
Chapter 12

Not edited 

"Do you know who is coming to pick us?" Deborah asked while the sat on the bench waiting to spot Tim's car.

"I don't really know, Tim never said anything about it. But I hope is him." Jacob said.

David gazed at his notes confusedly as he tried to sought the equation laying blankly on the page.

"You really look engross on that work." Debbie said to him.

"I need to have good grades and I've been staring at this for the past three hours starting from when we were in the class and it is still the same. I don't understand a fucking thing. Ah!" David said in frustration finally slamming the book shut.

"Don't panic once we get home we'll sort it together." Jacob said.

"We can't do you forget what grumpy grouchy said? We can't meet up with each other." David said.

"Even to study? Aw. That's so horrible." Deborah added.