Little Kimipie opening

(The opening shows a little house in a bedroom, inside it Kimipie is sleeping on a couch)

(Lime is shown running through the forest with a message bag around her neck)

(Kimipie is fighting giant bugs)

(Lime is birdwatching, while hanging upside down)

(Lime's mom is gardening)

(Lime is singing on a stage and has many students looking in awe at Lime)

(Kimipie is in the dark, with tears coming down)

(Lime is watching Kimipie use her powers, while smiling)

(The students are talking to Kimipie, Kimipie is talking to them, while leaning on a book and they are in the backyard)

(Kimipie walks into a bright light)

(Lime is sucked by a portal)

(Lime's mom is in a tower)

(Kimipie and Lime are with witches and wizards)

(The opening shows giant shadows vs a Queen)

(Kimipie is in a cage with scratches surrounded by fire)

(Lime is running with two swords)

(The opening ends with Kimipie on Lime's shoulder, while Lime is sitting on a chair looking sinister)