
Nekros: Mom I don't want to go to school I don't feel well I want to take leave today.

Mom: NO!! I know you played video games all night and you slept late and now you don't want to go to school and sleep. I should tell you habits to your father. You're getting lazy day by day. Now go change yourself get fresh and come down to have breakfast or else you'll miss the bus.

Nekros: Okay MOM!! Don't be so angry my bus comes at 8 and I've got plenty of time to get ready I won't miss the bus I promise.

Mom: Okay come down fast and get your breakfast. If you miss the bus I you've to go to school walking I won't give you the money for taxi.

Mom: Oh so you finally came down my son, here have your breakfast

*hands Nekros his breakfast*

Nekros[while having breakfast]: Mom when is father calling today?

Mom: Why? He said he'll call you later after you come home.

Nekros: Ah I just wanted to talk to him

Mom: You should go now it's getting late

[Alarm rings and Nekros wakes up]

Nekros: Ah again those dreams :( ! I should get ready or I will miss the bus

(PS: Nekros father and mother actually died in an accident when he was a child.)

[After getting ready he goes to his bus stop and waits for the bus to come]

*Bus arrives*

Nekros: Sigh! I hate going to school i hate this shit

[Nekros goes to the last seat and sits by the window]

*Bus leaves*