Smiling, I pull Jessica slightly back on the bench until her sex is more exposed to me and more importantly more exposed to my cock. Running the head up and down her gushing slit, I lean over the super strong woman completely at my mercy and tell her, "This is what's going to happen then. You're going to do your absolute best to bring Trish to orgasm with that filthy mouth of yours. Meanwhile, I'm going to fuck you. Of course, we both know how much you love my cock, and once I'm inside you, I'm sure you're going to want to orgasm. You will not. No matter how much you want to cum, I want you to bring Trish to climax at least three times first. Then and only then will you be allowed to find your own peak, understood?"

Jessica had definitely been getting off on my words mixed with her current circumstances, and by the time I finished talking she didn't seem to really have a voice left to answer with, so she settled for just nodding as I asked if she understood. I decided to accept that, mostly because I was more interested in getting started then forcing the words out of her mouth.

Taking my cock in my hand, I press the tip against her entrance and watch as it welcomes me inside, parting easily as I slide all the way inside her, before clinging tightly to my length. Jessica slowly flexed her pussy muscles around my cock in a quite delightful way even as she used another muscle, namely her tongue, to begin her work on Trish's own pussy.

By this point I was sure Trish had figured out that it wasn't me who had been torturing her with licks, despite her sight and hearing being closed off. If nothing else, she'd gotten quite a lot of experience with learning what Jessica's tongue felt like inside of her. She was still very enthusiastic though, her cries of pleasure and moans filling the dungeon as I fucked Jessica fast and hard, pushing her face into Trish's welcoming crotch with my thrusts.

Jessica meanwhile was single-minded in her focus on Trish's sex, and I watched as she coaxed her best friend to climax in record time, and then proceeded to do it again. The third time took longer as Trish began to grow less aroused and more exhausted. After a few minutes of nothing, an increasingly desperate Jessica tore straight through the cuffs holding her wrists to the bench and brought her hands up to help with getting Trish off a third and final time.

As Trish hit that final peak, Jessica immediately hit hers as well, my orders fulfilled and her body no longer betraying her to obey me. Her own orgasm caused her slow purposeful contractions around my cock to become erratic and more powerful, until she was practically milking me with her cunt muscles. With a grunt and a groan I grabbed onto her ass and filled her with my cum, the climax I'd been staving off as she worked on Trish finally forced out of me.

At that point, we were all pretty exhausted, but there was enough strength left for Jessica and I to untie and release Trish from her sensory deprivation. Making our way over to the large bed on the other side of the sex dungeon, I ended up the middle of a sandwich with a blonde and raven haired beauty on either side of me. Trish nuzzled into my neck, half asleep while Jessica rested her head on my shoulder and ran a hand over my chest.

Turning slightly, I kissed Jessica's forehead and smiled, "Well done darling… but I don't believe I gave you permission to break those cuffs. Naughty naughty girl."

Jessica just makes an 'mm' sound before giving me a tired but impish grin, "Sorry Master. How can I make it up to you?"

I can't help grinning back, running my hand through her dark hair, "Ah, I'm sure we'll think of something pet."