The Village of Cursed Creatures. ( Chapter 09)

Darby and his friends reached the The Village of the cursed creatures and till now they haven't seen any villager or worker but they can still hear some voices of mummering and talking about them but anywhere they looked the mummering sound goes just opposite like if the sound was first coming from their back and when they turn back the sounds were usually heard in the opposite direction and it was a bit confusing and terrifying when they tried to talk the voices they started chanting something but after so much tries to talk them only wasted there time because The Devil King is also coming after them and wanted to kill them but suddenly a creature was spawned by the chanting of the villagers and when the creature was spawned the all villagers were now visible and seem to be very happy but why because everyone was a monster here but suddenly another emerald fall from the sky and the creature was seem to be forced to step backwards and the emerald started to shine and it make everything clear the villagers were visible as a creepy creatures like one was having about 20 eyes and one was having no eyes but 5 mouths and 2 noses but whatever main creature which was spawned was larder in size and he seem to be normal from head to toe but he had very sharp claws and he had a blessing from The Devil God that if anybody touches him he would die in a second so now Darby and his friends should be careful

Darby : "Run as fast as you can and don't let him catch you or touch you "

Darby : " Everybody take these emeralds and throw at them "

Ken : " Don't take any risk about emeraldswe have only five of them . You have a coin of the God why don't you throw that at him ? "

Darby : " Daniel carried it "

Daniel : " I had it in my pocket "

Daniel took out the coin and Darby didn't waste a second and throwed that coin on the creature but Darby's target practicing gave up and his target which was earlier the creature now it was the house of a villager but suddenly the coin which was thrown by Darby Became a large sword and Darby also became as larger than the sword so Darby attacked at creature and it was so deadly that it looked like there was no Village earlier and was now a lake of blood . Nobody was able to notice that why did Darby and the sword became so large maybe because Darby has The Powers of all kinds of Gods but why didn't he became this large when he throwed the coin at the well of death maybe because he didn't knew about it. But leaving all questions behind they continued there journey to The Devil Kingdom .But still the difficulty is still on it's peak and everyone has to be a bit aware of their surroundings and from them too because the monsters can change their bodies with them too.