The Guardians' Thoughts on Random Movies

Plot: None. Just what the Guardians think of movies I watched in Quarantine.

Tone: Humourous, introspective at times

Spoilers for these movies: Footloose, Spaceballs, Beauty and the Beast, the Indiana Jones movies, Jaws, WALL-E, Little Shop of Horrors, The Incredibles, The Incredibles 2, the Shrek movies, Puss in Boots, Megamind, Phantom of the Opera, Rent, Frozen, Frozen 2, West Side Story, and E.T. The Extraterrestrial


Quill: Still as good as I remember. There's a reason I refer to this movie as a legend. Kevin Bacon is a true hero and shows the stuck-up town the wonders of dancing. And the music is great! I have some of it on my original mixtape actually.

Loki: So that's where those songs came from… this movie. In all honesty, I found this movie quite boring. I just wasn't interested in anything that was going on apart from the music.

Mantis: Not my favourite, but I like the music!

Rocket: Yeah, Quill would like this boring, sappy thing.

Nebula: Ugh.

Drax: There were songs in this movie. None of the other movies had singing in them. I thought that was odd.

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: Star Wars was better. Stuff actually happened in those movies. They're silly and unrealistic, but I hate to admit, they were interesting. This wasn't. And the music was annoying.


Quill: This was just a stupid Star Wars ripoff, that much was obvious from the cover alone! First off, how dare you?! Second, this movie looks like shit. The effects are so fake and it's just stealing from Star Wars the whole time!

Loki: After how boring Footloose was, I felt compelled to pick something completely ridiculous so I could at least get some ironic entertainment, and my god it worked! This is so obviously a Star Wars ripoff it hurts. Seriously, "the schwartz?" "Yogurt?" This movie is so dumb and it knows it. It's honestly glorious. I laughed several times at this film, it's just so silly.

Mantis: I don't really know what I just watched but I liked it.

Rocket: Did anyone else think it was weird when the characters started talking to us? I know they weren't, but it was weird…

Nebula: This movie was stupid. It was so unbelievably stupid.

Drax: Was this another Star Wars movie? I'm so confused...

Groot: I am Groot xD

Gamora: Stop trying to be Star Wars! We already have a Star Wars, and it's pretty damn good! (most of it anyway) This was just nonsense.

Beauty and the Beast

Quill: I'm glad Disney continued to make movies after I left earth, and this one is pretty good. I'd be interested to see the other movies I missed.

Loki: I've actually seen this one a good number of times, along with most of the classic Disney movies actually. Morgan really loves them, especially this one, and I like it too. It is a sweet story, even if the ending is a total cop-out.

Mantis: I picked this movie because it looked cute, and it was. It's a sweet story of love being more than skin deep and I really like it!

Rocket: Boring.

Nebula: I really don't give a crap about romance.

Drax: This movie consisted entirely of drawings… I can't imagine how long this took to make...

Groot: I am Groot -_-

Gamora: Nice message. Can I get a version where the genders are reversed?

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Quill: I didn't know Harrison Ford was in other movies! This was cool! I wanna see the sequels!

Loki: I watched the first three Indiana Jones movies with Tony (for some reason, he didn't want to watch the fourth one and I never got around to watching it on my own) and I'm quite fond of them. They're fun adventure films and I love the main theme. But seriously, what does Indy have against snakes?

Mantis: The faces melting was kind of scary… but the rest of the movie was fun!

Rocket: I picked this because the dude on the cover reminded me of Han Solo. Turns out it's the same dude playing him. Cool! Indy's not as cool as Han, but damn he's still cool!

Nebula: What was up with the ending? Why did the Ark melt their faces? Why were Indy and Marion able to survive by closing their eyes? How would Indy even know to do that? Also, it's an anticlimax.

Drax: The dude from Star Wars was in this… That was confusing actually, I thought he was a smuggler in space?

Groot: I am Groot! :)

Gamora: Finally, a good movie. It's nothing special, but I liked it.

