The Desert Of Illusions. ( Chapter 07 )

Darby and his friends left for the Devil Kingdom before that they have to find the friend of Devil King who made him fool and gave him the greed of power . So as per villager said they would find never be able to find his friend because he left the kingdom when he heard that The Devil King is coming back . They all suffered from the pollution in the air and the bad water they all drank . The Devil Kingdom was still far according to the map which was given by the old villager and the map consists of five layers which clearly mentioned that what are places that will come in their way to The Devil Kingdom in which first was the desert of illusions and second was the well of death and third was the the village with the cursed creatures.

So they are still in the desert of illusions ,so what's so difficult in crossing the desert . The main thing was in which directions to go because any way can be illusion so they have to be fast because they have only three bottle water and this is very less in the desert and in night they not even have a tent or something so stop there and take some rest they can't stop in open because this is world of monsters they don't know at what time a monster can kill them and eat them. But everybody forgotten about the powers of Ken he had kept his book and pen in his shirt so he also forget about that himself.

Daniel : " Hey, why we are walking we can go by air also."

Darby : " But How ? "

Daniel : " With the help of Ken ,please take out your book and pen "

Ken : " Which book and pen ? "

Daniel : " Oh Fatty boy the book and pen you have got from the portal . "

Ken : " Oh that book how can I forget about that "

Ken : " Wait I have kept it just over here only ...Here it is "

Ken wrote on that book on that page to get a flying carpet but it didn't came because this is not possible then he wrote to bring four horses with unlimited food barrels and with water it came so they again started there journey and they were about to escape the desert of illusions but suddenly they found themselves again at the beginning of the desert of illusions it was a trap so it was a illusion but they thought that this is reality not the real reality so they again continued they journey but in reality they were just moving opposite of ending so Darby found that if it is reality or illusion how will we know he took out a compass and Darby found that the compass was working opposite if they were going in north so it showed south so Darby got the way to get out of the illusion he started in South but in reality it was North and the ending of the desert . Darby also figured out that his friends were not replying to what did he said because they were also a part of illusion but in reality his friends have escaped out of the desert and Darby was still in the desert finally he was able to escape out and just after he escaped he got a emerald from the sky and a big bell rang. Now the next stop was The Well Of Death. Which is a mile away from them and the load on their bags were enough to make them hydrated .