Not Alone Part 4

Plot: The group has done everything they can for the other realms, leaving one more wrong to right.

Tone: Serious

The group returned to Jotunheim after picking up the Asgardians from Alfheim. Loki glanced at Randolf. The young Jotun had impressed him during the journey through the nine realms. He has the makings of a great king… Loki gestured to Valkyrie. The two walked away from the group and into the snow.

"So, how did things go on Alfheim?" Loki asked, gazing at Valkyrie curiously.

"The queen approved of the idea," she replied with a smile. "She was ecstatic actually… She said it freed up so much space on Alfheim, and the Vanir approved of it too."

"At least we were able to help them…" Loki sighed, looking away.

Valkyrie raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"We went to Nidavellir after we split up… Thanos killed all the dwarves, except for one, the king… he…" Loki's jaw clenched. "He made Thanos's gauntlet."

Valkyrie dropped her sword. "WHAT?!" she gasped, her eyes wide.

"He thought it would save the other dwarves. He was wrong…" Loki's eyes watered. "I… I could've prevented Thanos from ever hurting anyone… and I didn't…"

"It wasn't your fault." Valkyrie picked up her sword and continued after Loki.

"Yes, it was. I withdrew Asgard from the other realms while I was disguised as Odin. If they had been there, none of this would've happened."

"Okay, that was a bad idea," Valkyrie admitted with a shrug. "But you didn't know that would happen."

"I should've…"

Valkyrie gazed at her fidgeting hands. "Let's, uh… talk about something else, shall we?" she suggested, forcing a smile.

"Well…" Loki met her gaze. "There was something else I wanted to ask. I'm planning to give up the throne… You know, again."

"I figured," Valkyrie replied with a shrug.

Loki smiled. "So… who do you think I should give it to?"

"It's your choice,�� Valkyrie replied, gesturing to him. "You probably know the Jotuns better than me."

"Well…" Loki looked away, deep in thought. "I had someone in mind but he's too young to be king."

"Then make someone his regent? If he's the best person for the position, give it to him but give him some kind of preparation."

"That's… that's a good idea." He dipped his head. "Thank you." Valkyrie smiled back. "So…" Loki smirked, nudging Valkyrie's shoulder. "You and Sif, huh?"

"Oh, that's…" Valkyrie looked away as her cheeks turned red. "She and I… We met when we got to earth. I made her my general when I saw what a good warrior she was and we just sort of… started spending time together."

"Do you have any plans to make her your fellow queen?" Loki asked, nudging Valkyrie's shoulder.

"Heh…" She smiled. "Maybe. We're just dating for now though." She suddenly smirked. "What about you?" she asked, nudging Loki's shoulder. ��Got a potential king or queen of your own?"

Loki's eyes widened. "Um…"

"I mean, you seem close to those two midgardians you're always with. Are either of them lover material?"

"Well…" He thought of Mantis: how kind and considerate she was... how cute she was when she talked about things she liked… how perceptive she could be… "Maybe, but I doubt sh-" Loki cleared his throat. "They like me back."

"Eh, go for it." Valkyrie shrugged. "If you wait, you might never have a chance. If you tell them, what's the worst that can happen?"

"She could think I'm weird…" Loki looked away, letting out a sigh. "And I'd ruin our friendship."

"Does she really seem like she would do that?"

"Well, probably not…"

"Then go for it." Valkyrie nudged him, smiling. "What's stopping you?" Loki smiled back.

They both stopped when a beam of light appeared in the distance. Loki summoned his knives. Squinting, he spotted a swath of black, covering one of the hills. His heart skipped a beat.

"Fire demons…" Loki cast a glance at Valkyrie. "Get the others." She nodded before turning and dashing away. Loki turned to the fire demons. Flicking his hands, he summoned the casket as the fire demons charged down the hill, getting closer and closer. Loki shifted in place, glaring at the fire demons. Come at me.

Once they were close enough, an icy blast fired from the casket. The fire demons skidded to a halt. The front row was encased in ice, then quickly shattered to pieces as the other fire demons pushed through them. Loki staggered back, eyes wide. He shot at them again, freezing even fewer demons.

