
Chapter 6

David groaned as he rolled on his stomach, slowly and lazily flipped his eyes opened, once again a slow groan escaped him, the sun rays went straight in his eyes and he quickly sat up rubbing them slowly.

He felt light headed, and his leg hurt. He limped to the shower. Taking off his clothes and unwrapping his wound, which looked almost healed. It was not much of a bruise.

He hit the warm shower and water came pouring down his skin, he relaxed under the shower, and try not to think of anything but the new decors of this new bathroom made him feel weird.

He felt like a monitor could be placed somewhere in the shower and it made him nervous.

He shut his eyes groaning under his breath as the water ran through his hair.

He turn off the shower and strode out, as soon as his wet feet hit the doormat out of the bathroom he tensed as chills matched down his spine.