The Temple of Doom

Quill: Man, sequels are never as good as the first and this movie is a prime example of that. It's just not as fun as the first movie and god, can they make Willie and the kid shut the hell up?!

Loki: This is the least of the trilogy for me. Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade are about the same in quality but this one, while good, is clearly not as good as the other movies. It's still a fun adventure and there are some interesting scenes but Willie and Short Round kill it for me.

Mantis: What happened to Marion? Weren't she and Indy a couple? Why was she replaced by this other girl? And that scene where they're eating all those animal parts is disgusting.

Rocket: Get rid of the screaming lady and the bratty kid and this movie is pretty good. But they're here, so it sucks.

Nebula: Too much romantic nonsense. Sure, there was romance in the last movie but it wasn't the focus. Willie takes up way too much of this movie. I don't care. Go back to the story!

Drax: This movie was loud… so loud.

Groot: I am Groot :/

Gamora: The human sacrifice stuff was cool. Too bad it's barely in the movie.

The Last Crusade

Quill: Okay, this one picked back up again. It's not as good as Raiders, but it was a lot better than Temple. Indy's father is way less annoying than Willie and Shortround, even if he gets captured a few times.

Loki: This movie revealed another side to Indy through his father, who seemed very neglectful of his son as a child, or at the very least distant because of his obsession with finding the Grail. Yet Indy still cares about him and goes on a whole journey for him and even risks his life to save his father. That's quite admirable.

Mantis: This was fun, like the first movie.

Rocket: I'm just glad it was better than Temple of Doom. That movie was doomed from the start.

Nebula: Indy is lucky to have a father that loved him, even if he was bad at showing it at first. At least they seemed to reconcile at the end.

Drax: Zzzzzzzz...

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: This was about as good as the first one.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Quill: How is an old man doing any of these ridiculous stunts?! And how did he survive an explosion?! A fridge is not going to protect you from a goddamn nuke! It should've blown up like everything else.

Loki: I gave up on this movie the second Indy survived a nuclear bomb by hiding in the fridge. That is completely idiotic and insanely convenient for a multitude of reasons that I won't bother explaining. We all know why it's stupid! This whole movie was absurd. Why were there aliens in this movie?!

Mantis: Yeah, the other ones were better, but this was still entertaining.

Rocket: Let me get this straight. This dumbass survives a huge explosion unscathed by hiding in a fridge?! What the hell?! And Indy married the girl he hasn't seen since the first movie?! Indy getting married at all is a stupid concept!

Nebula: Gunpowder is not magnetic! That's not how it works! That's not how any of this works!

Drax: Zzzzzz

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: They should've stopped at the third one.


Quill: I saw this as a kid and it scared me. Now… I know I could totally kill a shark and I'm nowhere near them anyways but I still liked the movie!

Loki: I actually saw this one with Tony during a horror movie marathon and… it was the only one that actually scared me. It's not reliant on stupid jump scares like every other horror movie I've seen. It has genuine tension, even when you don't see the shark. The build-up, accompanied by that music, is amazing, and they show the gory details when someone is attacked by the shark. It honestly still made me unnerved rewatching it, even when I knew what would happen. That's impressive. It's almost hard to watch, it's so easy to feel the victims' pain. And I'm not even an empath… Mantis didn't handle this movie well, to put it lightly…

Mantis: There was so much blood in this movie! D: So many deaths! I know sharks only live on earth but this still scared me! Rest in peace Quint… that was horrible to watch. At least it had a happy ending…

Rocket: I had no idea what a shark was before watching this and lemme tell you something: I love them! And I loved this movie! That shark fight was awesome!

Nebula: So much blood… I love it.

Drax: Honestly, I couldn't hear much over Mantis. I don't know why she insisted on finishing the movie. Maybe she was trying to be brave?

Groot: I am Groot! :D

Gamora: I agree with Nebula. We all agreed not to show Mantis any more horror movies but I'm totally gonna watch some on my own.


