Chapter 6


Jaxon's POV

Y/n and I talked a lot though yeah she's cute and nice oh wtf what am I saying boiii so moving on she teached me some Korean words and stuff it's easy to learn some Korean words though yep piece of cake so she fell asleep then I saw a text from jayka...

[Yow! Where are you dude? Mikaela is worried about you] psh! Just tell me that she is worried about me she can't lie to me ugh! I texted her back and...

[You can't lie to me just admit it that you are worried about me stupid!] Yep! This is me I'm a rude guy bitch!

I mute her messages from me tbh she is so annoying like fuck her! She is a slut though what a pervert!

*The next day*

Y/n is discharge at the hospital I gave the money that her unnie gave to her so yeah it's cool we left the room but before that I suddenly change my mood because of him how did he know that I was at the hospital?! Does she know y/n before? Ugh! I hate this

Y/n: Uncle! Hunt sup! I miss you 

What?! What does she mean?!

Y/n:oh Jaxon this is Uncle Hunt my father's body guard before my appa passed away [appa-daddy] 

She said it happily,I fakely smiled so that's why he left us huh?! How cruel 

Hunt:oh Jaxon I didn't know she was your friend 

He said it and smiled,psh it's none of your business dad oh I mean your not my dad at all because you left us!

Y/n:oh you too guys know each other? Damnit it Jaxon why you didn't tell me?

She said it in a childish way, aish what a kid y/n

Jaxon:yeah he is my dad actually umm y/n we will just talk for a minute okay?

She nod,and Hunt/dad get out of the room and I turned mad at him 

Jaxon:what are you doing here?!

I said in a cold way,he look at me straight at the eyes and look at me seriously

Hunt:I'm so sorr---

I cut his words and I feel my tears escaping from my eyes 

Jaxon:save it it's too late your not my father anymore so leave y/n alone and also me we don't need you you left us behind! 

I said it angrily,he nods and walks away

Jaxon:and Hunt forget that I am your son because your family already left you behind already

I said it in a cold way,I wiped my tears and I opened the door I was shocked that y/n is listening all the time 

Y/n:why you didn't tell me that you and your dad had a left you?

I don't know what to say I don't know what to do


End of chapter six

Pls follow me on Instagram its_queeniebelles17 another update next week pls vote and comment!