
Chapter 31

"DAVID GRIFFIN!" Deborah yelled.

"Gotta go, see ya next semester." David said to the phone as he hung up.

He pulled his luggage behind and tried not to go down the stairs unbalanced.

Deborah put her hands on her hips glaring at David. "What didn't you spend an eternity? My sleeping beauty." She glared hardly at him.

David shuddered in amusement. "Chill." He mouthed.

"Chill? Do you know we're suppose to be taking our flight today?" She half yelled.

"Yeah." David said but it sounded like a whine. She slammed her hand at the back of his head and he hissed.

She flipped her hair before walking away.

"I'm super excited to go home!" David said out loud to Jacob who was in the living room scrolling on his cell.

"We're still coming back though. But yeah it's exciting. I'm all nervous though." Jacob confessed.

"Yeah I know. But live while you can. I'm so gonna be happy again." David sigh with a smile.