Quill: Wow… this movie would be really scary if I still lived on earth. Considering what Loki tells me, it's pretty probable that humans will screw up the earth so badly they'll have to leave. It's a dark movie despite the cute robots.

Loki: The Axiom is too realistic. If humans put everything in the hands of AI, something like this will undoubtedly happen. It's a nice tang of reality to an otherwise lighthearted film. I also love the lack of dialogue, and how for the most part, they allow the animation to tell the story. It's well done.

Mantis: Oh my gosh, WALL-E and Eve are so cute! All of the robots are really cute, but especially them! I love that WALL-E goes through this whole journey for Eve! And then Eve returns the favour! I really loved this movie! :D

Rocket: How the hell is that plant still alive by the end? It was deprived of sunlight the entire time, air for several scenes, and is only watered once! Humanity is pretty damn lucky that WALL-E found such a resilient plant.

Nebula: I don't care about romance, but I like how two robots accidentally start a robot revolution and save all of humanity with their love because humans are just that helpless.

Drax: Was this movie all drawings as well? It looked a lot more complicated than Beauty and the Beast. Some people on earth must be really committed to this film drawing thing.

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: Why was WALL-E the only robot left on earth? That's just bad design right there. Then again, the humans didn't really seem to want to go back to earth so maybe they just didn't care. Yeah, that sounds like something humans would do.

Little Shop of Horrors

Quill: The guy from Spaceballs was in this. That was cool… And you know, I like these musicals. There wasn't much dancing in this… but the songs were pretty good.

Loki: I agree that this movie was strange, and not all that scary despite the title. However, I still liked it. I enjoy movies that keep me guessing as to what will happen next, it's boring when I know exactly what will happen. And this one kept me guessing. I also just enjoy the music. Yes, it's strange when the characters randomly start singing but it's not strange enough to be distracting. That honour goes to Doctor Strange.

Mantis: This was still scary… not as bad as Jaws but still kind of scary… But I liked the music! And Audrey and Seymour were really cute together. T̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶m̶e̶ a̶n̶d̶ L̶o̶k̶i̶.

Rocket: What planet is Audrey II from? I genuinely want to know!

Nebula: Yeah, this was more weird than scary.

Drax: Okay, so this movie is about a bunch of people that randomly sing all the time, including a plant that eats blood and human meat and uses a gun in one scene and a doctor(?) that likes torturing people and ripping out their teeth? Is that correct?!

Edit: It is correct… And apparently people on earth have "dentists" that do nothing but fix teeth… Earth is a weird planet...

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: I had to talk everyone into watching this since it has "horrors" in the title, but it really isn't that scary. But it was so weird I had to show it to everyone else. I do like it though. I don't know, I didn't really mind all the spontaneous singing. It annoyed me in the other movies but this one makes it work…

The Incredibles

Quill: I didn't know they made movies about superheroes! I really liked this, but I wanted more of the family! Maybe they'll be in the sequel.

Loki: I also watched this one on earth with Morgan and Tony. I always liked it. Now that I'm in a family of somewhat superheroes, I like it even more. I like all the weird powers and the family dynamics, and that soundtrack is great. On a random note, that scene where Lucius and Bob are making fun of villains who monologue is so goddamn true. How did the people who made this know that?

Mantis: Yes! A family of superheroes! I love it!

Rocket: This one's kinda slow at times but when it's good, it's good!

Nebula: I'm calling bullshit on Mr. Incredible tricking the probe by hiding behind another person's remains. That's not how it works. The technology was neat though.

Drax: Another drawing movie. These are really popular…

Groot: I am Groot! I am Groot! :D

Gamora: Mirage is the best character, secretly betraying Syndrome like that and helping the heroes from the shadows. I like it.

The Incredibles 2

Quill: I wanted more of the family fighting together, not them at home! Whatever, this was still good, just not as good as the first.

Loki: I have to agree with Quill. This was not as good as the original. It was still good, and I like that Elastigirl got more screen time. What I hate is the villain. I mean, Evelyn Deavor… Like "Evil Endeavor?" Did the writers even TRY to hide the fact she was a villain?! It was so bloody obvious from the start yet they act like it's a surprise.

