Chapter 6: Butcher

* City hotêl, the planet Kai Ô known to be one of the calmest is now under terrorist threat. While the police forces tried somehow to get inside a deafening noise was heard *.

- What's wrong, Captain Reuss?

-These motherfuckers have a Reder machine gun. The shields of the cops will be no match. * Explained Flynn *. It is necessary that....

* The deafening sound of the machine gun firing interrupted him. The weapon continued to fire in flurry as the police were skinned by bullets intended for larger monsters. The retransmission was immediately interrupted. After 1 minute the machine gun stopped firing and the doors closed again. Seeing the bodies of these policemen sprawled on the floor memories of Rick resurfaced *.

-Stooooop. *He yelled*. fall back.

* He collapsed squarely on the tar and stared at the closed doors of the building as the medics rushed towards the bodies *.

-Sergeant. * an officer told him *. We ask you in the meeting room.

-I arrive. * Said he annoyed *.

* A new video had just been sent. The chief turned to the police again *.

- Ladies and Gentlemen of the Police as you can see your pathetic attempt to storm us to fail. As we speak, your unit supposed to go through the underground has been annihilated.

- Was there a unit underground? But what is your problem. * got upset Ricker who tackled the commander to the wall *.

- I can do nothing. The prefect ordered to put an end to this crisis as soon as possible.

-The prefect does not know ANYTHING about hostage-taking. * He got angry even more *.

-That's enough Ricker. * Said Reuss calmly *. I'm not a cop but this guy is your boss so have a little respect.

-I am aware * Said the leader of the hostage takers * that my requests are exaggerated and you seem not to understand what I really want. So I have new requests.

-Here we are. * said Garza *.

-I understood that the son, finally ONE of the sons of the big boss McMannus was here on Kai Ô. I want you to exchange it. Against the life ..... Of some hostage. It will be up to him to see.

- Where are we with their identification? * Asked the commander *.

- Impossible sir * Said Chuck *. They are covered from head to toe. Their eyes do not appear on the screen. I tried the voice but it uses a jammer.

-Bah I don't know looking for special forces soldiers then.

-McMannus will never agree to surrender his son. * Said Chuck *.

- Except that it is not for him to decide.

* Not to him indeed. A few minutes after the video a sports car left the base under the gaze of journalists. The latter strafed Liore's car with their photographic equipment, but the windows were all tinted *.

-I finished reading Katy's message * Said Ricker who had calmed down *. She gives us precise details how she managed to gather so much information in 12 hours of captivity.

- I have my little idea on it.

* 12 hours earlier inside the city hotel. Olga moved closer to her *.

-But ... Can you explain your behavior to me?

-Listen to me from now on these guys will be watching me. It will be your turn to play. I want you to draw up a map of the places.

-The police surely have ...

- Not the one, a precise map with the hostages and the guards. You will note everything on this visual card * she said, giving the memory of her lenses *. Then throw them out the toilet.

-What .... What?

-Just go.

* Olga was both surprised and admiring. The coolness she has shown throughout is almost inhuman yet she was the Jaeger. But even though she was physically stronger, she barely knew how to fight. Seeing these armed men literally petrified her. However....*

-I will do it.

* Olga got up and asked to go to the bathroom. On the way she spotted some guards and going through the hall she glanced quickly but the guard pushed her *.

- In advance it does not concern you at all.

-What is this thing? Are you going to kill the police?

-It's only for self-defense. Go ahead don't force me to repeat myself.

* He pointed her with his gun and she was forced to comply. Once in the bathroom another guard replaced the first and he locked himself in *.

-You can turn around please it's very inconvenient.

-I am also a woman. * Said the new guard *.

* With the voice she had Olga understood that they all had voice jammers. Olga locked herself in her cabin and did her work. But in reality the noise covered a sound on a hollow surface *.

* 12 hours later *.

-You mean she ....

-I'm on Olga got the info by echo-location. Like bats. And if my suspicions are correct ....

* The soldier and the police staff were at the exit of the sewers connecting the city hotel. Scientists were busy finding the chip released in the toilet *.

-There it is. * Said one of the men *.

* It was immediately connected to a computer *.

-Bingo has what we wanted.

* At that moment Rick's phone rang *.

-Hello brother? You should watch the news.

* Indeed just in front of the city hotel *.

-I am currently at this very moment in front of the city hotel where is. * Told a reporter *. After the death of the 8 policemen, the hostage takers asked that Liore ... McMannus, one of the Commander's sons, surrender in exchange for the life of the hostages. A red sports car has just broken through the police blockades and has crashed about twenty meters from the entrance. Is this our famous man?

-Oh it's not truuuuuue * sighed Flynn *.

* The vehicle door opened and indeed it was indeed Liore who came out. He was in civilian clothes, a leather jacket and jeans *.

-Incredible ladies and gentlemen, we have just confirmed to me that the man in question is well ....

* A crash noise occurred and the broadcast stopped *.

-But what did you do? * Shouted the reporter *.

-Sorry my hand slipped. * Said Garza *.

* The door opened slowly and the leader of the hostage takers appeared with his hands crossed with his magnum in hand. He stared at Liore in the eye and you could tell he was smiling under his mask. Upstairs a sniper held him up.

- Am I going or not?

- Wait, I have to confirm first that he doesn't have his Stryker around.

* The computer scientist next to typed a few lines of codes on his computer then nodded *.

-Head, we're waiting for your signal. * Said the sniper *.


* He opened fire and the bullet went off like an arrow. Everyone was surprised at what had just happened *.

-It was what ? * Asked an officer *.

-A shot was a shot. * Replies a press agent *.

* But against all expectations the ball had landed at his feet. Surprised the sniper fired two more bullets which were planted again at his feet *.

-That .... Shit he hacked my aim.

* The weapon also burned on the spot *.

-And shit. Damn crap

* Liore took a step forward and stared at the chief seriously *.

- Earlier you checked if my Stryker was with me, and saw you fail because it is not here on earth but in orbit.

-In orbit ? * The sniper wondered *.

-Ark Kortex is really impressive.

-I did not come to fight but to exchange my life for that of someone else. Her name is Olga ....

-Olga you say? Yes that tells me something.

-Let her go. In return, I agree to be your prisoner. If she's not here in 15 minutes I'll consider her dead and erase the building.

-You wouldn't dare anyway.

* He fixed Liore's impassive gaze and saw that he was very serious *.

-Tch it's okay. We'll see you in 15 minutes.

* With these words the Jaeger and the chief parted. Liore then joined the aunt of command where he found Ricker and Reuss who had hastened to return *.

-YOU ARE CRAZY. * Flynn yelled before laughing *.

-What is funny?

-You have a hell of a pair. * tells him the negotiator *.

- Ah that you can say it. * Liore said, letting out a huge sigh *.

-What do you mean ?

-His Stryker ain't fixing you idiots. * Said Garza *.

-WHAT? * Yelled the police guy *.

-Are you sure? * Ricker asked *.

- I was in maintenance with Sof yesterday and I can assure that he is not fixed. By cons you have stolen a jammer at the base you.

-That's what allowed me to counter the bullets. The rest was a bluff.

-That's why the other hasn't stopped laughing since a while ago. He's right you're crazy. * Supported Rick *.

-Whatever * Said Liore who resumed a serious air *. We have 15 minutes to enter. Kill everyone and free the hostages.

* End of chapter *