
*Demon king enters the Human world looking for his perfect successor*

*Bell rings and Nekros wakes up*

Nekros: So it's lunchtime

[Nekros Gets up and exits rooftop and goes to cafeteria]

John[With his 2 friend bullying a student in Cafeteria]: Hey kid! Wanna get your ass beaten go bring me your lunch.

*Nekros enters the cafeteria*

Troy: Hey John! Have you ever noticed that guy? [pointing towards Nekros]

John: Nah I've never noticed that guys. He might be a cripple so his presence doesn't even matter

Sven: Let's go and have some fun with him. New toys are much funner than old ones

John: Yeah you got some points let's go

[John and his friends troy and Sven moves towards Nekros whereas Nekros was waiting in line to buy Smoothie]

*John bumps into Nekros*

John[to Nekros] : Hey can't you see or you want to get your ass beaten huh?

Nekros: *Sighs* It's you who bumped into me you should be sorry not me

Troy[to Nekros]: Hey watch your mouth! Who do you think you're talking to?

Nekros[replying]: A blind person who can't even see where's he going.

Sven: I think you need some ass whooping, Hey John leave this kid to me I'll take care of him.

John: Okay go easy on him. Or he'll cry and call his MOM

[Things gets tensed and students gathers and watches the fight]

*Demon king noticed a strong aura coming from john and stops to see what happens next*

Demon King[To himself]: I've sensed a strong aura from this guy. Let's see how he handles this situation

Nekros: You'll regret saying those words.

Sven: Huh! Kid keep that big words to yourself.

*Sven tries to punch Nekros*

*Nekros dodges as it's nothing*

Nekros: Ah That's it? Okay I'll stand still and let you punch me

*Sven Punches him*

[It doesn't even hurt Nekros]

Nekros: What was that? I didn't even feel it let me teach you what real ass whooping is like

*Nekros lifts his right leg and does a round house kick*

[It hits Sven hard knocking him in instant]

Troy: Ah I knew he was a weakling {pointing towards Sven}. Let me show you what pain is

*Troy does a sidekick*

*Nekros Blocks*

Nekros: Ah what was that? A sidekick? Let me show you what the sidekick looks like

*Nekros sidekicks Troy in his ribs which gets fractured*

Troy[In pain]: AH it hurts! This guy shows no mercy! John be careful

Nekros: I guess it's the boss turn now right?

John: You think you can beat me?

*Nekros does a Brazilian kick which almost hits John*

*The bell rings and lunchtime is over*

[In fear john trembles]

Nekros: What I just showed it and you're already trembling! You disappointed me

[Nekros leaves the cafeteria while john and his friends stay there in thinking what just happened]

Demon King: Finally I found him. Now one more test and then he'll be ready

*Demon King Laughs in evil tone and disappears*

[Nekros attends 2 classes and goes to rooftop again and spends his rest of his time there until the school is over]

*Final bell rings*