The Issue (Error)[CHAPTER 03]

Liam really couldn't bear that it was really scary for one person to see that someone is moving their legs faster towards them Liam said "WHY AM I FEELING SO SCARED!!!!... And why are those chills running down my damn Spine!!! AND IF I COULDN'T STAND IN FRONT OF IT I WILL PROVE TO MY MOM RIGHT THAT I AM A CRY BABY!!! THAT'S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!!"

Liam gave himself a tablet of courage and stood there but yet he was dead scared this is what is called false courage but he was disappointed cause that thing was crying and running towards him that thing even passed by yet Liam couldn't come out of his disappointment and that thing stood behind him for 10 mins after that Liam reacted to it with a big shock he first shrugs his eyes and made his head notice what's it behind him cause his head wasn't moving at all then he saw a person taking deep breaths and laid down but Liam wasn't able to see the face but that now he knew its a person it gave him a bit of courage but as he was about to shake that person he got a thought that "This thing could turn into a big demon and then finish me!!" he started making his legs move slowly bit by bit and after one minute of that slow walk that person said "DON'T.....Don't move towards their" Liam slowly spins his head and saw it was NOAH!.

This made him even more disappointed. He wasn't expecting him to be Noah cause he is not that brave neither is willing to be a brave person.

Noah was stuck on Liam's left hand tried throwing him but Noah was crying and said, " First of all stop shaking your hand I will fall and Secondly, SAVE ME!!!

Liam gave a blank expression and then he aggressively threw Noah aside as he was going sick seeing Noah's dead face after being thrown Noah stayed in that state for around 10 minutes he seemed sad Liam was Irritated so He started to drag him with him.

Liam decided to go to that building because that was suspicious so he started to find that building and finally after 1 hour they made it but Liam was tired because Noah was so sad during all this time that he had to carry him along because they both need partners right now and He didn't want to leave Noah alone as he was so scared to even with Liam what if he is to be alone he would pass out and Liam was himself scared too much so he decided not to leave him but to make him stand.

Liam decided to walk towards the main door but they heard a strange noise and Noah stands up because this was suspicious as far they were been walking there wasn't any such noise and there was no one present but them do how is this possible that someone is in that building.

Liam started to move but Noah was a scared bit but he started to move along with Liam and when they entered the building they found someone playing a game of chess all by himself and he seemed depressed as his face was facing towards Earth, there were chairs too but that man was sitting on the ground and then he asked Liam to come and play Liam didn't respond to it but he started walking towards him and sat down and then he saw that all the pawns, Knights and Bishops came back to their places but there wasn't any king Ir queen.

Liam said,

"Wh-Who are You??!?" ,

that guy laughed at it and then he said,

"What about playing a game, Liam",

Liam said,

"I don't have time to play neither I wish to play-",

that guy interrupted Liam and looked up with a shooking face,

"What are you been doing since the starting?!?!",

Liam said,

" What?!?!?You That Disappearing Guy!?!! How did you make your way here?!?!?"

Liam stands up,

That Guy was Burtt Nagine from the previous chapter.

Burtt said,

"Yes, You heard it right you have been playing a game since your very first day and then he points to Noah says You to have been playing a game!!!"

Noah said,

"What are you talking about?!?! We are not interested in any games!!!"

Burtt said,

"So you haven't noticed it yet this all is just a part of this game nothing else!!"

Liam said,

"You need some mental checkup this is reality, wake up!!!!!"

Burtt Pushes Liam towards the window present toward the left and said,

"Confirm it's reality Yourself!!!"

Liam was shocked as he was seeing Fire, Water, all Planets, Universes and even a Black Hole.

That View was really scary Liam was feeling dizzy cause everything was feeling like it is floating like water so Liam stepped back.

Liam went back to Burtt and advised Noah not to go but Noah also wished to see it and when he reached the window and then he looked up he stared at the sky for a whole 1 minute and then stepped back and sat down and then his scream was able to be heard even at a range of a mile.

Liam asked Burtt to tell him everything and so he did Burtt said,

"This is all a game made by A guy named Sailous He is the creator of this universe and even back then he even made that Darby The God and Daniel The Devil part too."

Liam and Noah both go into flashbacks, Liam remembers all The parts of his God stage but Noah is currently seeing his friendly moments with Liam and Darby he just saw both of them swinging around with each other and then he remembers all the Devil stage parts too and he even remembers who is Sailous...

Liam also remembers that who is Sailous..but Burtt said,

"Shhh Don't say a word about him here he will hear both of you then he will end you up!!"

Liam and Noah both appreciated that but then Noah asked,

"If This all is just a game who the hell are you???!?!?!?!?"

Burtt replied,

"I am just an Error caused in this game but I won't be available for long because Sailous has found this Error and he is working on it so don't waste my time!"

Liam and Noah both were confused but this is obvious.

Burtt then said,

"You both are having 3 sets of life and one of which you have used and remember this place is not real this is just a fake in reality but real in your life and it will change very soon cause the main cause of which I am caused is Liam's silly dream those zombies are bits and that lighting was a power cut and this issue will cause to change their ages and their lifestyles so be prepared"

Burtt Starts to disappear and meanwhile that Liam asked one question and that was about how will they get out of this and then Burtt said

"You will be continuing your life from the current time only there won't be any changes but That day when this started to happen you need to remember that It has the whole meaning of this and about killing him is impossible as he doesn't exist, in this world you need mess with him in reality, and by that, I take your leave"

And Burtt is gone now, Though that very first day of this happening is connected with that you need read the first chapter for this then you will understand my point.

Liam and Noah both come out of the building Noah seemed Chill but Liam was stressed and at some distance he screamed really loud that Noah ran back into the building.Then they noticed that their heights got a bit low and then Noah realized that their was age was getting low and then he saw Liam confused so he went to tell him that their ages are being reduced but as he went near him Liam seemed like he noticed it and then again he screamed and again Noah ran..

Noah said(actually Author :) )

"The Story of Liam and Noah has taken a new turn so be ready for something new Bai bai all"