Edit: Apparently the term for these villains that aren't revealed to be villains at first is a "twist villain." I hate twist villains.

Mantis: This was fun, just like the first one. I don't really want to compare them, I really liked both of them.

Rocket: The family, except Elastigirl, spend too much time at home. But the rest is great!

Nebula: I'm sure Loki brought this up already but… Evelyn Deavor? Evil Endeavor? Did they really need to make it that obvious? Yet act like it was a surprise at the same time? That's boring.

Drax: Loki and Nebula yelling at the screen to "get a clue" was honestly the funniest thing that happened this week.

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: Where is the scene where Edna watches over Jack-Jack? WHERE IS IT?!


Quill: Oh my god this movie was legendary! It was so dirty for an animated movie and the way it mocks these Disney and fairytale stories was just the best. And the music! I've got some stuff to add to my playlist! It makes those action scenes so much more exciting. I wish music started playing every time I got in a fight! And Fiona! What a badass! She reminds me of Gamora honestly. No, not because she's green, because she kicks ass! And a dragon and a donkey as a couple? This movie is so absurd but so good.

Loki: Okay, even I must admit, this movie was damn hilarious. It's a strange concept, and some of the jokes are low brow, but they use that to their advantage and manage to make it entertaining and compelling. It's easy to be emotionally invested in these characters, particularly Shrek and Fiona. It even has a genuinely touching theme of accepting yourself, and how love is based on more than outward appearance, in a way that tops Beauty and the Beast. In that movie, the beast still changes into the stereotypical handsome prince at the end. In this, however, Fiona turns into a "hideous ogre" and that is the happy ending because she found someone who loves her and thinks she's beautiful. That's nice. This movie isn't just dark and raunchy for the sake of it, it genuinely had something to say. And it was a hilarious film with a great soundtrack.

Mantis: I liked this movie, but I didn't laugh as much as everyone else did. I just didn't find that stuff very funny… But Shrek and Fiona were really cute together! And I'm happy Shrek still thought Fiona was beautiful. That was very sweet. And Donkey was funny.

Rocket: For once in his life, Quill is completely right! This movie was hysterical. I love a bit of raunchy dark humour and there was a ton of it in this movie! I don't know how necessary those songs were though… apart from that, awesome flick!

Nebula: This movie is weird...

Drax: I don't really understand why everyone was laughing so much at this movie… I didn't really understand any of the "jokes."

Groot: I am Groot! :)

Gamora: Why do they think Shrek is ugly? I really don't get it. Also, too many songs.

Shrek 2

Quill: This was actually a pretty good sequel! It wasn't as good as the first film, but it was never going to be. It's just as funny, Puss in Boots is a great new character, and I have some more songs to add to my playlist. I did actually like the cover of Holding Out For a Hero in this movie, but the original is always better!

Loki: This was even better than the first movie. It expands on the themes of the first film in a touching and admittedly relatable way. Shrek feeling unworthy of Fiona's love after society's constant belittling is all too familiar and it's easy to sympathize with him. And in the end, Fiona assures him that she loves him for him, and he doesn't have to change anything about himself to be worthy of her, no matter what anyone else thinks. It is also nice that Fiona's dad eventually comes around and gives Shrek his blessing after he realized how much Fiona loved him. It's al well done. It's also funnier than the first film, and there are so many interesting new characters and locations. Also, this movie has the better version of Holding Out For a Hero than Footloose. It's sung better and has more relevance to the story. And the actual scene where the fairy godmother sings that song while Shrek and his friends break into the castle riding a giant gingerbread man is honestly amazing.

Mantis: Yeah, I agree with Loki, I liked this one more than the first one. It was funnier, I liked the music more, and Shrek and Fiona are still really cute together!

Rocket: I feel the same about this movie as I felt about the first one. Plus, it's funny watching Loki and Quill argue over which one is better.

