Chapter 1: Continue

* It will now be several centuries since the colonization of space was made possible. Thanks to the terraforming process, humanity is now able to change and model the DNA of the planets, which makes its expansion all the easier. But this development came at a price and many wars followed for the control of these new lands. At that time it was believed that nothing could stop them. That humans would never learn .... At least until their appearance *.

* THE KRAWL as they had chosen to call them. Also known as the planet devourers. Suddenly appearing during the discovery of a solar system they decimated the exploration shuttles thus killing all the human members. But their actions did not end there as they ended up attacking the various systems and planets controlled by the federation. Faced with this new and visibly superior enemy, humanity itself ceased its internal quarrels and decided to unite. Humans have been fighting to reclaim their planet for over 200 years now, and this long struggle for survival is finally coming to an end *.

* year 226 of the unified planet calendar of Kai'O, the departing train from the orbital elevator crosses the stratosphere. On board, the surviving soldiers of the war against the Krawls who finally return home. From the window of their cabin they could finally observe a calm and peaceful planet. No smoke emanating from different parts of the planet, no toxic clouds from radiation, no more acid rain and the smell of death. This time they are back home. Inside the officers' cabin one of the men gazed wistfully outside. Leaning his chin against his fist, he observed the entry into the atmosphere with a dreamy air.

-Major McMannus you have a call from the metropolis. * Said an assistant next door *.

-Cut it. * He said smiling at the young lady *. I wanted to enjoy the silence until we arrived at the station.

-It is understood sir.

-And one last thing. * He resumed, calling out to the young woman *. I am no longer a major.


* She came to attention facing him *.

-Sorry Lieutenant Colonel. I forgot that I was talking to a hero.

-Don't overdo it either. Haha.

* On the other side of the cabin, the officers watched him out of the corner of their eye *.

-Look at him with his great tunes. * Said one of them *. "I'm no longer a Major" * Snoba you *.

-He took the big head the son of the chancellor.

-With his exploits the position of the McMannus in Congress will only be strengthened.

-These species of monsters are not ready to leave power.

* At that moment one of them quickly shut the other's mouth *.

- Softly they have keen hearing.

* The young man smirked when he heard them comer, then looked outside again. The train eventually arrived at the station where their families were waiting for them. It was a real human tide that swept over the soldiers. For the first time in a long time they were finally going home. In the midst of all this chaos one of the men seemed to be looking for his family. He was wearing a forest green suit over a black coat with red and blue hair clips. Turning his head from side to side he still couldn't find what he seemed to be looking for until a hand rested on his. She was fragile and soft, she looked like a baby. His face dazzled when he finally saw them. A woman a little boy of around 6 *.

-Welcome back. * Said his wife smiling *. Captain.

* She pretended to come to attention. The man rushed at his son and hugged him as tight as he could. Then he straightened up to kiss his wife before displaying a radiant smile *.

-Welcome back. Flint * Resumed his wife *.

-It's good to see you again. And this time not behind a screen. * He said *.

-But where is your friend? The one you were telling me about ....

-Ah him ....

* He turned his head to look for it better and waved his hand *.

-Here it is. The tall one with white hair.

* He motioned for her to come and he immediately came back. He was a fairly tall man, smiling with purple eyes. Unlike ordinary soldiers, he wore a gray suit under his officer coat and had a bandage on his left arm which he concealed *.

-Katy, this is Liore McMannus. And before you ask the question, yes it's a Jaeger.

-Wow a Jaeger. * Said the boy *.

* Katy held out her hand to Liore to greet him which surprised the officer who agreed to answer *.

-Flynn told me a lot about you you know.

-Really ?

- That said, you are really beautiful. Maybe I should have waited a bit eventually. * She smirked *.

-I must take it wrong, that's it. * Fit Flynn Angry *.

-Come on I invite you ...

-It won't be possible. * He said showing his hurt arm *. I have to have it revised. But I promise I'll do it next time.

-That's right. * Said Flynn *.

-To more Reuss

* At the same time, soldiers dressed in riot helmets disembarked. One of the cabins opened and a man with blond hair could be seen coming out, tied up in a straightjacket. His gaze was filled with anger and his red eyes were almost burning. Liore and Flynn exchanged a quick glance with the individual who was placed in an armored van before being boarded *.

-Do you plan to do something for him? * Flynn asked *.

-I still don't know. But if what he says is true ...

-He must be shaking that is all. * Coupa Flynn *. Personally, I don't want to lift a gun anymore.

* The war was well and truly over. And this is precisely what the press agency of the federation announced. After a fierce battle in the Borgia system the Krawls had been wiped off the map for good. There were only small bits of resistance left, but the reserve forces were happy to clean them with a flamethrower. That day during the closing ceremony Commander McMannus gave the long awaited speech *.

-Salute His Excellency Baptiste McMannus.

* All the soldiers present in the room as well as their families stood up to welcome the old man *.

-I would like to send a big thank you to all those who could not be with us today. To all those who have made a gift of their person, those who have made the sacrifice of their lives so that humanity regains its splendor. The fight against the Krawls was long and exhausting. Many of our men have left brothers, comrades and their sanity there. But all of you here present, none of you balked at doing your duty. I am proud to say today that you, the 1st Overseas Combat Division, are the flagship of our army.

* At that moment he sported a proud smile and blew out his rebellious lock before raising his metal arm and clenching his fist *.

