
Chapter 17

Everything seem to go back in other in the Griffin's life as Brad was apprehended and jailed. But one thing had escape them.

The money was gone along with Hector. During an interrogation Brad said he had emptied the briefcase in a bag he left in one of the alley. He had totally forget the briefcase bearing the GPS was still in his car when he drove off. That led to his apprehension, but the missing puzzle was hector.

Brad later confess it was a plan he and his father plotted when Elie had refused to let them in, knowing he was rich they were damn sure he would react. At first it didn't have to go too far, just kidnap the kid and ask for a ransom. But he said it starts to get twisted when all the city was in search of David. He also admit losing control and hitting the boy multiple times leaving minor damages. He also said hector had come over asking him to end it all. But he had immediately left with the boy. Setting up his own plan.