Nebula: So… what happened to the dragon in this movie? She is Donkey's true love, isn't she? Shouldn't the potion have affected her as well? Did the writers just forget about that?

Drax: I still don't really understand why everyone was laughing...

Groot: I am Groot. I am Groot! :)

Gamora: There were even more songs here. I suppose they were better than the ones in the last movie… This was just as strange as the last, but the strangeness has grown on me.

Shrek the Third

Quill: What the hell is this?! The last two movies were downright amazing, what the hell happened here?! Did a baby write this script?! It's so childish and unfunny that it was actually hard to watch! I hated everything about this, they ruined the Shrek franchise!

Loki: I agree with Quill. This movie tries so desperately to be funny but it's just juvenile and in some cases uncomfortable. They try to make the king's death funny for god sake. And the story makes no goddamn sense and isn't compelling in any way. And Prince Charming is the most pathetic villain I've ever seen. Come on, I was a better villain than this little brat! Why does this movie even exist? So Shrek can be nervous about being a father? That's all treated like a joke! This movie is a joke and not a funny one.

Mantis: I liked the first two movies a lot more… I don't really have anything else to say...

Rocket: Babies are terrible and this movie is for babies.

Nebula: This was just as irritating as The Phantom Menace.

Drax: No one laughed at this movie.

Groot: I am Groot >:(

Gamora: Good feelings gone. This was irritating.

Shrek Forever After

Quill: I relate to Shrek in this movie. I too lost the love of my life and now only have an alternate version that doesn't remember me and has punched me in the face. Too bad I can't get her back… Anyways, Fiona is more badass in this movie than she ever has been and I like the story. It's not as good as the first two, but I like it.

Loki: I like this one. True, it's not nearly as funny as the first two movies but it's not really trying to be. It's trying to tell a good story and it does. It's the perfect ending to this series, I don't have much to add.

Mantis: It was alright.

Rocket: This movie wasn't as funny as the first two, but hey, it's better than the third movie so it gets a pass.

Nebula: What was the point of the third movie? None of the characters introduced in that movie are even mentioned here apart from the babies and that's explained perfectly in the intro of this movie.

Drax: Still bored.

Groot: I am Groot. :) I am Groot. :/

Gamora: It was better than the last one. Fiona is and always has been the best character in these movies.

Puss in Boots

Quill: Puss in Boots is great and I love that dance fight! I wish it had gone on longer.

Loki: I knew Humpty Dumpty would betray them the moment he was introduced. And yet they act like it's a surprise. No, it wasn't. I knew it would happen, Nebula and Mantis knew it would happen, we all knew it would happen, except for the characters in this movie. This was almost as obvious as Evil Endeavor. The rest of the movie was fine. Not as good as Shrek, but it had its moments.

Mantis: Cats are cute, eggs are bad, this movie was good, I have nothing to add

Rocket: Eh. Not as funny as the first two Shrek movies. Those were the only ones that really needed to exist.

Nebula: I'm sure someone (Loki) has said this already but Humpty Dumpty's betrayal was incredibly obvious.

Drax: Evil egg.

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: I know they're cats, but it was a little weird that the female cat kept stripping the male cat.


Quill: This movie was funny as hell. I have no other thoughts.

Loki: A movie about a villain turned hero from another planet with genius-level intellect? This is my kind of movie! I wish everyone would stop pointing out how similar I am to Megamind. I already noticed, thank you very much, but I still liked this movie. It made me laugh, but it was also serious when it needed to be. The idea of someone successfully taking over earth was interesting.

Mantis: I liked this one a lot! It was funny, and Megamind reminds me of Loki. They're both dorks. :)

Rocket: There's some decent banter in this movie and yeah, Megamind looks like Loki. Well, maybe a combination of his Jotun and Asgardian form. They're both pretty overdramatic too.

Nebula: I don't really know why I picked this movie but I don't regret it.

Drax: Wait, Loki was in this movie?

