Chapter 4


Lisa's POV

Tori thinks that my unnie and I will get some food for my unnie but no! We will get some revenge he has no rights to do this to my unnie so he will pay all of this so we headed to the fbe then we ask some of the people who work at the fbe then they said he is at the room then we immediately opened the door and I let Bob and Barron guard the door I lock the door and yep we saw him...

Jaxon:wtf! Oh hey ladies why are you here?

Lisa:oh come here but first we will hand cuffed your hands and *slaps* you bitch!

Jaxon:ow that hurts!

Jennie:shut the fuck up bitch!

Lisa:you have a bill to pay okay???

Jaxon:what do you mean?? I don't know what your talking about pls let me go

Jennie:in one condition you will come with us

Jaxon:why pls stop why did I do?

Jennie:just shut the fuck up! *Slaps* because of you my sister got in the hospital she was in critical condition but luckily she got stabled don't worry you will see her just come with us first 

Jaxon:fine then I don't know who is she but fine then

Jaxon's POV

I dont know why but I feel guilty I hope she is okay now we got at the hospital then I saw her no way it shouldn't be her omy is this how painful to hurt her? I think my tears is escaping in my eyes....

Tori:look what have you done to her Jaxon

Lisa:my unnie I wish you didn't come at the fbe it's all my fault I'm sorry unnie

Jaxon:I uh Jennie,and Lisa I'm sorry I didn't mean it

Jennie:I'm sorry too but only y/n can answer that and you will be the nurse for her that is the only way that you can repay her good luck

Lisa:we have a tour to Philippines we will be gone in months Tori will come with us because we will repay her for saving my unnie here is the money for taking care of her don't worry we already payed the hospital bills so yeah let's go? Guys?

Tori and Jennie:yezzz letz gooooow

Nooo what am I supposed to do with this girl this will not go so well welp here's go nothing.