- I greet all the pilots of Reders, Typhoon, Striker and what else. I greet the infantry soldiers and the guards. I even salute the janitors for keeping our bases clean.

* At that moment laughter arose in the assembly *.

-To all those who could not be present with us I am proud to tell you that your sacrifices will not have been in vain. Because today humanity can finally raise its head ... AND CRIBE VICTORY

* Many cries rose in the crowd to greet the commander's speech. All were invigorated after these words of the supreme leader *.

* This speech had been held 2 days earlier in metropolitan. After that the 1st division was transferred to the planet of Kai'O where their families were waiting for them. Those who were to return to civilian life would leave and the rest would remain on their base. In one of the hangars supposed to house one of the planes, soldiers sitting in a corner were discussing *.

-I still can't believe this nightmare is over. * Said one of them *.

-Yeah. Neither do I. * Said another *. That our Generation is the one that sees the end of the war I find that .... Weird.

-And there we are told that we must go back to civilian life. Without warning. What do you think, chief mechanic?

-Bah me I'll go where the wind carries me but it's weird to work without pressure.

-And you Pike where are you going?

* A little further two guys. Said Pike was lying in a sleeping bag covered from head to toe. The second with his hands in his pilot's jacket was sitting next to him, looking thoughtful *.

-Yeah. They are not very talkative. What about you, Captain Reuss?

-I will take the exam and see if I can become a strategic officer in the rear. * He said *.

-A serious bureaucrat?

-What do you think I won't going to break down doors all my life. * He laughed before getting up *. Go to work you lazy people.

* At the same time in an apartment in town, Liore was talking with the commander through a holographic projector *.

-What are you doing on Kai'O? I heard you knowingly ignore the calls from your siblings.

-I had some details to settle and my Striker to have repaired order.

-Spare me the ceremonies. I'm talking to you from father to son. You could have done it in metropolitan France, what stopped you?

-He beeeen ....

* He did not know what to answer and preferred to be silent. The Commander let out a sigh and stared at him *.

-You know what, take a rest you really need it. * He said *. Take the time it takes with your machine.

* Liore noticed a folder appear on the screen *.

-What is that ?

-The list of your pretenders. You may not know it, but you are very popular. Especially with the end of the war.

-Dad we already have some .....

-I put a name that should interest you at the top of the list. You'll thank me later.

* And the communication was cut short. Liore therefore grabbed the famous and long list and then checked the name before dear an "OH" *.

-Ha and to say that he cheated me for that not so long ago.

* He lay down on his bed and stared at his ceiling. It all seemed so unreal. Flashes of his last weeks came to mind *.

-The hardest part is building peace.

* He therefore went to the Hangar where his machine was stored. On the way the soldiers greeted him and he smiled back at them. Once in the Hangar he went to see the chief mechanic *.

- So how is he? * Liore asked *.

- You damn badly messed it up major. Finally Lieutenant-Colonel. It's hard to say when it will be operational again. Well, it doesn't matter because the war is over.

-I want it to be operational as soon as possible. * He ordered *.

-You're the boss. Still damaging such a beautiful machine is almost a crime.

* A truck passed through the hangar dragging two more machines which caught McMannus's attention *.

-We also got the machines from the other two. The sister's is in a worse state than yours.

-Yeah I guess.

- Lieutenant-Colonel McMannus?


* Just behind him a soldier of the military police who came to attention *.

-What can I do for you ?

-Well then

* A few minutes later he was walking towards the cells of the base while reading a file *.

-Lt Archibald said he would only speak to you.

-Jalel is a tough guy. His family is in high places even with the Jaeger. I don't see how it makes sense to keep it.

-He uttered defeatist and blasphemous words. Not to mention that he and his sister ignored orders during the last battle.

-Yes and she paid for it with her life. It must be painful for him to be separated from his sister.

-Let's just hope he talks.

* Once in the interogatory room Liore asked to be left alone *.

-Are you sure ?

- It's a Jaeger. I can't see you protecting me from him.

* Jalel was sitting in the back of the cell tied with his straitjacket like crazy. He slowly lifted his head and stared at Liore. His gaze was less fierce than two days ago *.

-How are you feeling ? * Liore asked *.

-Enclosed in two square meters of steel. Fed with a tube attached like an animal. Did I go around? * He said sarcastically *.

- At least I would have asked. * Said Liore disappointed *.

-How they are up there. Are they taking advantage of their fictitious peace? * He asked *.

-Not a single Krawl on the Horizon. They died Jalel.

- Have you read my report? * Jalel asked *.

-Yes I read it.

- So why is nobody listening to me. My sister is fucking dead. So why do they keep saying it was just a trivial accident?

-The thing is, the federation has already declared the end of the war. Humanity is exhausted from these 2 centuries of incessant wars. What you say calls into question the whole peace process. Order it already ....

-The order the order I fuck the order. Let him go and kill him and his politics.

-This is my father. * Recalls Liore *.

-I don't give a fuck.

* A silence settled *.

-Jenna ... She was the best of us ... She was not fighting for humanity herself, but because she loved it. She had this outspokenness. * Tears rose to his eyes *.

-She made me really misery in training. * Said Liore laughing *.

-In real combat it would be the same.

-Listen to me Jalel. I don't know what was on Nessa, and I can't help you if you keep pushing your ideas on me. So I'll tell you just once. Tell me what happened to Nessa ....

* Jalel took a deep breath and then exhaled *.

-Well then....

*To be continued*.