
Chapter 30

No edited sorryyyyyy!

"I want that." Sammy tug at my sleeve pointing at some new bars of chocolate.

"Chocolate ain't good for you Sam, if you really want people to admire your teeth." I say to him just to have him cross his arms on his chest with a pout.

I ignore him pushing the cart behind mum as she read the list out loud.

Jacob and I reach for the stuffs and put them in the cart, Sammy drags his feet behind us trying not to cry. I know he won't dare ask mum, she talks of how bad chocolates puts Sammy's teeth in when he was doing eating them.

Dorcas refuses to seat in the cart so Jacob is holding her hand as she helps him with the can.

I see her glance back at Sammy several times during her little picks. She walks to mum when Jacob is searching for the appropriate can.

I see her tap mum, and mum crouches to her height she says something and the both of them look back at Sammy.

Mum lips part in a sigh, she nods slowly.