Groot: I am Groot. :)

Gamora: Hal was a villain long before his fight with Megamind. He's an absolute creep. Even Quill was better than this guy. At least he eventually left me alone. Hal acted like Roxanne owed him something just because he was nice to her and I hate him. I didn't know it was possible to hate someone who isn't real. Oh well. At least he was defeated and Roxanne is with someone she likes.

The Phantom of the Opera (2004)

Quill: This wasn't my thing. I get that this had a lot of artistic merit, or whatever film geek Loki is going to claim but I just wasn't a fan. I just don't like this style of music. It's hard to understand what the people are saying at times, especially when they sing over each other.

Loki: So I actually liked the music in this movie. True, the songs aren't really the type of songs to dance to, apart from maybe a few, but they're nice. My favourite is Christine's song in the graveyard: Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again. And the overture is amazing as well. I like the movie overall. I can also relate to the Phantom to some extent and the story is interesting enough. However, I don't think Christine should have chosen Raoul OR the Phantom. The Phantom is just blatantly abusive and creepy and Raoul is incredibly dismissive of Christine's thoughts at feelings. She really only chose him because he tried to protect her.

Mantis: Is it bad that I feel sympathy for the Phantom? I know he killed people and was terrible to Christine, and there's no excuse for any of that, but what he went through was really sad. Also, his voice has hypnotic powers. I'm sure of it. All of the music was great, actually! Out of all of the musicals, this is my favourite so far.

Edit: I found a deleted scene from this movie online of the "No One Would Listen" song and I am livid! Why wasn't this in the movie?! It's so good! So sad, but so good!

Rocket: This was boring… the phantom dude was cool though.

Nebula: Wow, Christine is such a good singer, she can sing without moving her lips! Seriously, that happens at least twice. And "the Phantom's" (why doesn't he have a name?!) makeup is really damn inconsistent.

Drax: Zzzzzzzzz.

Groot: I am Groot :/

Gamora: There was a lot of singing in this movie… and I mean a lot of singing. Like, there was more singing than spoken words.


Quill: I kinda just picked this one because it was about a group of friends. I didn't expect it to be so emotional… I kinda liked it though.

Loki: This movie was powerful. It had something meaningful to say and admittedly, it does resonate with me. Struggling to move on from the past… learning to live in the moment… and valuing the friends you have for the limited time you have them… I relate to all of the characters, but particularly Roger and Mark. Roger struggles to move on from losing the love of his life, even as a new love is staring him right in the face. He allowed those feelings of worthlessness and emptiness to consume him, but eventually found happiness with new friends and new love. As for Mark, well… After we finished the movie, I found a deleted scene from the movie of the song Halloween and… damn. Why in Odin's name was this not in the film?! It makes Mark so much more relatable and actually brings attention to the fact that he will outlive all of his friends and be alone one day. It's painfully real… This movie wasn't all sad though. Many of the scenes were genuinely uplifting, and Angel and Collins were the cutest damn thing. Even though they know they will both die soon, they don't let it drag them down. They just cherish every moment they spend together. It's honestly inspiring.

Mantis: This movie made me feel so much. There are beautiful, happy scenes that make me love life, then there are these scenes that are absolutely soul-crushing! Why did Angel have to die?! Collins was so devastated! They were so cute too before she had to die. This movie was great, I loved it, but it hurt like a bullet.

Rocket: Eh, I've never been into these musicals much. This one wasn't bad though. It had its moments.

Nebula: I have nothing cynical to remark. This was a decent flick.

Drax: Zzzzz...

Groot: I am Groot :'(

Gamora: I'm glad this movie wasn't all about trying to pay rent, to put it simply.


Quill: Yay, Disney! This feels just like the old films, apart from the new animation style. Also, Elsa is like the woman version of Loki.

Loki: I like this movie, I really do. I like the two sisters and the animation is stunning. Some of the songs aren't bad either. But Hans as a twist villain doesn't work, there's hardly anything leading up to it. The writers just pulled it out of nowhere for the sake of having a twist.