Come on Valkyrie, where are you?! Loki jumped to the side, narrowly dodging a slash from one of the demon's swords. They came at him from every angle. Loki swung the casket around, wildly firing and slamming it into the fire demons blindly. Several fire demons grabbed his arms. Loki growled. Summoning a pair of wings, he shook the demons off and took to the sky. He glanced at his shoulder. Part of his armour was torn, revealing a red and black mark. The fire demons lunged at where he once was, then glared up at him. Loki smirked. Another icy blast fired from the casket. The fire demons turned and charged in the opposite direction.

"Aw, leaving already?" Loki snorted with mockful laughter. The fire demons stopped near the base of the hill, throwing themselves at each other. Slowly but steadily, they began combining into a fire demon that could rival Surtr in size. Loki's eyes widened.

"Oh… fu-"

"Loki!" Loki's heart lit up. He glanced over his shoulder to see warriors, both Jotuns and Asgardians alike, with Valkyrie, Quill, and Mantis in the lead.

"Oh thank god!" Loki exclaimed, landing in front of them and getting rid of his wings.

"I didn't know they could do that!" Quill exclaimed, pointing at the giant fire demon.

"Somehow I didn't either," Loki replied, gripping the casket tightly, in a vain effort to stop himself from shaking. The army turned to the fire demons. The giant growled and marched toward them slowly while the normal sized ones charged at them.

"Do you have a weapon?" Loki asked, glancing at Mantis frantically. She shook her head. Loki summoned two swords into Mantis's hands.

"Thanks," she replied, crossing the swords into an 'x' formation. The group charged toward the fire demons. Quill put his mask on, hovering above the fire demons and shooting them down with one gun in each hand.

Everyone else sliced the fire demons apart head-on. Valkyrie had one fire demon on either side of her, turning to each of them and slicing their throats. Their heads slipped off and into the snow. The bodies flopped over as well, staining the snow black and orange. Mantis stood at the edge of the fray. She shook like a leaf in the wind, backing up as a couple of fire demons approached her. One of them lunged forward. Mantis slashed her swords across its face, then stepped forward and stabbed the demon in the stomach. She kicked it over. The demon fell limp on the ground as the other charged at Mantis. She jumped to the side. Before it could turn on her, Mantis swung the sword through its waist. The demon froze. Its top half fell into the snow before its legs flopped over.

Loki charged through the demons, slicing them apart with his daggers as he passed. He glared at the giant fire demon. Summoning the casket, Loki charged past the other warriors, who were wrestling with the smaller demons, and right toward the giant one.

"What are you doing?" Loki skidded to a halt. He turned to see Farbauti, charging toward him with wide eyes.

"Trying to end this," Loki growled, turning away.

Farbauti grabbed him and gazed at him frantically. The casket fell to the ground. "You can't fight that thing on your own! Son, let me-"

"I'm not your son!" Farbauti let out a gasp, taking a step back. Loki's eyes widened. Before either of them could respond, Loki dashed away. Memories flooded back to him… of his final meeting with Frigga. He skidded to a halt. Loki's eyes were wide, and his hands were cupped over his mouth. Damn, I'm a terrible son...


Loki snapped out of his thoughts to see a fire demon slashing its sword at him. His heart skipped a beat. Loki raised the casket, sending blue sparks through the fire demon. It sprawled out on the ground with a yowl. Summoning his daggers, Loki slashed the fire demon to pieces. He glanced at the sky. Quill was hovering in front of him, guns at the ready.

"Thank you, Quill," he replied, summoning a pair of wings. He hovered beside his friend. "Want to help me take out the big one?" Loki asked, gesturing to the giant fire demon.

"Like you even had to ask," Quill replied, twirling his guns around. Loki smiled. The two turned to the fire demon. Quill began firing rapidly from both guns while Loki fired the casket at the demon's face. It thrashed its arm at them. Loki and Quill jerked back, ceasing fire for a moment. The ice around its face shattered and the demon let out a roar, slashing at Loki and Quill again. Loki's eyes widened.

"Why didn't the casket work?!" Quill gasped, glancing at Loki.

"I don't know!"

The two dodged yet another attack. Loki landed on the battlefield, getting rid of his wings and slamming the casket into another fire demon's stomach. He looked around. Marching toward the giant fire demon, Loki stood a fair distance back as he fired ice at it.

Quill remained in the sky. He flew circles around the giant fire demon, shooting at it everywhere he could. The fire demon swatted at Quill like a fly. Meanwhile, every time the ice began to encase the demon's feet, it wriggled free, cracking the ice like an egg. Loki was forced to step back. And step back again, over and over again as the demon got closer.

