VO2 The Queen's Plan

⸺Hell realm; From the Past⸺

Little Hubris is walking right through the empty hallway all by himself. At his young age, he is very respectable, and no one dared to defy him since he is one of the youngest appointed in ranked sinners and son of the ruler in the hell realm. 

Though it's lonely for him since he is very clever that no one attempted to talk to him but either way, he is also like that toward the other demon. 

⸺ Teatime, in the glass garden⸺

Hubris is having his leisure in the garden while his servants are keeping their distance a few miles away from him.

"Tsk. Annoying." 

He muttered to himself, looking in a certain direction without any reason. 

"Hey there, little Hubris." 

Someone started to approach him, being friendly. 

Playfully he played with his hair using his finger.

"Sitri, what are you doing here?"