[By This time everyone from demon realm have found their successor. Nekros was discharged from hospital and sent home]
*Nekros takes shower*
Nekros: Was it a dream or reality? I'm really confused and why i feel like my strength has risen up.
[Something breaks in kitchen]
Nekros: Is anyone there?
*Nekros approaches towards kitchen*
Nekros: Ah it's just a puppy. But why does this puppy look familiar. he must be hungry.
*Dog isn't afraid of Nekros but instead approaches towards him*
Nekros: Ah! You're so cute. Let me name you. Hmmm you are black and have demonic eyes like cerberus. How about Cerbe?. That sounds perfect. From today you're Cerbe
*Cerbe woofs*
Nekros: But how did you get in here? I think i forgot to lock the front door.
[Nekros goes and checks the front door which was actually open]
Nekros: Oh. So this is how you got in here.
[After that nekros goes to bed for quick nap and thinking about his face off with demon king]
Nekros: Was it real. I remember that guy calling himself demon king. He even stabbed me with his trident but what was that. Also there's no scar or stab wound in my chest.
[Nekros falls asleep]
[In dream Nekros encounters many demons which bows to him. One of the high rank demon approaches Nekros and whispers you're the new demon king. Use your powers to control the world. You rule over Demons]
*Nekros Wakes up*
Nekros: Ah again those demonic dreams. {Nekros checks the time}. Ah it's 5p.m I should go for a walk with cerbe.
*Nekros calls cerbe*
Nekros: Ah where did he went I guess he's sleeping somewhere. I guess I'll go alone.
[Nekros goes out for a walk. But while he was walking towards the park he got a weird feeling that someone was following him]
Nekros: You can show up. I know you're there.
Unknown guy: Well well. As expected of demon king.
Nekros: Cut this demon lord crap. Who're you and why're you following me?
Unknown guy: Fight me and if you defeat me. I'll say everything. Who are you and about all those encounters.
Nekros: Guess I've got no choice.
Unknown guy: *mumbles something*
[Suddenly, the unknown guy starts to emit strong aura]
Nekros: This aura feels same like him but it's not that powerful. I think I've faced more stronger aura than this so his pressure didn't do anything.
*Unknown guy moves fast and appears behind Nekros and punches him*
*Nekros flies towards ground but stands up quickly*
Unknown guy: Use your power Demon lord. Show me what you got
*Nekros starts to get too heated up*
Nekros: I don't know what are you talking about but you messed with the wrong guy dude
*Nekros does a knee strike*
*The unknown guy blocks*
Unknown guy: I guess that foolish demon lord choose some weakling as his successor ahaha. Let me kill you so you cannot accomplish the demon lord's wishes
Unknown guy: *Chants*
[Suddenly a strong beam of light flashes and the guy grows wings and pulls out divine sword]
*He slashes Nekros*
*Nekros is covered in blood and falls down*
*Unknown guy about to kill Nekros*
[Suddenly, Nekros creates a strong pressure and the unknown guy falls down to ground]
Unknown guy: Finally you woke up demon lord ahaha.
*Nekros eyes glowing*
Nekros: ....
*Nekros appears in front of the guy*
*Nekros kicks him*
*The unknown guy flies straight toward rock breaking it*
Unknown guy: Ah damn. He's too fast. I should retreat.
*He tries to escape*
*He starts to levitate*
Unknown guy: What I cannot run. What should I do now?.
*Nekros puts his hand forward and summons the Scythe of demon lord*
Unknown guy: I'm sorry, You win. I'll tell you everything
Unknown guy: Shit! He lost his sense.
*Nekros about to slash the unknown guy*