Chapter 4: Claim

* 12 hours after the hostage-taking. The town hall was surrounded on all sides by police helicopters. There were roadblocks every hundred meters and access was strictly regulated. Only the media had access to the area because the media blockade imposed by the authorities could not last long. While it was moving all over the place on the outside, the inside on the other hand was dead calm. Well almost. One of the hostage takers had just taken Kate in the midst of an attempt and brought her to the principal's office where the other officials were. There the leader of the men in black walked towards her, his mask still covering his face *.

-Oh God .... What am I going to do with you? * He breathed *.

-Free me I would cause you less worry like that.

-Haha. * he laughs sincerely *. Sorry but that won't be possible. You are way too smart. What are you ?

* He looked at her neck, her shoulders, her arms *.

-No tattoos. Your eyes are a normal color. * He said looking more closely *. You are not a soldier or a cop. A self-defense fanatic then.

-Up to you. * She said shrugging her shoulders *.

-I like it. Tie her up with the others. The direct will soon start.

* Outside it was tense. A vehicle was approaching the police blockade. It was an air base humvee. The latter made barrages and parked a few meters from the aunt in command. Two men in jackets got out *.

-Sorry sir only authorized staff is ....

* The two soldiers, one head taller than the police officer, ignored him. He also didn't insist when he saw the emblem. A silver skull with a crack in the left eye *.

-The .... The Undead. They really exist.

* The two soldiers entered without anyone objecting, finding the bureaucrat in charge of the negotiations and the one in charge of the assault sections *.

-I say we should wait for them to contact us. * Said the negotiator *.

-And I say that wasting too much time to act puts the life of the hostages in danger. * Said the sergeant *.

* They saw the two unknown soldiers in the battalion and immediately stopped their quarrels *.

-Who are you ?

-It's not important. * Fitted casually with hands in pockets *.

-Captain Reuss. Lieutenant Garza. * Flynn replied *.

-Uh okay. And how are the soldiers concerned by this hostage-taking?

-The job and also personal reasons. I ask for permission to take matters in hand.

* The sergeant, much older and seemed to be experimenting, stared at him contemptuously. His hands holding the edges of his waistcoat he planted himself in front of Reuss, who was a head taller *.

-Listen to me Boyscout. I don't know which patoin you come from but you are clearly not entitled here. So you and your band of musclers take your luggage and get out.

-Commanding a transmission from inside the room.

* The screen was displayed to give access to the little information we could have on the interior. There was a sofa with 5 people sitting on it. On each side a guard and right in the middle the chief taker *.

-Good evening everyone. Let me introduce myself, my name is .... No in fact it is not important. What I am about to reveal to you is classified as level S confidential.

-You saw Flynn. * Said Garza *.

-Yeah. If she's there, there's a good chance our host will be there too.

-It's not going to be easy with our two friends who prevent us from working.

-I would like to tell you about the Jaegers. These overpowered soldiers who are the pride of mankind are fighting all over the galaxy. But what are they really? Well, I'll tell you. They are nothing but Krawls.

-Krawls? * The sergeant wondered.

-People who live in the most exposed galaxies will be able to testify to you. These bloodthirsty warriors only bring death and devastation. When a Jaeger of a regent family kills a human he is immediately exempt from all crime. But if, unfortunately, a human spilled dust on a Jaeger's car, he would be beheaded within minutes.

* Outside the building. Whether inside the base or in schools and bars, hotels etc ... Everyone followed the broadcast *.

-He's not wrong. 80% of the inhabitants of the metropolis are Jaegers. * Said a man in front of the big screen. *

-And they hold much of the military power. * Said a woman *. They pilot these famous machines the .... Striker.

-At the same time they are the only ones able to pilot them thanks to their particular constitution.

* The improvised reporter continued his explanations *.

- Basically they were just hybrid humans mixed with Krawl blood. With time and genetic selection they have become fully-fledged beings outclassing humans in many ways. All thanks to that cursed blood that costs in their veins.

* Reuss took out a cigarette which he was about to light *.

-What's the point of putting it all on the carpet everyone knows that. * Said Flynn, pulling a shot *. Until then they have always been good leaders. His arguments are irrelevant.

-You say that but look. * Garza said, nodding at the officers *.

-The Jaegers ... Krawls?

-That would explain a lot of things.

* At that time Flynn received a call from the base *.

-What's the matter ?

-A video has just been uploaded. It shows the process of creating the Jaegers.

-Already a billion views and sharing.

-A Bi .... * He wondered *.

- And I pass you the comments sir. * Said the operator *. The Jaegers are in reality Krawls in human form. The Jaegers have enslaved humanity. The Jaegers are ....

-I got it, I understood.

-I'm sick of this bullshit. We're storming. * Said the chief of police *.

- In your place I will not do that. * Said Garza *. Watch the video. How they hold their guns. They are former special forces. The building is surely trapped to death and all the exits are necessarily blocked. We have no visual from the outside and a rough idea of ​​the number of hostages. If you go into it now you are going to cause more problems than you need to solve *.

* The gray haired man was right. The sergeant thought about it for a moment, then decided to wait for permission from his superiors *.

-Wise decision old fart. * He said with his jaded gaze *.

-What we want * Continued to hold him hostage *. It is a fair distribution of rights. The McMannus have been in power for 150 years since the Great Revolt. We want everyone to be subject to the law like everyone else and a fair distribution of power. I demand the resignation of Commander McMannus. If within 48 hours my requirements are not met. I'll kill a hostage. A human then a Jaeger. And so on.

* Flynn could see he was serious. And seeing his wife in the video almost made him crack the captain. But he restrained himself and left the aunt *.

-Bravo didn't crack you. * Said Garza *.

-Really ? I am angry though. Because of this asshole I can't eat my wife's delicious stew.

- Do you plan to intervene? We don't have the right yet.

-We let the cops do it for the moment. They will fail. * He said, crushing his cell phone in hand. His gaze suddenly became dark *.

-And then we go in and we massacre all these sons of bitches. * He said irritated *.

* At the same time at the Reuss home, Jake was watching the video on the creation of the Jaegers while reading the comments *.

-It's horrible.

-Is it these monsters who rule humanity?

-Something has to be done. # McMannusdemission

* The boy surprised by all this flow of information could not help but wonder *.

-The Jaegers are .... Monsters?

* End of chapter *.