Our Qin Family Can’t Accept Such An Eccentric Woman In Our Family

When Wei Zhengsheng returned, Xian Guiying was asleep. It was unknown if she was having a nightmare. She slept soundly, but her eyebrows were a little furrowed.

He placed the dinner box on the table and stroked her forehead. Looking at the red and swollen area on her forehead, he noticed that the redness had faded slightly.

In fact, Xian Guiying did not sleep well, she had long dreams. As Wei Zhengsheng withdrew his hand, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. "You're back."

He answered with a grunt and took the dinner box before giving it to her. "Eat first, then you can continue sleeping."

Xian Guiying didn't take it, she just said, "Set it aside for a moment. I'll eat it later. I'm not hungry."

Wei Zhengsheng knew that she had just woken up and didn't have an appetite, so he didn't force her. He poured a glass of water and placed it next to the dinner box, then said, "Qin Gengxin called you just now and I picked it up."