I do wake up thankfully and I find they were even nice enough to get me back up on my metal cot from where I'd passed out in the water. Sitting up slowly, I grab the rolled up bag I'd set aside and begin eating the cold burger and fries within. Jessica and Trish are sitting at the table outside the cell and after noticing me awake, Jessica turns the home videos of Kilgrave's childhood torture back on full volume.

I'm left alone with my thoughts and the screams of a child in the background, interspersed with scientific talk and admonishments from his parents to stop crying. Jessica and Trish are talking right now and I know Trish is suggesting they leave me here and just walk out. Jessica will tell her she can't abandon Hope.

By watching closely, I can see the point where they start talking about dear old mom and dad. I can also see the point where Jessica has the epiphany regarding using Kilgrave's parents against me. I really like that moment, it means that I might just be able to get free of this place soon.

Meanwhile I know another interaction is playing out across the city between Hogarth and her lover Pam. Pam will give Hogarth the ultimatum that will send her back to me ready to consider letting me out. That will be my second chance to escape, if I can convince her faster than Kilgrave does in the show. It's a big if though, Hogarth believes Jessica when she says what I can do, and letting me out really would be foolish. Love has a tendency of turning people into fools though.

With a sigh I stand up and take the ketchup container that'd come with my meal, before taking a page out of the original Kilgrave's book, and smearing the words "HELP ME" onto the glass of my cell, while Jessica sits engrossed in trying to find who my parents are. Trish is asleep on a counter by this point and so it's just me and Jessica when I knock on the glass and draw her attention.

This is important to making sure she finds my parents and brings them to me. I have to hide the smile as she presses the talk button and says in a simpering tone, "You don't see Erik crying when he goes in the Sin Bin."

I have to keep the smile off my face as she immediately shuts off the mic again and leaves me to my solitude once more. That line right there will lead her down a path to finding out who Kilgrave's childhood Rugby Hero was. A Rugby hero who just happened to be at the same University Kilgrave's parents had been Professors at.

From here, she'll figure it out, using those sleuthing skills of hers to track down Kilgrave's parents and bring them here in an effort to mess with my head. Of course, I want her to do it, I need her to do it. Mom and dad are Plan C if Plan B doesn't work, and even if it does, they're vital to increasing the strength of my mind control.

Moving back to my cot slowly, I settle down on it and put effort into keeping the satisfaction off of my face. It's not hard, I just focus on the pain Jessica's left me in, the full body ache that I've been dealing with since I woke up from her beating. Yep, that keeps a nice resting bitch face on my body as I wait for things to progress.