
When the two of them went back to the grand hall of the heavenly realm, they saw a lot and crying angels in the corner. Latrice grew curious about it and halted themselves in the corner just like what the others do. 

"What is happening? Why is everyone crying?" Latrice cluelessly asked herself. Ruru then flinched when he saw a familiar person. The person who brought the two of them into the heavenly realm. Though Ruru didn't approach the guy, the guy is carrying a silk bag in his hand. 

Aether, who is Latrice's grandfather, stood in the middle along with two disciples behind him. They only hold nothing but a serious expression. 

"Are you the one who was sent in the hell realm?" Aether asked calmly. 

 The guy who is frustrated with himself nodded with full of respect as he raised the silk bag to offer it to Aether.