Edit: I read Quill's answer... I have an actual female form, you know, and it's not Elsa.

Mantis: I love Anna and Elsa! Anna's so quirky and cheerful and Elsa's so brooding and mysterious. I love their siblinghood! And I like the snowman, he's funny!

Rocket: Were we supposed to know that the ginger dude was evil? Is his evil-plotting face a lovey-dovey face? That's so stupid! Can you imagine if Thanos looked like that?!

Nebula: The snowman is annoying and I wish he had melted.

Drax: Another drawing film… that's nice.

Groot: I am Groot :/

Gamora: Ugh, the songs in this one were really annoying. What even was the point of the snowman and troll's songs?!

Frozen 2

Quill: Frozen really didn't need a sequel, it works great as a stand-alone movie. But whatever, the sequel exists and it's fine. They weren't gonna top Let it Go.

Loki: I know I say this about every sequel but I really do prefer this one to the first. Elsa and Anna are more relatable and the story is more interesting. The animation in the first movie is good but the animation here blows it out of the water. The music is better too, it's just overall a better film. And if you think I have an overly favourable opinion of sequels, let me tell you I watched those Disney sequels. Frozen 2 is a godsend compared to them.

Mantis: I liked her in the first movie too, but Elsa is so great here. She's so beautiful and powerful and I love her singing voice! It's so pretty!

Rocket: Okay, let me get this straight. The lady with ice powers froze to death? Seems legit.

Nebula: Why was Kristoff even in this movie? Olaf had more of a purpose.

Drax: Is it just me or do the drawings look better in this one than the last one?

Groot: I am Groot :/

Gamora: The songs were less annoying here, but that's not saying much.

West Side Story

Quill: The dancing in this movie is sooo good! So impressive! And the story's pretty good too. It's exciting! And I know it's silly, but I like how the fighting is like dancing, syncing up with the music and just looking awesome! It's unique and fun. There's even a touch of romance to the film! This is my favourite of the musicals so far, and one of my favourite movies!

Loki: That song about everything wrong with America is the best scene in the entire film and everything they say is still true today. That's a little sad actually… Anyways, this was alright. Maria and Tony fall in love at first sight which is incredibly unrealistic and those are clearly pale people in makeup doing accents, apart from one girl. However, the music is nice and some scenes are very powerful.

Edit: Just to clarify, I was referring to a character named Tony, who is Maria's love interest in this film, not my late best friend. It's a common name on earth.

Mantis: Why did they have to kill Tony? That was so sad! I know him and Maria didn't know each other for very long but I still felt bad for her.

Rocket: I picked this movie because it looked like it would have fight scenes in it. Turns out this was one of those weird movies where the characters spontaneously sing and dance out of nowhere. Why? It's about people killing each other!

Nebula: Okay. What kind of psycho marries someone after knowing them for a few hours? Angel and Collins didn't know each other for very long either but they at least knew things about each other and spent actual time together. Also, Maria forgives Tony way too quickly after he kills her brother.

Drax: I think the humans were fighting, but it looked like they were dancing?

Groot: I am Groot…? I am Groot :/

Gamora: Why do the people in this movie hate each other purely for their skin colours? Is this something humans do? If so, then I underestimated how shallow humans are.

E.T. The Extraterrestrial

Quill: This movie is so 80's! I remember all of these things from when I was a kid! I don't know how I didn't see it as a kid, it seems like I would've really liked it. But hey, I saw it now and I like it!

Loki: This movie was quite silly and childish at times, though it had heart to it. This seems like a movie Morgan would like more than I did, though I wouldn't mind watching it with her.

Mantis: The alien is so cute! And the friendship between him and the kid is really sweet.

Rocket: Kids are terrible and the kids are the focus of this movie.

Nebula: This felt like a kid's movie, like those "Disney" movies we watched. There wasn't anything here for me, but it was fine.

Drax: Zzzzz...

Groot: I am Groot :)

Gamora: Is this really how Terrans see us?