him. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"We are going home." He answered without looking at me.

"Please take me back. I told you I'm not going back there." I said, my voice rising to hide my fear.

He looked over at me for a second, before looking back to the road. An evil smile playing on his lips. "You don't have a say in the matter. You are going to get what you truly deserve."

Hearing the coldness and the underlying threat in his words, I shrunk back in the seat in fear. At that moment, I wish I had my phone, but I left it in the couch when I got up.

Allan pulled in the driveway of his house and cut the engine. He released the latch and got out. I pulled the door quickly and got out too, but before I could make it anywhere, he was by my side and grab my arm in an iron grip again. He pulled me up to the front porch and opened the front door.

He shoved me inside the house and locked the door. He pulled out his phone and made a call. "I'm home now." He said, then hang up. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who did he just call?

I didn't have time to think about that, because he took a step towards me. "You are in so much trouble young lady." He said, his voice dripping with venom.

"What do you plan on doing with me?" I asked, watching his every move.

He smiled cynically. To be honest, it was creepy. I felt my blood run cold. "I told you to come home, yet you disobey me. I warned you not to tell anyone, yet you did. You're going to pay for ever crossing me." His voice was hard as stone. "You should always listen to what I tell you!"

I felt rage overcome me and I shouted. "You can't tell me what to do! You are not my father. Never have been and never will be."

I could see the veins stand up in his neck and a muscle tick in his jaw. Uh oh. I have made him super mad. In an instant he was in front of me and have my neck in a choke hold. "Watch your mouth, bitch! Do not play with me!" He then shoved me hard. I stumbled and fell on the floor.

Before I could get up, he came over to me and pulled me up roughly by my shirt collar. He then struck me across my face hard. I held my cheek which stung in pain. I felt the first tear rolled down my cheek as I looked up into his angry face. He wasn't done with me, I knew.

Dear Lord, why was this happening to me? That was the question that was going through my mind as he hit, box, kick and shoved me. There was a knock on the door and that was when he stopped. He walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a man. I have never seen him in my life, but I knew that by the way he was looking at me cowering in the corner, that I didn't like him.

"Allan, is this the girl you've been telling me about?" He asked as his eyes roamed my body. I shivered at his scrutiny. I could tell that he was a little drunk. He must be one of Allan's rum buddies.

Allan nodded. The man smiled, showing yellow teeth. I could tell that he smokes a lot. The man steps toward me and I shrank into the wall. I knew exactly what he was going to do and I felt the fear return tenfold.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, although I already know the answer.

Allan grin. "Relax, I don't know what your problem is. After all, you are used to this, you whore!" He replied.

I stood up on my feet quickly and tried to run away. Allan was beside me in a second and blocked my way. "You are not going anywhere." He dragged me to the man, who grab unto my waist. The man had a tight grip, so I couldn't get away.

Remembering a move that Carson had taught me, I acted with determination. I used my elbow and rammed it hard into his stomach. He groaned in pain and loosen his grip on me. Making use of his distraction, I then stepped on his toes and he screamed out, letting me go completely. I tried to make a run for the door, but Allan caught me and turned me back to the man.

The man had an angry look on his face as he shouted. "You bitch!" He lifted his hand and slapped me across the face. Allan let go of me and stepped to the side. The man then shoved me hard and I hit the wall behind me, then I fall to the floor.

My body felt heavy and I was too weak to move. I looked up at the man through blurry vision. I couldn't focus, but I notice that he was unbuckling his belt and then pulled down his pants. He knelt down in front of me and pulled down my sweatpants. I was now in my T-shirt and panty. I tried to move, but my body was becoming weaker and weaker. I felt tears streaming down my face as I realized that there was nothing I could do. I looked over at my stepfather, who was just watching us.

I started to sob as the tears flow. I can't believe this was really happening. The man put his filthy hands on my body and dragged me across the floor, closer to him. My entire body was weak from the beatings and hits that I couldn't do anything. I just lay there as I began to lose consciousness.

As the man put his hands on my panty, I heard the door being flung open. It made a loud bang as it hit the wall behind it. The last thing I saw through my hazy vision, was the man being ripped from me, before I lost consciousness completely.