"Need a little help?" Randolf appeared at Loki's side, grabbing one end of the casket. The blast from the casket increased. It began to encase the demon faster, though he continued to march toward them. Loki's eyes widened in realization.

"Everyone!" Loki glanced around the battlefield. The Jotuns were all wrestling with the fire demons, seemingly leaving Loki unheard. "My subjects! Come here!"

"We need help!" Randolf called, grunting as he glanced at the casket. "We need to get rid of the giant!"

The Jotuns were gazing at them now. Farbauti shoved her opponent aside, charging toward them. Loki's eyes widened. However, Farbauti didn't say a word as she rested her hand on the casket. The blast increased again. The fire demon glared down at them, swinging its huge arm at them.

"Valkyrie!" The queen met Loki's gaze from across the battlefield. "Go for the big one! Slice it to pieces!"

Valkyrie nodded. She slashed her sword across her opponent's stomach before dashing toward the giant demon.

"Asgardians! With me!" She called, holding up her sword. The Asgardians slowly but surely abandoned their opponents and followed Valkyrie.

"Jotuns! With us!" Farbauti called, looking around the battlefield.

Embla and Helga, who stood side by side as they wrestled their opponents, cast a glance at Loki. Kicking her opponent over, Helga summoned a knife of ice and stabbed Embla's opponent. The two dashed toward Loki. They each rested their hand on one end of the casket.

More and more Jotuns began to join them, freezing the demon more and more as they did. It struggled and roared. However, the ice continued to slowly encase its body. Meanwhile, the Asgardians were at the demon's feet, chopping its icy form to pieces. The demon fell to its knees. The Asgardians staggered back before they could be crushed, then continued to slice its body to pieces.

Mantis charged through the swath of fire demons. She fell in beside the Asgardians, slashing her two swords into the fire demons while Quill hovered far above them, shooting the giant's still unfrozen face.

One more Jotun appeared beside Loki: Brynjolf. He stood beside Farbauti, reaching out to touch the casket and glaring at the fire demon. The ice began encasing the demon much quicker. Finally, the demon was completely encased in ice. Loki panted with exhaustion. However, he kept his grip firmly on the casket, forcing himself to keep firing as the others slowly but surely sliced the huge body to pieces.

"Everyone stop!" Quill called. Loki glanced up at his friend, who was holding up a small grenade. "I'm gonna blow it up!"

Loki staggered back. The other Jotuns let go of the casket and turned to flee. The Asgardians did the same. Loki slashed at every fire demon in his way, looking around wildly as everyone dashed past him.

"Loki!" Mantis ran toward Loki.

The two ran side by side through the battlefield. A fire demon lunged in front of them. Loki swung his hands at the fire demon, encasing it in ice with one movement. A rumbling sound echoed behind them. Loki glanced over his shoulder. The ice encasing the giant was beginning to crack. Quill threw the grenade at it before zooming away.

The explosion echoed behind them. Loki and the others continued to run, keeping their heads low as ice and rock flew through the sky. After a while, it stopped. The giant had been reduced to nothing but pieces and the rest of the fire demons stopped in place. The group turned to them. Before they could attack however, the fire demons ran the opposite directions, disappearing in a flash of light.

"They're gone!" One of the Jotuns cheered. Loki glanced at the group.

One of Valkyrie's warriors was talking to Embla. "You know, you're a pretty good fighter," she told her, her voice very genuine.

"Well… " Embla smiled at the Asgardian. "You were pretty brave, getting so close to chop it to pieces like that."

"And that thing with the casket was awesome!" Another Asgardian added.

Loki's eyes widened. "The casket!" He gazed frantically at the Jotuns, but none of them had it. "Where is the casket?��

"I have it." Loki turned to see Randolf, holding the casket in front of him. Smiling, Loki took it back.

"You did well," Loki replied, flicking the casket away. He gazed at the others. "You all did."

"Finally trust us, huh?" Brynjolf asked, tilting his head to the side. Loki rolled his eyes. "About time," he added, smiling. Loki smiled.

Something dropped to the ground beside them. Loki looked down. Quill was lying on the ground, grunting in pain and covered in burn marks.

"Quill!" Loki fell to his knees, pulling his friend into his arms. Mantis did the same. She rested her hand on Quill's shoulder, as Loki shook him a bit.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Quill insisted, shooing them away as he struggled to his feet.

