The look on Malcolm's face when I stepped into the diner was a bit priceless. He hadn't seen me coming, but then, I hadn't let him, taking an approach that obscured me from his wandering gaze until I stepped through the doors. Stepping up to his table even as he stood up abruptly, I smile and hold up a hand, "Please. Sit down and stay seated."

He does so quickly and then a moment later opens his mouth, but I interrupt him with a quiet tone that doesn't go further then him, "Let's not shall we? Will calling out really help anyone here?"

My words are purposefully not a command, and I believe he notices that, but he still closes his mouth in response. I'm right after all; he knows exactly what I can do. As I sit down across from him, his eyes slide to Trish for the first time and widen in dismay as she sits next to me, a smile on her face. Swallowing thickly, after a moment Malcolm just looks at me, clearly waiting for whatever I have to say.

Keeping a pleasant smile on my face, I begin with the most important question, "Tell me truthfully, do you know where Jessica is right now, and does she know where you are?"

"Probably passed out in her apartment or at the corner store getting more alcohol. She doesn't know where I am."

I raise an eyebrow, my smile quirking up as my tone turns sardonic, "Oh? Didn't feel the need to mention another Kilgrave victim getting in touch to join your little group?"

Malcolm grimaces at the stark reminder of how easily I drew him in. It's not entirely his fault though, I'm sure he's long felt safe of Kilgrave given that the man left him alone for months as well as his little group. I suppose he didn't really know how Jessica had bought his safety, and thus thought that he just wasn't important enough for Kilgrave to continue going after.

His response justifies this line of thinking, "I mostly agreed to meet up to let them… you I guess, know that the group is done. It's just me now, everyone else has moved on."

My smile morphs into a large grin. Even now Malcolm does his best to save others, despite his obvious terror in this moment. I open mouth to respond, only for a waitress to walk up and ask if Trish or I wanted anything. Giving a meaningful look to Malcolm, he stays quiet as I let Trish order something small for both of us.

Once the waitress walks away satisfied, I speak, "I'm sure they have Malcolm, but you'll forgive me if I don't take your word for it. You're going to help me. In fact, you want to help me."

He blinks at that, "I… want to help you."

With a soft chuckle, I nod, "Yes, you're very happy to be helping me. You see, together, we're going to do good. There's nothing more important to you then making sure I succeed in all of my goals."

He nods slowly, all of the fear and terror draining away to be replaced by an earnest desire to help, "Right. So where do we start?"

With that, we three are the closest of friends, as I explain exactly what I need him to do for me with input here and there from both Trish and Malcolm. Our food arrives at some point and is as delicious as can be expected from a New York diner… meaning I have no issue from it, because frankly my main fare before arriving in this world had always been fast food.

When we finally did leave the diner behind, I was quite satisfied in a number of ways.