Acquiring the van wasn't hard. I even helped get a box or two into the back. Afterwards I ordered the hotel owner to trash everything left behind. No chemicals or equipment for Jessica to trace this time around. Then, I had Albert drive us to a nice part of town and went up to the first house on the block, ringing the doorbell.

I wasn't expecting the pretty young redhead in pajamas who answered with a brow furrowed in confusion, but I certainly wasn't complaining, "Yeah?"

Smiling amicably, I waste no time, it's been a very long couple of days after all, "You want to invite me and my friends inside. We're going to be staying with you for a little while and you're happy to share your lovely home with us."

The confusion melts as a wide smile replaces it and she nods, stepping aside and saying 'Come in!' so I can enter. I walk in even as Albert and Louise begin grabbing boxes and transferring them inside. I'm expecting to find others in the home as I walk further inside, but the entire place is surprisingly quiet and seemingly empty. Furrowing my brow, I turn to the redhead who's followed me deeper in, "Tell me, is anyone else home?"

She shakes her head, "It's just me. My dad's away on a trip for the next week and I'm home on break."

Ah that explained things. A coed with a single father who from the looks of things, was quite successful in business. Still smiling, I nod, "Wonderful. In that case, go into the kitchen and make something easy for all of us. Whatever you know how to do that's quick and fast."

She scurries off to do so and I get back to exploring the place. Luckily there's a guest bedroom alongside the daughter's bedroom and the master bedroom. That's where I direct Kilgrave's parents even as I explore the master bedroom, intending to definitely make use of the comfortable looking bed. I have to fight not to go to sleep right away, there are still some things I have to do beforehand, not least of which is getting a bit more food in my growling belly before laying my head down.

Moving into the kitchen and bringing Albert and Louise with me, I find that the redhead has made chicken flavored ramen. That's to be expected given a college kid home alone. I've got no complaints and I'm quickly digging in after ordering everyone else to do the same. After some particularly tasty noodles I look at the redhead, "Tell me your name love."

She looks up at me and smiles, my commands still making her unnaturally happy to have us staying with her, "It's Alexis, thanks for asking. Yours?"

"Kevin, and this is Albert and Louise. Thank you for the snack, it is delicious."

Kilgrave's parents, being under no sort of emotional control, are eating mechanically while staring at the strange exchange with a mix of revulsion and confusion. I ignore that in favor of scarfing down the rest of my noodles before ordering everyone to get ready for bed.

On the way to make use of the glorious shower in the master bedroom, I catch Alexis with her phone out and stop her, "What are you doing?"

"I need to call my dad before I go to bed, let him know I'm alright."

I nod, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do, "… Don't mention me or my friends dear. Everything is absolutely normal."

She nods as my order registers and I head to the shower, satisfied that the father won't be tipped off and call the police or rush home upon learning his daughter has let strangers stay with her. After the shower I find myself feeling much more alive, but still absolutely exhausted. So, getting everyone together, I do a bit of group commanding.

"Alright, we're all going to go to sleep. Do nothing but sleep for eight hours and when you wake up, come to me and standby for new instructions. If I'm not already awake, you will wake me gently and then standby for new instructions. Now, off to bed with you three."

I watch them walk away and then turn to my own bed, albeit a stolen one. With a satisfied smile, I flop down and curl up under the covers, head coming to rest on a pile of pillows I'd created. Eight hours wouldn't be nearly enough sleep to recover from what I'd just got done dealing with, but I had no intention of getting close to my twelve hour window.

Tomorrow I'd get started on all of my plans. For now, it was time to sleep. It should probably have been worrying how little forcing Jeri to commit suicide affected my ability to fall asleep fast, but really, I'd had such a long day.