"For gosh sake, can you stop exploding?" Loki replied, chuckling a bit as Quill leaned against his shoulder.

"Yes, it's becoming a real problem," Mantis added, tapping Quill's shoulder.

"Oh." He faked a groan, grabbing his shoulder. "I think you broke something." The three chuckled to themselves.

"Well…" Valkyrie emerged from the crowd, walking toward Loki. "This has been fun, but my warriors and I need to return to Asgard."

"Right… of course." Loki stepped toward her, summoning the casket.

"But we'll still be friends right?" Randolf asked, raising his hand. "Asgard and Jotunheim, I mean."

Valkyrie smiled at him. "Of course." She gazed at the others. "Our war was over a thousand years ago and our grudges are long gone. This is the start of peace between our realms." Loki nodded to her. He gazed at the others, who were nodding amongst themselves as well.

The Asgardians crowded around Loki. He summoned the Bifrost, struggling for a moment as he hadn't done it alone. After a few moments, the Bifrost appeared. Then it disappeared when the group appeared just outside New Asgard.

"Val! There you are!" Sif dashed toward Valkyrie. She stopped in front of her, taking her hands. Valkyrie smiled at her.

"It's good to see you too, Sif," she replied, lifting up their hands. The warriors walked past them, chuckling to themselves as they made their way up the rainbow bridge.

Sif cast a glance at Loki, then looked back at Valkyrie. "So, how did it go?"

"It went well," Valkyrie replied with a shrug, "You know, slayed some bad guys, saved some planets, the usual stuff."

"You have to bring me along on your crazy adventures," Sif insisted, letting go of one of her hands.

Valkyrie smiled. "But then who would I trust with the throne?" Sif smiled. The two made their way up the rainbow bridge, still chattering like rabbits. Loki smiled.

Summoning the Bifrost, he returned to Jotunheim. The group was on their way back to the clearing where Loki's coronation had been, and where another coronation would be.

"Randolf!" The young Jotun perked up at the sound of his name. He met Loki's gaze. "Come here."

The Jotun dashed toward him. "Yes, your majesty?" Loki watched the others walk away before looking back at Randolf.

"I had something I wanted to discuss with you."

"Really, what?!" Randolf asked, his eyes shining eagerly.

"Loki!" Quill called before Loki could reply. He and Mantis were gazing at him expectantly. "You coming?"

"Just a moment!" Loki called back. "I'll meet you there." His friends turned and followed the other Jotuns. Loki looked back at Randolf. "Anyways, what was I saying?"

"You had something to discuss with me?" Randolf replied, tilting his head to the side.

"Ah, yes. Randolf, you're very intelligent and compassionate, these are traits I've been looking for in a replacement."

Randolf's eyes were wide. "Replacement?"

"I'm leaving Jotunheim today."


"I was never going to stay permanently, my path lies somewhere else and you are what Jotunheim needs in its next king."

Randolf gazed at Loki, wonder filling his eyes. "You're… you're going to make me king?" Loki nodded. "But-but I'm not old enough!"

"Which is why you won't be ruling alone. Farbauti will be your regent. She will guide you until you're ready to rule on your own."

"Oh, you mean your mo-" He stopped, his eyes wide. Loki looked away. "The former queen?" Loki nodded.

"So…" He met Randolf's gaze again. "Do you accept my offer?"

"Yeah!" Randolf jumped with joy. Then cleared his throat and dipped his head. "I mean, yes, I do. Thank you."

Loki chuckled. The two made their way toward the clearing, where many of the Jotuns were already clustered. Loki stood in front of the throne.

"Everyone, I have an important announcement!" he called. Everyone looked up at him. Quill and Mantis stood off to the side while the other Jotuns took up the entire clearing, some of them joining the group to listen.

"I have decided to step down from my position as king," Loki announced, dipping his head. There was an immediate uproar from the crowd.


"I thought you finally trusted us!" Brynjolf snapped, pointing at Loki.

Loki tried to silence everyone with a gesture of his hands. "I do, but my path leads elsewhere and-"

"You don't have an heir! Who's going to rule us now?"

"I have spoken with Randolf, and he has agreed to take the position-"

"Randolf?!" Loki growled when he was once again interrupted. "But he's too young!"

