Disney’s Cutie pie opening

(The opening shows The giant snake releasing a meteor on a town, fishers see the meteor past, a little girl is hit)

(Cutie pie reading with Kevin on a couch)

(The giant snake is being talked to Doll)

(The giant snake and Cutie pie looking at each other face to face)

(Scene shows Kali and Cutie pie work together)

(Cutie pie is riding in a boat with the town folks)

(Cutie pie and the giant snake is on the mountain)

(Lady J moves a statue of a lion and under it is a red button, and she pushes it, then a stairwell appears)

(Cutie pie, Lady J, Kevin, Mrs. X, Mr. X along with the other town folks are dancing on the dance floor)

(The opening ends with Cutie pie and everybody by the docks with the title 'Disney's Cutie pie' on the top)