
Chapter 27

David precipitated to Daniel with an inhuman speed flinging him to the wall. Daniel went crashing hard on the wall as he let out an ear splitting scream of pain. He could feel his shoulder hurt like hell. He was hurting.

"How dare you Danny? I thought we were friends?" David said calmly as he back away.

Daniel watch him in horror as he walked the wall with his back, his hands supporting him inhumanly. He couldn't help but scream. Even for an eleven years old who takes care of his cousins like he was their parents he happen to have his child side. He was dead scared and he needed his parents to help him out.

David moved to the ceiling, hanging on it like a spider with his head beyond understanding upside down. Like an owl.

"You must pay Danny, I warned you once and but you wouldn't listen." He said.

The door bursted opened with John running in and dropping dead. "Jesus Christ." He muttered with his jaw dropping.