"He's almost old enough, actually," Brynjolf replied with a shrug.

"And he'll have Farbauti as his regent. Now, may I speak without being interrupted?" The crowd finally fell silent. "Thank you."

He gestured toward Randolf. The young Jotun emerged from the crowd, kneeling in front of Loki. Loki summoned the casket. I hate to give it up but I want to stay on good terms with these people...

"While it's true, Randolf is young, he is compassionate and thoughtful, the exact traits Jotunheim needs in its next ruler. Young Randolf, Do you swear to defend Jotunheim, and its residents, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," he replied, trembling with excitement.

"And do you swear that you will consider the needs of all of the nine realms, not just this one?" Some murmurs rose from the crowd.

"Those aren't the traditional words."

"Nothing about this is traditional."

"We do need to stay on good terms with the other realms…"

Randolf nodded. "I do," he replied, smiling.

"Then I proclaim you, Randolf, the King of Jotunheim and entrust you with the Casket of Ancient Winters." He gestured for Randolf to stand then handed him the casket. The Jotun smiled. He turned to the crowd, holding the casket out.

"Long live King Randolf!" Everyone began cheering for the new king. Loki smiled. He made his way through the crowd and toward Quill and Mantis.

"You sure it was a good idea to give up the casket?" Quill asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to stay on good terms with Jotunheim," Loki replied with a shrug. "Besides, I can live without it."

"So, are we ready to go?" Mantis asked, gesturing to the ship, which lay dormant in the snow.

Loki cast a glance at the Jotuns. The crowd had dispersed, leaving only Randolf and Farbauti chatting in front of the throne.

��Almost…" He made his way toward the two. "Farbauti." Farbauti and Randolf glanced at Loki. "Can I speak with her alone?" Loki asked, glancing at Randolf.

"Of course," he replied, walking down the stairs, the casket grasped firmly in his hands. Loki glanced back at Farbauti. She turned away, her arms crossed and her head hung low.

"Look… um… about what I said earlier."

"Don't bother saying you're sorry," she grunted, still refusing to look at him. "I know you're not."

"You're right…" Loki sighed, looking away. "I don't see you as a mother, or Laufey as a father. Frigga was my mother and Odin was my father. Nothing will change that."

"Yeah, I got that." Farbauti began to walk away.

Loki reached out. "But…" Farbauti stopped in her tracks. "I could have been more tactful explaining that."

Farbauti glanced over her shoulder, her eyes wide. "Maybe a little…" she admitted.

"I know you want to be part of my life but to be honest…" How do I put this? "There's no room in my life for you. I belong with my friends." Loki cast a glance at Quill and Mantis

"I know…" Farbauti replied, smiling a bit. "I've seen how happy you are with them."

"Then you understand?" Loki asked, hope flaring in his heart.

"Yes, but…" Farbauti let out a sigh. "I wish things had been different… just know that… I'll always be here if you need me, Loki." She threw her arms around Loki, sobbing. Loki returned the gesture.

Maybe she would have been a good mother? Loki wondered. However, Loki couldn't begin to imagine what his life would've been like if he had been raised on Jotunheim, without Frigga, Thor… Tony… and of course, the guardians. Would I have ever met them if things hadn't happened this way? Loki smiled. It was meant to turn out this way...

He and Farbauti backed out of the hug. Waving goodbye, Loki walked back to his friends. He nodded at them. As they walked, Loki cast one last glance at Farbauti. She smiled and nodded at him. Loki smiled back then followed his friends back onto the ship.

"What did you tell her?" Quill asked, sitting down in the pilot's seat.

"I apologized for earlier," Loki replied, sitting next to Mantis. "But told her there wasn't room in my life for her. I belong with the guardians."

"Glad you think so," Mantis replied, resting her head on his shoulder. Loki smiled. He rested his hand on hers and leaned closer. Loki's eyes fluttered shut.

Quill chuckled to himself. "Oh wow!" he gasped, gazing out the window. "The ship's right there! They really did stay close."

"Hm?" Loki glanced at Quill, then closed his eyes again. "That's nice." Mantis scooted closer, sighing contentedly.

The ship stopped as it connected to the Benatar.

"You coming?" Quill asked, standing up.

"Sure," Loki replied, standing up. Mantis stumbled to stand beside him. "I would love to tell the others about how I saved the world." Mantis giggled to herself as the three made their way onto the ship.